Hi I've had ibs c for so so long. Over the years I've learnt what does and doesn't suit me with my diet. I'm now mainly ok in comparison but also as I've got older I get bouts of diarrhea which I know are from eating foods that don't agree with me. I had a fair amount of cream cake over Christmas I'm still suffering on and off . I've tried probiotics a few times I haven't found them helpful. This time I got a freebie packet of biomel powder. No added sugars no lactose,gluten or sugar. I thought worth a try. Oh my word after a week my stomach was so bloated and terribly gassy I put up with it for 2 weeks then gave up. I can only put these issues down to the probiotics in this powder. Has anyone had any good views on probiotics.
Probiotics : Hi I've had ibs c for so so long... - IBS Network

I seem to do very well on probiotics, been taking them for years but had to try several different ones until I found one that suited me. I can't do without them now. Also, I only take one a day instead of the recommended two, which is enough for me. It might be best to start off on a low dosage until your system gets used to them. They don't suit everyone, some swear by them and they can be a life saver, everyones different.
I am not the best on them, I keep on taking trying different one's as they don't give me terrible symptons but i don't feel amazing.
I've tried many probiotics over the years and Alforex, single strain probiotic worked best for me. IBS sufferers tend to get on better with probiotics with a lower CFU (less than 10 billion). Alflorex only has 1 billion, but it is a strong strain (Bifdobacterium) which is normally passed from the mother to baby during a natural birth to prime the gut's defences and helps to kick bad bugs into touch. It helps to digest complex carbs and reduce gas causing bacteria. It has also been scientifically studied to help IBS.
However, everyone is different so it is a case of trying different things. Other people get on with Symprove.
I did try a high CFU, mult-strain probiotic once and I think it contributed to a vomiting episode which isn't usual for me.
If you try something like Alflorex over a trial period (after normal settling in time which is a couple of weeks, though the manufacturer can advise) and symptoms gets worse and worse over time, there is the possibility of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) to consider, but my gastro said true SIBO cases are rare - though anything like this would need to be discussed with a GP or gastro (and no one else - since an industry has been generated around it).
Thank you for your reply very informative. I'm in the uk so getting through the nhs is a nightmare right now. I will look into Alflorex and Symprove. I have tried loads in the past. Only one that didn't show side effects for me was probio 7 but I didn't feel any good effects from them either.
I use Starpowa gummies.
I’m in the UK, they’re available on subscription or at Holland and Barrett.
I started getting constipated after alternating bouts of c and d with fairly well managed IBS.
After bloods and a normal FIT test I started on them looking for a ‘cure’.
After a recent horrible run of antibiotics I seem to be getting close to normality once again.
I have considered changing to Alforex in the future.
So either may be worth a try.
Don’t make my mistake though when I started taking them I was also on Actimel, let’s just say it was too much. I just take the one of them now.
I looked at the starpowa in h&b only last week. I was going look them up but forgot, thank you. I do take flexeed oil suppliments I thought they were helping to a degree but silly me thought I'd try this biomel as it was free. I haven't been right since. Although with the help of buscopan I feel I'm a bit better this week. My guts can be so sensitive. Once its upset everything upsets it. Thanks for replying babblingBrooks.
I am in the UK. Before I used to take Boots brand probiotics but I didn't feel any different. My colleague suggested Optibac, as her and her husband take it. I take the Optibac Everyday Extra (for just over a month) and it has slightly improved my symptoms.
Yes I tried boots own but saw no difference. I'll look in to optibac thank you.
For IBS-C try flaxseeds with everything you eat. Follow a low fodmap diet. I just had wild caught tuna, little bits, with mashed potatoes & flaxseeds. I take senna, 4 tablets, before I go to bed. Later I'll have spinach & mashed potatoes & flaxseeds BLENDED. The Indian dish spinach with potatoes (sag-aloo) was the inspiration for this. I had no problems with that dish,
I take flaxseed suppliments and sometimes in my porridge. I find if I take to much it bloats me causes dirrahea. Too much fibre can do the opposite for me. Senna reacts badly for me. I'd sooner drink loads of water eat more fibre even if means some bloating. I can have great weeks then I slip up eat the wrong thing then it throws me back and I suffer for a few weeks with constipation and gas. I'm up and down. I read probiotics can help ibs but yet to find that is helpful.
I haven't actually tried probiotics because my "gut feeling" (haha...) keeps saying to me that if they upset my gut I cannot take them out. People say that if there WAS a negative effect, the effect would wear off in a few days if I stopped, but I am unsure.
Any food which has natural probiotics I either hate, or I have tried and not had such great results. I can't bear yogurt for starters, and hate those Actimel (etc) drinks with a vengeance because to me they have a really foul taste.
I tried sourdough bread and that wasn't friendly, though ordinary bread suits me just fine. I got some cheese once, supposed to be "live", and was fine on it for four days, then wham! Not friendly again.
I tried sauerkraut in tiny amounts (teaspoonfuls), but that was no good. I think because my gut can't handle cabbage anyway that might have been the reason first and foremost. (though I can happily eat kale and broccoli!)
So based on those results I haven't taken the plunge into probiotics yet (with billions of the little blighters!!)
Alflorex has been life changing for me in a positive way. Eased the terrible flare ups of diarrhoea which incapacitated me every morning, all morning. Now I can live my life. Still have to watch what I eat and curb the tendency to eat those little unnecessary extras.