Longest flare up: How long do your longest flare... - IBS Network

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Longest flare up

Hazel260uk profile image
26 Replies

How long do your longest flare up lasted? I have had high abdominal pains for nearly 3 months now more or less everyday without feeling particularly bloated or constipated. Has anyone experienced something similar?

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Hazel260uk profile image
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26 Replies
diosa profile image

I think it's just different for every person! I don't really have flare ups as such, just a more constant issue so I only have the occasional 'good day'. I have a friend who gets problems 2-3 days every few months.

If it's something completely new to you it may be worth seeing the doctor to try and identify what may have caused a change?

Hazel260uk profile image

Yes it is new. Before it was the occasional flare ups mainly caused by eating the wrong food but now it sounds more like what you experience. I ve seen different GPs and theykeep changing meds which none of them work, i ve had a scan and a blood test for gallbladder and liver for which I m still waiting for results but they seem to think it s IBS and I have to get on with it really... I ll keep trying... Thanks for your comment

Suzannes profile image

Hi this flare up I am having has lasted 6 weeks now mainly ibs d good for two days then start again does not seem to be diet related as I have kept a food diary been back and. Forth the dr not had a time like this for 13 years

JrdB profile image

I was put on a diet called Fodmap, after having an endoscopy and colonoscopy, which were clear. It is about eliminating all sorts of food groups. This did not help at all, it made things worse. Before I had flare ups then maybe several weeks between. Since finishing the diet my symptoms are not quite so violent but I have not had a single day without stomach pains soft stools and this has lasted now for nearly three months. I don't think my symptoms are food related. I have been advised to try Activia yogurts by my gastro consultant but I remain very sceptical!

missymo profile image
missymo in reply to JrdB

Me to!! I have just one second to rush to the loo or theres POO everywhere.TMI i know but i could cry!! I have to take immodium on a regular basis or i woulnt dare go out!!😢😢

Wild-cruiser profile image
Wild-cruiser in reply to JrdB

Activia makes me feel worse I have had my ibs flair up for 3 weeks now 😞

Brummie8095 profile image
Brummie8095 in reply to Wild-cruiser

Did it get better I am currently at three weeks, I am in such pain as I am sure you know looking for a glimmer of hope

hazelwh profile image

My most recent episode of IBS lasted three months; the longest ever. When i had this, I tried everything and nothing helped. Just had to wait for it to heal itself. Wouldn't hurt to try activia though. I kept trying different things.

Hazel260uk profile image

Have anyone tried Symprove? If yes where do you get it? What s the 'best' pain killer?

Hazel260uk profile image

Have anyone tried Symprove? If yes where do you get it? What s the 'best' pain killer?

scream profile image

hi ive been in agony for months now, and as my name suggests ive had some horrendous pains, im sitting with the hot water bottle strapped to the lower right side of my stomach.ive had a couple of stays in hospital for it and also had the camera up the back end, which came back as inflamation of the large bowel, im close to tears as i write this and i aint a soppy bloke, i take anti depressants, martazapine and quitiapine, the pain killers i take are tramadol, paracetamol, and gabapenton,also take mebeverine, anybody reading this post i would be gratefull if any tips on how to get some relief, im a fifty two year old male and at times im suicidle, many thanks

bobtache profile image
bobtache in reply to scream

I'm 61, and have been suffering everyday for a couple of months now, and wasn't finally diagnosed until last week. I have had occasions were I have been in so much agony I have been off work and nearly lost my job, and its not over yet. I'm finally back at work full-time Monday but I've no idea what I'll do if I'm doubled up again. I went out for an evening on Saturday, (wasn't easy and needed my g/f for support), as I hadn't been out for an evening in two months. You are not alone, the way I'm moving ahead is knowing that after my CT scan and other tests, I'm not gonna die because of this condition! Although I was hurting a bit today and I'm taking it easy, I'm happier about my condition and know its up to me, and only me, as the doctors are a waste of time. Bottom line, my stress was making it worse, I feel better know knowing about my condition and its up to me if I want to get on with my life. Nobody else knows your condition, some people think its all in your head anyway. I guess my cure is between MY ears alone.

IBSfromhell profile image
IBSfromhell in reply to bobtache

Yes!!!! Well said

asborne profile image
asborne in reply to scream

Hi scream, Justwondered how you were getting on. Its not an easy condition to deal with, hope your on the mend now. Your not on your own, Mine seems to be caused by some foods which didnt trouble me previously. Hard to sort out. Chin up and persevere

kryst_al21 profile image
kryst_al21 in reply to scream

I see your post is 2yrs old...I hope you have found help! Theyhave tired everything! with me the only thing that helps me day to day with the pain and the ibs D is vicodin its the only pain killer that doesn't back me up. I pray you are doing better!!! But if not please try vicodin! God bless you and you will be in my prayers because I do know the pain you deal with!

Yuckytummy profile image
Yuckytummy in reply to kryst_al21

Please don't take vicodin. It is ultimately making everything worse you don't think so because it relieve the pain. That's what I thought I took them for a spinal injury. I developed IBS because of the pain killer you also eating gluten and drinking alcohol and caffeine destroyed my stomach. Now I have flair up when I'm under a lot of stress and all you can do close your eyes and pray and breathe that you can just get through it without feeling like you're going to die. I've been up since 5 this morning throwing up with diarrhea been a lot of pain

IBSfromhell profile image
IBSfromhell in reply to scream

I feel for you brother. Suicide is not the way out though . Fight!!!

Wild-cruiser profile image
Wild-cruiser in reply to scream

I feel for you I have the same trouble although I have to start doing a good diary which I’ve never done wish I had now due to having a 3 week flare up.ibs is different for every body I find laying on your back in bed still helps me and ibuprofen and lots of water hope that helps pal .

Brummie8095 profile image
Brummie8095 in reply to scream

I am sorry, I am currently at three weeks I am in such pain because I have a disabled child my wife stays home and I have to work. What makes it worse I am a bus driver 44 and losing bowl control...Help

Please someone recognise this condition

Extremelygrumpy profile image

My ibs flare up is now in its 6th week I have bearable stomach cramps high up like I am having a stomach bug attack I eat then i have to run to the toilet am taking mebeverine and mintec tabs ... I take them they make the cramps worse after 4 days I am constipated I stop. Taking them the diahorrea immediately comes back am taking probiotic drink every morning and have cut out gluten , wheat all artificial sweetners and lactose ... I wake up with a nice soft stomach as soon as I eat I swell and my stomach is so hard ... With a pain under my rib cage from left to right.... I,ve hardly left the house in 6 weeks as when I have to go i really have to go... Waiting for results of stool sample.... So fed up and bored stiff of sitting in the bathroom. Have been symptom free for 11 years so this is a real surprise... I have been very stressed but the stupid thing is this flare up came after the stress was sorted... Reaction... Maybe.... But am finding it hard to deal with even though from reading this post I don't have it so bad as many of you and I feel guilty for moaning on here.

IBSfromhell profile image
IBSfromhell in reply to Extremelygrumpy

This helped me out. My stress is sorted as well but perhaps your body processes things when they are sorted, and stay strong whilst the stressful situation is ongoing(?)

loopylooroll profile image


I'd been ok and then 2 weeks ago I had 7 hours of hell, every 10 min I had to run to the loo.

no matter how soft the loo roll it felt like sandpaper. My normal is constipation sometimes with diarrhoea but not in anyway like that night. Pains like child birth, I had my gallbladder removed 18 years ago and unless it grew back it wasn't that. I was diagnosed as IBS/C two years ago after years(40) I'd had problems as a small child. I'm sure tomatoes are a weapon of mass destruction as I find more people like me.

We all need a good moan, we understand each other 100% and 90% of our day is hoping its better then yesterday.

I'v been signed off work for 2 weeks and I had already gone over my 8 days paid sick by one day. I just want to get to work in one piece and my office is next to the loo's.

Hope thing get better everyone.

S_apphire profile image

I'm still new on my journey with IBS and still trying to figure out my triggers. But the only thing I trust to use for the pain is medical cannabis. It actually takes away my pain, is natural, and it's a whole hell of a lot better on your body than any prescription pain pill. Cannabis is an anti inflammatory and I honestly couldn't recommend anything more. I live in California and have my medical card. I know not everyone is comfortable with cannabis, but if you can get past everything negative you've ever been told about marijuana, you'll discover that this plant and it's healing properties are incredible. Seriously, do some research on cannabis and IBS. Good luck to everybody out there, I hope you find relief!

IBSfromhell profile image

You poor thing! I am in the middle of my worst ever at about 9 days and I am losing it!!

Wild-cruiser profile image

I’m suffering with that now trapped wing style cramps in my left abdomen I have had ibs for years now but this has gone on for 3 weeks now usual symptoms

IBSfolifeiguess profile image

Is it gastritis?

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