My husband has had explosive diarrhea since mid February. After blood tests, stool samples, colonoscopy, and more stool samples, they are not able to determine what is causing the diarrhea. The doctor has prescribed Cholestyramine. Has anyone had experience with this medication and did it help?
Cholestyramine: My husband has had explosive... - IBS Network

Yes, it is common medication to take after having your gallbladder removed. I had a sick gallbladder and was removed a couple of years ago. I started having diarrhea a couple of times a week. I take 2 scoops of the cholestyramine powder dissolved in a glass of water everyday. I had a response to taking it within 2 days and diarrhea quit. I know some people have to take the powder before every meal. The powder doesn't really have any flavor and sure beats having diarrhea.
hi I have taken one sachet a day since having my GB removed seven years ago and I couldn’t be without it. It’s changed my life.
I hope it works well for you too
Yes, I take this medication. I have dealt with IBS-D since my teens but after having my gall bladder out several years ago it was 10 times worse. My doctor tried Cholestyramine and it has been a life saver. I use the powder and mix with water. I take it daily and I now have normal daily movements. Occ I will have diarrhea but it’s usually do to diet or stress. No side effects but I take other meds so I have to plan them around it. Must take regular meds either 1 hr before or 4 hrs after. Hope it works for your husband too.
I take cholesterol 2x 3 times a day . Yes it helps with frequency and to some extent with the diarrhoea but not solved the problem completely but makes the condition more manageable. The suspicion is it bile salts malabsorption.
I was diagnosed with Bile Acid Malabsorption...I take 6 colesevelam 625mg tablets daily and it has been a complete life changer for me. Along with ensuring 38g of fiber daily (I thought I had a balanced, healthy diet before, but 38g fiber is a stretch!)
I don't know the pros and cons of cholestyramine or colesevelam....but I know I had to go to my GP to get my dose upped and that eventually was the biggest improvement I had found for years...I hope your husband has a similar experience.
I have previously taken Cholestyramine twice a day for diahorrea and loose stools which I couldn’t control, I was poorly with it from April 2022 until June 2023. It worked for me initially for quite a few months but then it made matters worse for me. I found this medicine was difficult to manage with all my other medications but definately made a positive change in the beginning. Once I got my official diagnosis in September 2023, i no longer needed it. I am sure it would make a difference to your husband especially whilst having any investigations to find the cause. It personally sounds like bile acid malabsorption and there is a special test for this condition. I was diagnosed with a type of colitis but only found after two colonoscopies, the second of which they took lots of biopsies. After suffer diahorrea for a long time I finally got some answers. Hope this is helpful and hope your husband improves soon
just started this last week. It’s a miracle worker ! Just don’t know why it took doctors and dietitian to recommend. My gastroenterologist pinpointed it straight away as BAM. It’s changed my life already. Try it