Emetophobia & Colonoscopy. : Hi, I am Just... - IBS Network

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Emetophobia & Colonoscopy.

Loulabelle1709 profile image
10 Replies


I am Just found out that i am due a colonoscopy. I am terrified. Not sure the proceeduee but for the prep. I have a severe phobia of sickness & diarrhoea. Is there something that I can request via the hospital or to do myself to ensure I can make it as less brutal as I think it will be? Thank you

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10 Replies
missymo profile image

You do it at home lou labelled. It's not painful but very tiring sitting on the loo!! Good luck.x

Scr1969 profile image

Morning - firstly please try and not worry, the process is just like drinking loads of fluid and then going to the toilet more than normal - its not like when you have a sickness bug. Strangely enough when i finished the treatment i felt like i had been for a full deep clean and surprisingly well if a little weak. - you can also add some cordial - orange, blackcurrent to help when taking the solution.

Unfortunately its something we all have to complete if we want a succesful colonoscopy - which again is nothing to worry about - stay calm and keep thinking it will all be over very soon and you can start to move forward. Good Luck

pajohns profile image

I have a bit of a phobia of sickness but what helped me was reminding myself that this was for a good reason and on purpose. It's really not anything like a sick bug. The worst part about it for me was the taste of the stuff. The one they gave me (not sure if there's different ones) had this really horrid artificial vanilla taste added, yuk. Once it got going through it was easy enough. Like having a wee from the other end, nice and easy.

Try to relax and have someone you trust around for some company but obviously not when you're actually on the loo 😆🙈

AgedCitizen profile image

In the prep phase you take a powder mixed with water (sometimes prescribed as an emulsion), and this will loosen the waste and you will have to spend a little time in the loo until your bowel is emptied . Its not at all like sickness from a bug, and ive had this routine many times now and never been "sick" at all.

As for the colonoscopy, i think different services do things slightly differently , but our hospital give you a mild sedative so you are wide awake for the procedure , which is totally painless. In fact , it was quite interesting watching the camera traveling through the bowel as my team always face the monitor towards the patient so you can see what is happening . If you dont fancy it - just close your eyes . It only takes a few minutes to complete and is completely painless, but the cup of NHS tea is very welcome after .

Having had this procedure several times over the years, i can honestly say there s nothing to worry about and is totally pain free.

SnooW profile image

I've had this procedure for a reason other than IBS. Admittedly you do have to stay near the loo as once the drink works there is little warning, but I too suffer emetophobia and will do anything to avoid feeling or being sick - the drink did not make me feel sick, and nor did the emptying of the bowels - defo not like a tummy bug. Just a damned nuisance as you can't be far from the loo. Make sure you drink a glass of water for each bowel movement, as that helps keep you from getting dehydrated and headachy. You do it at home on the day before the procedure and will have to do a plain little diet for a day or two beforehand too, (they give you details of that), to gradually empty the bowel before the actual prep. The procedure was over quickly - I was sedated but vaguely aware, and I couldn't have cared less! Lol! I'd say at most a little uncomfortable, not painful, and I chose not to watch the screen - think I'd have fallen asleep anyway! Was left to recover in another room, then given a cuppa and a biscuit. I had no after effects either, although didn't have a bowel movement for a couple of days if I remember correctly which was rather novel! Try not to worry - I'm the worst worrier for any procedure and I have to admit it was not half as bad as I thought it would be. x

Sweeney230 profile image

Hello, I recently had a colonoscopy too and have a real fear of having diarrhoea and panic when I get stomach cramps.

I was surprised at how I felt once the prep started to work. It’s not an intense pain but just an sensation of pressure in your bum and you know you need to go! I would highly recommend using Vaseline on you bum before you start going and then after each bowel movement, this really stops you getting sore.

Just drink at a steady pace, don’t gulp it too quickly as apparently that can sometimes make you feel sick. Add cordial and that does help although mine had a lemon flavour already.

Please try not to worry, it really wasn’t as bad as I’d built it up to be. Good luck.

Loulabelle1709 profile image
Loulabelle1709 in reply to Sweeney230

I didn't realise my phobia spread as far as the upset stomach side until they told me about the prep that needed doing. i just thought i was a little anxious when my stomach cramps etc. Thank you though =0)

Loulabelle1709 profile image

Thank you all very much for the reassurance. Am currently tucked up in my bed at home in the midst of a pretty impressive flare up (for whatever reason causes me to have them) and its safe to say at this moment in time I just want it done as the pain etc right now is a lot to try to take.

Loulabelle1709 profile image

A little update after my flare up yesterday and this week doctor wants me to do a “clear out” this weekend without the colonoscopy to see if this helps with the pain etc. I am terrified especially since i have not been able to do the prep before the prep. I am very hungry this morning but not wanting to eat as feel I am just adding to it. Any suggestions to what supplies I should get in before it all starts??

pajohns profile image

This sounds like a good plan. Get yourself a big jug to make it all an and a glass. Have a magazine or something that you can put down and a friend or family member to talk to. It's honestly not bad at all when you get going more irritating than anything. Keep in mind that after the clear out your probably going to feel a lot better. You just need to do it to realise. Good luck.

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