Hi, ive been diagnosed with IBS about 4 years ago but for the past couple of days ive been waking up feeling full and sick. Just feeling really sick not actually being sick. Does this resonate with anyone? I am worried because i am not hungry and usually i cant stop thinking about when im next going to eat!!
Advice: Hi, ive been diagnosed with IBS about... - IBS Network

There's a range of things, could be GERD. I sometimes wake up feeling full of air and burps, then feel nauseous after breakfast. Then that disappears ...sucking peppermints ( not loaded with artificial sweetener) or mintec helps.
Are you constipated?
Hi no, last night was rough though, bad stomach pains followed by diarrhoea.
Suffering much the same. Have been travelling and I’m sure I had food poisoning although this seemed to calm down once I stuck to water and dry toast. However as an IBS-D sufferer I have no idea if this has gone because the D has r returned at night. No fun being on the loo and missing out on sleep. Had to resort to Imodium which I am worried is masking something else. I’m at a loss as to what to eat. Need to get back on track soon.
The question from edwangy is an interesting one. If you are constipated you might also have a build up of gases, which might explain the fullness and the nausea, since trapped gas can cause nausea (also without constipation). You could try Rennie Deflatine, which disberses gas bubbles, to see if that helps. GERD/acid reflux as Andann says is also a possibility, since if the valve between the stomach and the throat is weak, it can allow stomach contents to flow into the oesophogus when you lie down. I used to find GERD worse when constipated due to the build up of pressure in the system. Perhaps chat all this through with your GP. If it is GERD, you may find raising the head of the bed by 20cm/8" using bed risers from the internet, useful. This helps to keep stomach contents in place overnight.
You may be caught in a vicious circle. The more you worry and constantly think about food and nausia the more sick you feel so the .ore you think about it, and who can blame you! I was caught up like this and the burping is classic. I'm sorry I have no answer. Lansoprazole helped me, but we are all different.
From what you said I wonder if what you're feeling right now could just be a passing thing like a bit of a tummy bug or reaction to something you ate? As you said this only happened in the last few days and then later you got pains and diarrhoea?
It might just ease up now if so. Having IBS doesn't mean we can't get the other stuff too sometimes. It can be hard to tell what's what when we have IBS.
But yes, occasionally, especially in the past I would sometimes wake up in the very early morning feeling sick and shaky. That hasn't happened for a good while, but I do remember it. When I got up and had a tea (camomile or peppermint usually) I would start to feel a bit better, then as the day went on I wasn't too bad, and had a good appetite for dinner later. That always shows me it's more likely to be an IBS thing than a bug or something.
probably low Magnesium , what would cure you
yes it does. I often feel slightly nauseous, not sick but it is there most of the time sort of in the background even when I’m not having a diarrhea attack. Will see my doctor next month and ask about it. Will post what I can find out from her.