I have suffered with IBS-M for 60 years with UC for 30 years. Over the past 6 months the wind has been getting worse. I wake up in the middle of the night with such pains, getting out of bed to make a visit to the toilet is very uncomfortable until I pass the wind which is very explosive and obviously embarrassing. I take a mint capsule daily but not sure if this is helping. My diet is gf and df with no onions, mushrooms. I find it doesn’t really matter what I eat, as soon as my digestive system is switched on, after breakfast, I get loud tummy noises and pressure to visit the toilet. Can anyone give me advice of what else to try? I take Bettervits probiotics, meberine and sometimes Buscopan. Thank you.
EXCESSIVE WIND: I have suffered with IBS-M for... - IBS Network

Could be the probiotics. You may have increased gut bacteria causing excess gas, I'd stop them for a while and see if things improve
Thank you. I thought probiotics were to replace good gut bacteria but maybe I’m wrong. Will try stopping taking them for a couple of weeks and see if things improve.
Probiotics and Prebiotics help to balance bacteria, but it depends on how many strains you are taking. some people needs lots of strains of different bacteria's some don't need so many. I was taking 15 strains for years and always had wind and diarrhea, then I did more research and realised I didn't need all those strains. Now I take only 6 strains which are the right strains for me. I know I need some because if I stop them altogether, my guts are terrible. I've been loads better since taking these 6 strains, no diarrhea, very little wind and 99% regular. It takes time to work out what your guts need. Stopping the probiotics might be too much for your guts, it might be best to assess whats in them and try alternatives.
Thank you for this info. I wouldn’t know where to start with looking at these strains, it’s beyond me. Do I take each ingredient and read about it?
Well....yes basically. I found that I might be Histamine Intolerant see some time ago, so I read about each strain I was taking in my Probiotics and found that about 10 of them were no good for Histamine Intolerance and actually made me worse. This was exacerbating my IBS symptoms so I searched high and low and found some that only had 6 stains, made a list of the strains and studied them individually and found they didn't make Histamines build up in my body. I didn't hold out much hope at first but thought I had nothing to lose as I seemed to be feeling ill every 3 or 4 days, and after a few weeks I was feeling much better. I also cut out some foods which were high in Histamines like Tomatoes, Tinned Fish, processed foods which I don't eat much of anyway, this was hard as I'd already cut out many foods over the years that caused IBS flare ups, but as the months have gone on, about 6 months now, I've found my guts are even better and I am able to eat the odd thing that I had to cut out years ago. As long as I don't over do it that is. You might not have the same thing, I only realised it by chance really. It might be better in your case to drop to a probiotic that has less strains and see how you go, you can always go back to more if you think you need them. Read reviews and see what other people think.
I kind of know what you mean. Only I let out a lot of wind after I have woken up in the morning....every morning, without fail. I am not embarrassed because fortunately there's no one else in my house, and they are not smelly at all. Just like air but very noisy!
It started with my IBS about 5 years ago. It doesn't matter what I eat, it's the same every day. Then I go the whole day with not even one tiny toot. except perhaps a few hours after dinner when I might let out 2 or 3 but tiny ones and nothing like the mornings.
It seems to all want to come out at once after getting up in the morning.
I'm used to it now. But if trapped wind happens that's painful. If I get that, mine does release and pass though it hurts while it's deciding to !
I wish I had a "cure" to tell you for the wind but I haven't I'm afraid. You are already trying many things. I do wonder if Rennie Deflatine might help?
If I got trapped wind when I was a child my mother would give me a cup of steaming hot boiled water and put one or two drops of food grade peppermint oil in it, and I'd sip it and it helped I remember.
Thank you. I will look at Rennie Deflatine and see what I think.
Interesting discussion about probiotics. I take Alflorex which consists of one strong strain at 1 billion CFU. The Bifdobacterium in it also supresses gas forming bacteria, so perhaps the balancing benefits without the wind?
More information about gas and bloating here:
sorry to hear that the wind is so excessive and painful. I find that mint gives me more wind. Maybe try without that for awhile?
Unfortunately, some people seem to be more prone to wind than others. My cousin does not have IBS but does have constant and excessive wind. It seems to be a problem in my family.
Have you spoken to your GP? My GP prescribed omezaprole which has improved these symptoms but not removed them. Hope you find something that can help
Thanks. No I haven’t actually said how bad it is but it was the dr that suggested a daily mint capsule.
I too suffer this problem, mainly in the evening and at night. I am 74 female and also take peppermint capsules to try and help. I was prescribed buscapan.
In the last year it has got so much worse and I just have to release it otherwise my stomach tightens. Even sitting on the toilet causes me to pass wind badly.
If I go out (not often now), I try to eat bland food but nothing works.
I feel for you. It’s embarrassing and upsetting. It seems ok for men to fart but not women.
Sorry not much help but you’re not alone.
Hi there I have tried pills with simeticone in them. Windeze were the best but they don't make them any more. I used Dr Bloat on line they have activated charcoal and simeticone. Also fresh ginger tea is very good. I just put fresh ginger in a little tea strainer in hot water. You could see if the Dr would prescribe amitriptyline that helps my IBS (not sure about wind though). I don't eat onions, garlic, peas , any brassicas, mushrooms, any processed food like tin soup as they all have onion powder in it which was invented by the devil!! Look at high FODMAP food and see what other foods make you have bad wind, there's loads. I hope this may be helpful. Good luck xx
I think Mebeverine makes it worse. I don’t eat much bread. I have peppermint tea or ginger tea after each meal. I take wind setler or Windeze tablets if I feel bloated after a meal. I hope some of those help you.
good luck. I have much the same problems. I was prescribed Mebeverin but my doctor admitted it could cause wind and bloating. Bananas sometimes help me, although I take them for restless legs not IBS.
"Wind" is a nice word, and I understand your situation. My windstorms seem to increase and decrease for no apparent reasons. Although beans have an obvious effect. The one thing I have found that helps more than anything you can buy, is homemade kombucha tea. The store bought kind doesn't have anywhere near the helpfulness. Although, it can be used a starter culture. Whenever I get lazy and stop making a gallon a week, the gut reminds me to get busy. Maybe it's just for being fresher, or unflavored, but it has become an interesting little hobby. I bottle mine in re-usable glass bottles with the swing top caps. So that is a secondary fermentation, and makes each batch take two weeks. One week primary in my old one gallon pickle jar, and one week secondary in bottles. There is no need to buy any special kits. Just black tea, white sugar, and a big glass jar.
I have visions of your home full of ‘tea’ bottles. I find sugar irritates my IBS so not sure about this.
From experience the only thing that works are antibiotics. Excess wind gave me a permanent long loopy distended bowel . The gas would not improve until antibiotics were given. Excess gas shows bad bacteria have taken over and they are feeding on sugars and carbs causing excess fermentation. Don't worry about antibiotics killing good bacteria. You can build that up once baddies have gone. Do also ask for a scan of your gallbladder . I am also better without mine.