When you have time sit and look through the guidelines
I argued with my GP (In a friendly way) to get a dietician appointment. It took 9 months on the waiting list but has really helped my IBS with the LOW FODMAP elimination diet.
When you have time sit and look through the guidelines
I argued with my GP (In a friendly way) to get a dietician appointment. It took 9 months on the waiting list but has really helped my IBS with the LOW FODMAP elimination diet.
My dietitian also said she recommends low fodmap for IBS sufferers as she said it has excellent results. Unfortunately she advised me against following it as not only do I have IBS but I'm also coeliac and have to follow a benzoate free diet because I have Orofacial Granulomatosis. She said that because my diet options are already so restricted, adding fodmap into the mix would be too much 😳
Its not my who suffers with bowel issues but bu my son who is 22.
At 16 he was diagnosed with OFG and he found the Benzoate free too difficult (his age didn't help) so go steroid injections into his lips and since 2018 has been symptom free.
It seems to be since then, however, that he has suffered with bowel issues. They have never done full tests with a camera but calprotection levels are fine.
He is back at GP again and awaiting the results of calprotection and bloods.
If tests come back clear (fingers crossed) I will get him to push for a dietician appointment.
I know some people don't want other treatments but have you considered it for OFG?
I agree that the benzoate free diet is hard to stick to, but I've been lucky that it had dramatic effects and pretty much removed all the OFG symptoms I had. I'm currently being investigated for Crohn's because they think mine may have an autoimmune cause (given that I also have Hashimoto's and coeliac disease). I hope your son funds out what the problem is soon and that there's an easy fix
I don't know about official granulomatosis but I am also celiac with IBSC Doc was also reluctant for .e to follow fodmap diet as my bone density is very low causing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis but my dietician said its OK to remove something from your diet as long as you can find an alternative so you still get the nutrients you need. You don't have to remove everything maybe just try one thing at a time.