I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy on the 12th December 2016. The colonoscopy was extremely painful and I was told the reason for this was because it was a difficult turn in my colon. I had quite a lot of wind pain due to trapped wind. However, I was finally discharged from the hospital and told to take it easy for the rest of the day, which I did. Since having this procedure I have not felt well I have had recurrent bouts of diarrhoea, sometimes going up to ten times a day. I telephoned the hospital 4 days later to be told I probably had a tummy bug and was told to phone an out of hours doctor if the condition worsened. I managed to get through the night and because I had not got any worse I consulted my local pharmacy, who gave me anti diarrhoea capsules, which contain loperamide,hydrochloride. This did help to alleviate the diarrhoea after 4 tablets. I then became constipated for a few days and then the diarrhoea started again and I had to start with the tablets again, which stopped it. I went to my doctors for the results of the procedures to be told that nothing could be found other than gastritis and I had been given medication for this. I told my doctor about the diarrhoea and she said if it continued to go back and see her. At the time of my visit to the doctor I felt okay and not had diarrhoea for a couple of days. However, I have had really bad diarrhoea twice since seeing my doctor. I have resumed the tablets again and I am going to go back to see my doctor again. I wondered if anyone else out there has had the same problems and how this was dealt with. I am getting really fed up with this and I certainly will not be having a colonoscopy again!
Problems after Colonoscopy: I had a colonoscopy... - IBS Network
Problems after Colonoscopy

I had a colonoscopy and had no problems, found out I had colitis which I control by diet. I also suffer with gas and air in my tummy which causes bloating. Anyway best of luck in sorting it out
Is the diarrhoea just like brown water? If so, please ask your Doctor to send away a stool sample ..............you REALLY must do this to eliminate a certain infection. Don't be fobbed off. Good luck.
I think you hold ask the hospital why you are getting this diarrhea. I had to hav mcolon removed eventually which now means Inge permanent diarrhea and gave to take medication ie' loperamide and co-phenotrope for th rest of my life. I have also lost a lot of weight because of it. Done times I think all these procedures can make matters worse. I often wish I hadn't had my colon removed but you accept their advice and there's no going back unfortunately. I would say try and get the diarrhea sorted and then leave well alone.
Hi jim56 patricia here I agree with you one of those colonscopy is more than enough when I got my it was extremely painfull I all most nealy never went through with it I will never have another one not for a gold clock but they had to find out why I was never far from a toilet with spasms so bad & now I have celiac disease & my sister has divicurtistis which she takes loperamide so she can have a bit of a life & move out so no more horrible tests for me just suffer with what I have & keep in control of it thats all we can all do manage these horrible automunne diseases take care patricia
I would wonder how sterile the procedure is. If the Hospital are doing lots of theses tests , is it not possible for one persons bugs to be still on the tube and be transferred to another patient. I did read somewhere that this is a possibility.
If it is a possibility you might indeed have picked up a bug.
Generally I would agree with living with the condition if possibly and keeping away from invasive procedures, unless absolutely essential.
Thank you all for your comments. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow.
Go to a new gastroenteroligist. Ask to do all tests on stool sample. You may have c-drficil or? Also ask for SIBO home test if the stool,tests don't show results. Good luck.