Given fybogel with ephedrine too bulk up loose stools seem to be making it worse?
Fybogel: Given fybogel with ephedrine too bulk... - IBS Network

Do you have IBS? Do you know what your diagnosis is? Fiber I know works for some people, but only makes me now I am on a low fiber diet. You can read about Fiber called "The Fiber Menace" on Have you been prescribed anything for loose stools?
Fibre, for some people, makes matters worse. It bulks up the stool and makes it too bulky to travel through the system. I have found I am much better on a low fibre diet and fybogel put me in hospital many years ago. I was taking it with lactulose as instructed, and my stomach swelled up really big and the pain was terrible. I was in a strange city on a course for work and ended up hospitalised for two days & told to never take it again. I prefer to eat brown bread/rice/pasta but I am much better if I eat white, for the same reasons. Good luck 😀
I am working with a dietician to try to get it all sorted out, can you try a dietician or nutritionist? But try to stay away from fiber, fiber supplements, as they cause too bulked up stools, bloating, flatulence, cramping. Maybe go for healthy fats like Avacado, etc.
I have tried them before without success but currently I’ve got some medication that works as long as I stick to the low fibre diet so I’m doing ok at the moment thank you. Good luck getting yours under control 😀
Would you be able to share what medication you use? I am open to suggestions..
My medication is really strong ( its 30 years since I had the fybogel incident and I have never been able to have a bowel movement without medical assistance, since I was born) but after the fybogel incident I had Manevac granules which worked brilliantly for me for 12 years. I managed to have 2 children during that time and it really was a miracle product for me. When my system got used to Manevac, I moved on to movicol and again had around 12 good years before my body got used to it- have you tried either of these? Currently I take bisacodyl along with prucalopride but they are ‘a huge leap’ from fybogel so if you haven’t tried things like Manevac and movicol, I would suggest them first as they are kinder to your body. Good luck 😀
I'm in the states, and I don't think they sell Fybogel here or movical. I guess the closest thing here to fybogel, here, would be fibercon, Metamucil, citrucel, Etc..but fiber only makes things worse for me. The movicol you are talking about is called Miralax in the states, unfortunately, made me cramp..
Oh I’m sorry to hear that- usually you get new things in the states before we do, because my consultant offered me something ‘new’ the other day which I heard about when in the states 18montgs ago. I hope your medical people can find something for you. I found the prucalopride gave me bad side effects at first ( really horrific headaches, couldn’t hold my eyes open with them & nausea) so I lowered the dose and built it up and I’m ok now.
Thank you. I have to find a way to get off Senna-lax. I have lost so much weight, I'm down to 119lbs, and I only take the recommended dosage on Saturday evenings. I don't think this is classified as "Laxative abuse" not using it to lose weight, I don't binge or purge, it's just that it's the only thing that gets stool out of me (sorry for TMI). I can't keep living like this. I feel like I'm in some kind of nightmare. Or someone put a curse on me. I am 56, have always been healthy, good weight, never in my life, did I ever think I would develop anorexia and severe cramping to where it has ruined my life. I will keep up the hope though..thanks for listening. ☺🌸
I have used laxatives of some sort every night since I can remember & it’s very debilitating. I’m scared every morning I wake up in case they don’t work. I’ve started having counselling for a stoma operation as I think it’s probably the only way to end the misery and the medics are running out of new drugs to try me on. I have several problems which cause the constipation and I’ve had 2 operations to date. I’m 50 and my ability to cope with it is wearing thin. It’s good to share experiences with others in similar situations. I hope you can find something soon as loosing weight constantly is not good. It seems as though your body is not absorbing the nutrients and calories from the food you eat.
I'm in the E.R. right now. I took their stupid advice to try to "get off senna-lax, and go on Colace, a stool softener. Wasn't strong enough. Now I have impacted stool too big to push out. I am miserable, and they are busy. I'm sure they are tired of me. My third visit in two weeks. So tired of living like this..feel hopeless. My colon is probably very damaged.