Hi there. Does anyone have any advice for wind pain. I seem to be in a flare up of IBS D but have now started to get chest pains which seem to be wind as lots of gurgling. It’s quite scary but I’m sure it’s my IBS. I’ve had IBS for years and all the tests done but that was sometime ago! Many thanks Andy
Chest pain IBS D: Hi there. Does anyone have any... - IBS Network
Chest pain IBS D

Hi Andy,I have sometimes had sharp pains in my chest due to wind pains especially if I have been suffering a bout of ibs C.
In such circumstances I usually find taking Simethicone/Simethicone helps with wind discomfort.(Available in pharmacies eg Wind settlers) or Colpermin caps.During a flare-up too I tend to stick with bland diet nothing spicy/fatty until symptoms settle..usually for me around a week or so. Make sure you keep well hydrated. Also I find eating little but often helps me so avoid skipping meals if possible. It gets better.
Rennie Deflatine helps me best with wind. Usually available at the supermarket.
I have IBS D with most of my problems happening below the waist and mostly on the left side. When I get trapped wind though, it can radiate all over the place.
Sometimes I've not been aware of having trapped wind, gone to sleep happily, but wakened up at some point in the night with the most terrible stabbing pain through my chest to my upper back. It has felt like being "run through" with a knife or something. Right in the middle of my chest. This has gone on for a while, and I don't have acid reflux. I told the doctor. She listened to my heart, and said it was fine.
When it happens I just don't care any more what happens to me. I am so tired and go to sleep again when it goes. I wake up in the morning OK and don't get it in the day. I've no idea what it is and don't care. Life's too short and I'm not even scared
But trapped wind can feel truly awful and the pains can end up where you wouldn't expect them to be, so I'm not ruling that out as a possible reason.
I had trapped wind today mostly in lower gut and I think it affected my vagus nerve because my heart felt weird and I felt dizzy, shaky, slightly nauseous and got some anxiety. After eating some food grade peppermint oil with honey, it stopped and I was fine again! I went for a 2 mile walk.
Thank you for your reply! It’s an absolute nightmare sometimes as I’m trying to be normal for work and my wife and two boys. IBS can be so hard as it comes out of the blue too. Going back to a bland diet again and hopefully things improve. I wish you well with your symptoms
I know. IBS symptoms can suddenly come and go and it's impossible most of the time to tell what could have brought them on. I wish you well also. At least I am alone with things, but it must be tough for you, trying to be "normal" for your family, and having to go to work. At least I am retired. I really feel for you. A bland diet for a while could settle your tummy. It's worth trying!
Windeze and Deflatine work best for me; windsettlers if I'm going to walking around during the day(side effects if I'm just sitting in the office). Just google remedies for TRAPPED WIND - there's yoga exercises, massage, heating pad/hot water bottle, etc. I just keep on trying one thing after another until it finally subsides.