Hi I have not slept well tonight, since 3:30/4am I have a pain high in my tummy under my ribs right side sort of just under where your bra sits and my tummy is a little grumbly. I noticed a small on/ off pain there earlier and thought it might be trapped wind. I have ibs and have been struggling with constipation this week, I also have reflux. I also have a slight pain lower down right side which I know is my bowels.
Pain in ribs right side: Hi I have not slept... - IBS Network
Pain in ribs right side

Hi I have the same pain you have and learned I have a duodenal ulcer and an inflamed esophagus from silent acid reflux. I had a barium swallow test and an endoscopy to confirm what was causing this. You sound like you need some more tests. Hope you feel better soon.
It sounds like your gall bladder if the pain is under your ribs. I'd recommend you go to your GP asap. If you live in the UK you'll probably be sent for an ultrasound scan.
Good luck
Hiya huni I've had the same pain for over a year and everything I ate I would constantly run to the loo which lasted over 20 weeks after lots of investigations my results were that I have multiple polyps in my gallbladder and my liver is enlarged.. the consultants have regularly kept on eye on the polyps being sent for an ultrasound every 6 months... as the pain is unbearable most days I've been referred to the upper GI specialists to talk to them about having my gallbladder removed... still waiting to hear.. please get it checked out😊
Hi, what symptoms did you have I am having all sorts of pains and not sure if it's related, I also suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and im a single parent . I can't get a doctors appointment for 2 weeks and this is the second night of laying awake with pain, I have been fine all day with no pain until 1030 pm when I'd had a yoghurt about 15 minutes before. Starting to worry and freak out a little.
Hiya my symptoms were very similar to yours I was going to the toilet after everything I ate excuse me saying this but ran right through me 5 minutes after food, a severe dull pain that's always there sometimes the pain is unbearable then others it's just there if that makes sense.. tired all the time no energy.. I find that a lot of things with dairy can set me off I have to watch what I eat now.. the waiting for an appointment I can honestly say is appalling having to wait that long.. do you work Hun? I was just wondering if it's worth you trying to phone in a morning to get in for that day or see if there's a cancellation at all... I'm a single parent to that's hard work on its own 😘
Hi, I'm not going to the toilet after every meal, I'm constipated more than anything. Did you find anything that helps, I'm using a hot water bottle and paracetamol but I don't think it's doing much. Yesterday I was busy and not much appetite I have a bowl of Rice Krispies, 2 pieces of buttered toast, a med McDonald's chips, 2 buttered part bake rolls and a yoghurt all ok until the yoghurt. I'm 5'2 and just under 8stone. I had a camera down about 3/4 years ago due to chest pain and they said I had a pocket of tenacious bile due to acid reflux and gave me meds which I still take, but this pain is different. I do work but on holiday at the moment haven't gone away thank god, supposed to be going on a day trip tomorrow my 2 boys are looking forward to it but I'm not now. Will try drs again today.
To be honest huni after the spout of running to the loo that lasted just over 20 weeks I did suffer with constipation which is the norm really for me it was the irregularity in my bowel movements,the weight loss and the pain that prompted me to go to the doctors...about 2 years ago I was suffering with acid reflux to I had an endoscopy and was told it was due to me food not properly digesting.. is the pain like a stitch / dull ache ? Awww Hun I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering try and enjoy your day out tomorrow.. hope the weathers good for you..I would just keep trying them be a nuisance keep ringing until they give you an earlier appointment xx
All that fat in your diet isn't helping. Stay away from Mcdonalds that will do it right there. If your using pure butter ok if not margarine isn't good for you or hydrogenated oils of any kind I use pure butter and olive oils, rice brand , or grape seed oil or organic coconut. I have cleared up a lot with just watching my diet. Just a thought for you to consider take or leave it. Just want to help
Sounds like gallbladder I had a sludges up one a couple of years ago and went to a naturalpathic doc she got it better with diet and natural herbs etc. no surgery needed. We flushed it out. I had pain like your discribing..
Hi I also had my gallbladder tested and nothing shows. My dr. keeps saying it's gallbladder but everything negative. What tests did you dr. Run? Thanks
Hiya Nanny.. my doctor did bloods .. felt round my abdomen and ribs because of the symptoms I had he sent me straight for an ultrasound which detected the polyps and enlarged liver x
They did and a ultrasound and blood test and said my gallbladder was sludged up. I went to a naturalpathic doctor one that deals with holeistic type medicine she had me on a special diet and tincture tea etc. cleared it right up. I had the same pain you described but if test are coming out neg I might get a second opinion some where or it might be what others have posted.
Sorry to hear about your pain. Your gall bladder is located in that area, and you would of course need a professional examination to determine that. Try to have it checked asap, if only to rule it out.
Just in case it is the gall bladder, many doctors believe a gall bladder is unnecessary and have them removed, Naturapathic Doctors believe the opposite.
Either way, please do try to see a health professional to put your mind and body at ease.
With best wishes.
Hi I have now seen my doctor and she did check my gall bladder and area with lots of poking and prodding and she said its fine and has no worries about it, she then checked my front and back, when she got to a certain area on my back it sent me loopy sending pain to my ribs and back so has given me stretches to do, it has calmed down abit now.
I have IBS acid influx stroke 2015 doctors got me on meds coated in lactose stopped taking them cannot control IBS daughter thinks i maybe
Sorry daughter thinks i mabe lactose intolerant so going to check that out but the pain right side is probably gall bladder i had a scan last year they said it was imflamed but didnt do anything about it