Sorry for keep posting on here but does anyone get pain above belly button and all over right side ribs after a bowel movment pain can last a few hours to nearly all day i have ibs and bam sometimes the pain is so intense any advice on wat it could be could it be inflammation
Pain on right side : Sorry for keep posting on... - IBS Network
Pain on right side

Might want to get checked for diverticulitis.
Been asking docs for more investigations but not getting anywhere all am getting is its your ibs playing up , and i am saying no its something more i know my ibs pain and this pain is different
Have you had a colonoscopy? Could give you additional information.
I had a colonoscopy in 2016 and a pill can thing done in 2018 came back as problematic and symptomatic ibs but doctors are still going off these results saying u have had this done that done but am like yeah it was years ago things can change over the years
What is a pill can thing?
I am frm the uk 🇬🇧 a pill cam is u swallow a little camera and wear this machine over u and the camera takes loads of images off your stomach intestines all the images go on to the machine that goes over u with a strap hangs down by waist just a little box thing then the gastroenterologist looks at all the images and get results a few weeks later