I have IBS-C and usually go a few times in the day to the toilet but it’s a big struggle to go and it’s always incomplete, hence the reason I have to keep going through the day. However, for about 4 days now Ive felt completely different and it’s almost like I have constipation and diarrhoea at the same time. At certain points, usually as soon as I finish eating or as soon as I even put food in to my body I start feeling sick and my stomach feels cramped and weird and then I keep having to go to the toilet and my stool is loose but then it doesn’t all come out at once, I have to keep going back again. Im just confused as this doesn’t usually happen, it’s normally just constipation and it seems to be as soon as food goes into my stomach, does anyone know what could be causing it/have any tips to stop it happening as it’s making me feel reallly sick and unwell
What’s happening to me?: I have IBS-C and... - IBS Network
What’s happening to me?

I don’t know why your symptoms have changed but what you describe has happened to me recently.
On Saturday evening I went up to bed but didn’t make it to the bathroom. I let out very wet fart which wrecked my underpants.
I sat on the toilet for ages but nothing more came despite feeling like it was there. The feeling passed so I went to bed. Twenty minutes later I was rushing to the bathroom and just made it to pass a very loose movement.
I has to put a nappy on for fear of a major accident which kind of ruined the evening for me.
I’ve had it like this before but not often. I wonder if it is related to anxiety with things opening up again. I desperately need a haircut but dread the thought of going into town
It's probably overflow. The soft stuff pushing past the hard stuff!
Same here I started having serious problems after stopping citalopram i'd been taking for a while. It's been a couple of months now, since november, sometimes better, sometimes worse but it can be like that for 2 weeks. Sometimes just not being able to, or not doing it completely, sometimes with bits of liquid rushes in between, I just feel so exhausted and miserable. When I don't poop at all for more than a week, I take some laxatives but lately they don't really work. I can sit and wait for hours trying to relax and it can be so frustrating... Especially now, with going back to work in a small company with not very isolated toilet 😔 had 0 problems with digestion before antidepressants and now I'm afraid it will keep being like this. Seems like when I eat lots of home made veggie soups, oats and dried fruits it only gets worse but I don't know anymore, have been trying everything. If I have a few beers or ice coffee, pain is horrible in my while abdomen for couple of days and I'm stuck between puking, constipation and diarrhea.
Seems similar to something I had, turned out to be an obstruction and the backing up effect . My stool was either spongy or hard as rock .
Sometimes when you get constipation loose stools or watery stools seep past the compacted faeces and you need to go to the toilet urgently but the compacted waste is still there. You need a fairly strong laxative to get rid of everything that's in the bowel. Might take several days of treatment. The feeling of sickness after or while eating is an indication of constipation and a full bowel. Once clear you will be okay. If you can speak to your doctor he/she may be able to prescribe the correct laxative for you.
I had this and pain was really bad, my doc recommended taking laxedo a powder that you mix with water, it cleared the obstruction after a few days. It was too strong though so after a week I went on to Movicol Half and now take this when needed.
This happens to me sometimes. It usually something I ate or a new supplement I'm trying. Also, it happens when I by mistake stray from the low FODMAP diet.I'm sorry for what you're going through. I feel your frustration and pain.
You could have SIBO. I recommend a product called Antrantil. I just finished a round of it. It works well for bloating and change in bowel habits.
Thank you for your comment. Do you know how I go about finding out whether or not i have SIBO?
There are breath tests that you can do at your physician's office but it's so difficult to get a doctor to be on your side for this since a lot of doctor's are uninformed about this issue. Also, it's not always an accurate determinate of the condition because you could have methane dominant SIBO which is not detected with a hydrogen breath test. Look up the symptoms online and give yourself a diagnosis. People with IBS, especially IBS-C like you and I have a higher predisposition to SIBO. It's because of our hindered motility that bacteria sits and creates toxic gas in our colon which creates the changes in bowel habits. Atrantil worked for me but I also did a round of Biocidin along with it at first. There are other herbal anti-microbials out there as well but I trust Biocidin and Atrantil based on personal results. Also, I always take a binder like GI-Detox along with the anti-microbials to offset the die-off symptoms. I recommend doing some research and educating yourself on it. I wish you luck in your journey with this. Also, I wish you peace and comfort.
One thing I have learned after having IBS for about forty years is it never stays the same. Sometimes it's ibsd sometimes ibsc and sometimes BOTH. Sounds strange, but then it's a strange annoying problem. I have gone through several phases, some not too bad, some really bad. What you eat also has a bearing on symptoms, but it's so confusing and misleading. What more can I say? It's an awful problem to have.