I have ibs had all tests done for gallbladder and liver all fine but have pain in upper right side anybody else have this problem ??
Pain in upper right side : I have ibs had all... - IBS Network
Pain in upper right side

Stricture ie narrowing of the gut?
Had my gallbladder removed years ago but developed a pain (not agony but quite uncomfortable and very noticeable at times) in my upper right side. My GP kept putting it down to anxiety and/or IBS. Eventually he gave in and referred me to Gastro had an endoscope and found I have a sliding hiatus hernia. No action required just eat small meals.
Hi I have this to just told it's part of my symptoms of ibs which is what they put everything down too
How far up is the pain? Mine is a bit lower than my belly button and to the right. It travels all the way round to my spine. I can find it difficult to stand after sitting. I have had colonoscopy, CAT scanns and nothing shows up. Then it will all go away. I had not had any pains for 12 months, now its back again. Its a pest and I put all my effort into pushing through the pain.
Have the tests you've had done included a HIDA scan, which checks how well your gallbladder is functioning? I've had something similar intermittently for a year now, ultrasound/blood tests/colonoscopy all normal but eventually the consultant sent me for one of these scans which has shown that my gallbladder is only functioning at 25% (depending what you read, about 30% and above is normal).
And I didn't know (until my consultant told me recently) that ultrasounds don't always detect gallstones, so an MRI scan is sometimes needed, too, to eliminate microscopic gallstones.
Even after the gall bladder is removed you can still get small stones/grit pasing through the common bile duct on it's way to the stomach, which is very painful. My IBS gives me pain in the same area, I have no gall bladder and have been extensively investigated. Unfortunately for me I will have to find a way to deal with it. I wish you relief from your symptoms.
Yes!!! I had that problem about six years ago. I also underwent tests for gallbladder and liver. A friend of mine who is a nutritionist said pain on the upper right side indicated an allergy and asked if I had any food allergies. I have a mild dairy allergy, (diagnosed by hospital) so she told me to stop dairy. The pain went away once I removed dairy from my diet. I have it occasionally now (maybe once or twice a month) and the pain hasn't returned. I also noticed I couldn't digest fatty food very well but that has gone too.
This sounds like ileocecal valve syndrome, please look this up, it's easily fixed with no medications required