Long flare up : How long has everyone's longest... - IBS Network

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Long flare up

Chloeeb profile image
23 Replies

How long has everyone's longest flare up lasted? I'm in my 5th week of one now, is this normal? Before now they would only last one or two days.

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Chloeeb profile image
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23 Replies
Makingthiswork profile image

Just been diagnosed so I'm no expert, but I've been having really strong symptoms for two months now. That's without any diet changes to reduce it. Hope yours ends soon, it's the worst!

Chloeeb profile image

I have also just been diagnosed! But I've knew I've had it for a long time! I don't get pain everyday but my appetite is not normal, is that normal? I hope yours ends soon too!

Magz5 profile image

Poor you, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Longest flare up I've had is 2 weeks, intermittent pain, no appetite, lethargy and very down. I really hope you feel better soon. Xx

Teal15 profile image

Hi, yes mine usually last about six weeks now!! What a pain isn’t it? I sympathise with you it’s horribke and affects your life so much, good luck.

Nicki1984 profile image

I think it depends what you are doing to manage your IBS and what your triggers are. Most people follow a low FODMAP diet when suffering with IBS. I take a daily probiotic and digestive enzymes. I have cut out wheat and dairy from my diet and avoid other triggers. I am currently looking into Candida as sugar is one of my triggers. It's all trial and error I'm afraid. X

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Nicki1984

Hi I am on FODMAP now for over 3 years and symptoms have worsened if I am honest in recent months. One suggestion was stress rather than food, the only stress is doing too much, getting involved with more hobbies as we are both retired! Have been on probiotics for several months and been recommended taking digestive enzyme and Enterosgel both I just bought. As you say its trial and error with foods.

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to sammysmum

My IBS is anxiety related and find counselling and meditation useful and anything else relaxing. But there are times I can't figure out what the trigger is which has led me to look into candida and other tests. Have not tried Enterosgel so would be interested to know how you get on with it. I find my IBS is also hormone related - it's worse during ovulation, period and first thing in morning (the stress hormone cortisol is higher in the morning). X

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Nicki1984

I am way past monthly problems but cannot be sure if some could be hormonal even now after hysterectomy 20 yrs ago. My mornings and evenings are worse than day time except if I get "cross contaminated" accidentally.

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to sammysmum

Have a look at candidatest.co.uk/


sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Nicki1984

Thank you.

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to sammysmum

Oh one more thing read up on magnesium - magnesium deficiency can lead to many health issues as well as other mineral deficiencies. I take a mineral supplement and use magnesium oil spray also Epsom salts in bath x

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Nicki1984

I wondered about that earlier this year but an allergy test showed I was ok. However it did not show some foods I know I have a problem with!

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to sammysmum

I don't think mineral deficiency would come up on an allergy test. I am presuming due to my IBS and limited diet that I'm likely deficient and magnesium has many benefits. Worth a try! Wishing you well x

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Nicki1984


sammysmum profile image

I had a flare up August last year and by November GP sent me for urgent coloniscopy as he thought cancer but thankfully not and revealed diverticulosis. I have had IBS for years. Thought is was food poisoning as we had eaten out but after 3 weeks GP said not. Still have flare ups no wiser as to cause. Taking probiotics, just bought enzyme and a friend suggested Enterosgel which I have not yet started. I think once we have these conditions sonething else starts up, hope I am wrong!

Gettingoldnow profile image
Gettingoldnow in reply to sammysmum

Hi there,I had a colonoscopy due to stomach problems like you diverticulosis,then ended up at A and E with what I thought something burst was in absolute agony .had stool test came back positive with H Poli .on triple therapy and loads better but now the bug has given me peptic ulcer but being treated.have ct scan booked in to see what damage by H Poli has done.like you say get rid of one and get another .hopefully things will calm down .and wish everyone not well a speedy recovery

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Gettingoldnow

Looked up H Poli stomach I can tick each one of the symptoms! On my next appt with nurse will suggest this test as its now getting intrusive on daily activities. Thanks for help.

Gettingoldnow profile image
Gettingoldnow in reply to sammysmum

Let's know how you get on .not sure if your in USA or uk .but if you need any advice let us know ok .

sammysmum profile image
sammysmum in reply to Gettingoldnow

In UK.

Gettingoldnow profile image

I had to tell my doc.i wanted one because they always palm you off with pain prescriptions and got an ultra scan as well.i think they new I were not happy lol.ultra scan checks kidneys,liver ,gallbladder etc.i had the all clear on that except insignificant poylops on gallbladder..my motto is if you are in pain something is causing it .so they as doctors should try and find out why. Because constant prescriptions cost a fortune .good luck .IBS means they don't know .so if all tests rule out everything it could be .then the diet is the next plan .

claire_louise profile image

I don't have flare ups anymore. Life is one long flare up and has been for over 2 years now. I get the occasional 'ok' day but most days the symptoms range from uncomfortable to excruciating. I feel for you but don't give up! There are always things that can be done.

missymo profile image

Closeburn. I.m off for MR I today mines flared up big time. The more we stress the more it goes on😢😢I. My going to have to take immodium to get through the scan.I feel for you I really do. X

Vallie profile image

I don't have flair ups, mine is constant. Apparently it is "functional diarrhoea" a sub category of IBS. I have very little pain and control it with one Imodium a day. I take an extra Imodium if I know I will be stressed, or eat something sugary or fatty. Only have problem if I have one Imodium too many and get constipated, then I have a little pain until I pass a stool. Not heard of many people the same as me!

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