I'd been constipated for over a week so started taking fybogel once a day, which worked a week later. Now Ive got cramps and diarrhea and don't know what to do? I take antispasmodic tablets and paracetamol but nothing is working, any ideas?
Fybogel and diarrhea : I'd been constipated for... - IBS Network
Fybogel and diarrhea

hi Hollings perhaps you could try Imodium for a short time?
maybe your still constipated/have a blockage and getting flush by? You can be constipated but have diarrhoea at the same time, you might need to try senokot for a couple of nights and see if that helps, I know it sounds silly taking a laxative with diarrhoea but if it’s flush by it will help clear blockage.
I get constipâtes and take magrogol after three days as I was told not to let it go n too long, and sometimes after getting the lumpy stuff out I get what I presume was like a loose back fill wanting to come out but there was the blockage…
Hollings, this sounds dire - PLEASE see a GP. It could be faecal impaction which I have experienced, a dreadful business. Mine was resolved once by 3 enemas (I was in hospital) and another time by using Milk of Magnesia (Epsom Salts may work as well).
I have chronic bowel issues, currently tenemus, but have BTW recently found a very good book about bowels which, amongst other things, explains why it is better in most cases to NOT have a high fibre diet to ease constipation - contrary to lot of advice, Also, long-term use of herbal laxatives, such as Fybogel, is not advised.
Hope you get some relief soon.
Its possible u have overflow u can still be constipated keep taking the fybogel