So I've had IBSD for 6 years. I was on loads of meds to start with but after carefully controlling my diet and anxiety I only take loperimide about twice a week now. Within the last 6 months I've started suffering from constipation and really bad Nausea and feeling like am going to be sick. The doc put me on lanzoprazole but so far it's doing nothing. Obviously constipation treatments scare me due to the frequency that I still loperimide but the constipation is giving me headaches and I dont seem to be getting anywhere with the doctors. Any advice is welcome. Thank you
Confused any advice welcome : So I've had IBSD... - IBS Network
Confused any advice welcome

Have you tried dulcoease? It's not a laxative (which I avoid like the plague), but just draws more water into your stool, making it easier to pass.
Hi there, I also suffer with the Constipation and read someone's post on here regarding Golden Linseed and soaking it in water. I soak approximately a tablespoon of Golden Linseed in around a half a mug of water and leave it to soak for an hour then consume. It doesn't really taste of much but it does work gently - there is no urgency to go to the toilet and there are no side effects whatsoever.
Re nausea; really feel for you here as I suffer with Emetophobia which makes me feel much worse when I get nausea with IBS. Luckily for me the nausea at the moment seems to have subsided but when I do get it I take a travel sick tablet which seems to work quite well - I take Stugeron (I live in the UK). Re Emetophobia; I have now bought a self help book called the Thrive Programme and there are amazing reviews and someone on here has successfully cured themselves by following the programme.
Best of luck and hope that your IBS calms down soon - we all understand on here.

Thanks for your reply. I was taking sturgeon but it makes really sleepy but it does work. Linseed used to work for me but I stopped taking some of my meds and it stopped working as well as it did.
I agree that Stugeron can make you sleepy but I find it's worth taking to stop feeling nauseous. What a shame that Linseed doesn't work so well for you now as it's so natural. Do you drink water and exercise as both are very good for constipation?

Drink loads yes. Exercise is difficult for me because impact stomach exercises cause my diarrhoea quite badly so I need to be careful
It's good that you drink loads. Have you thought about cycling either out on the road or static cycling in the home? Reason for mentioning this is because I love power walking and am also a cyclist (my exercise is going to change a fair bit now as I have left work so need to work out when I am going to cycle and where as I used to cycle to work). When I cycle I find that I don't suffer as much with constipation but I can't power walk much as it plays havoc with my tummy and I have more urgency to use the toilet. I am researching more into diet to see what I need to cut down/cut out but I worked out a long time ago that I can't eat sweetcorn, raw onions or raw carrots at all but I can eat very small amounts of broccoli. I have a feeling also that oats don't like me so I have bought some organic gluten free oats.
I wish you the very best of luck and hope that you start to feel better very soon.