IBS - When is the pain too much Pain? - IBS Network

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IBS - When is the pain too much Pain?

Sparkle44 profile image
34 Replies

OMG! I am having the worst IBS attack ever! Feels like my insides are shriveling up & dying!! Why does it hurt to urinate when having an IBS crisis. It hurts to sit down! My bum, my hips, my pelvis. Gently walking across the room hurts, ouCH!!! 😩

This is my punishment for eating a Chickpea curry. I will absolutely never eat another Chickpea curry in my life!!

Feels like razors are slowly dragging down the sides of my colon. Like I am literally going to explode from built up wind! This pain is horrific!!

Sitting on my side with my knees up towards my chin is offering a tiny amount of pain relief and I have took 2 buscopan!

Sooooo painful!! Any ideas of how to stop this pain?

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Sparkle44 profile image
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34 Replies
Viklou profile image

Try walking it off. I've found myself pacing up and down my flat to try and help the pain sometimes

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

Hiya I have tried walking, but far too uncomfortable! Tried leaning over the bath, squatting, hugging my knees! The best position is currently lying on my side in the foetal position! I am praying for it to pass! I am baffled by the buscopan not working! Thanks for taking the time to respond :)

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to Sparkle44

Buscapan does nothing for me to be honest

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

What do you use when you get pain?

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to Sparkle44

Codeine & paracetamol, it helps with the diarrhoea too

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

Gosh Codeine is a serious one but I do have some in my cupboard! Thanks for the advice x

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to Sparkle44

If you're constipated don't take it as it can bung you up. To be honest speak to your GP first

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

I rarely get constipation which is good. I go more often than not if you ca tech my drift :)

in reply to Sparkle44

Ginger tea and bananas, help me with the pain.

Angelreader profile image

Aw hope you are feeling better now and managed some sleep, I can be sat up all night when I have a bad attack as lying down, for me, is too uncomfortable. Usually in the first 2 hours sitting is painful so I pace the house but I've not found any medication that helps, I just have to ride it out.

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Angelreader

Oh my gosh it’s now 7am and thank God the pain has gone. This is the worst it has been was actually considering going to hospital 😩🙈

I haven’t been to the loo yet so don’t want to speak to soon. I couldn’t stand it if I experienced that pain regularly!!

It’s worrying that there is no meds that works?? Buscopan was a real let down yesterday!! How often do you get attacks?? Do you have anymore tips?

Angelreader profile image
Angelreader in reply to Sparkle44

I had got my IBS under some sort of control but since Christmas it's been all over the place and I've had bad attacks about 6 times this year ☹️ I've gone 'back to basics' on the FODMAP diet and doing total elimination for the next few weeks then re-introduction again as something's definitely changed and foods I could tolerate are now causing problems. Unfortunately, following an attack like this I end up with 3 days of constipation 🤷

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Angelreader

Oh bless you! I am so not disciplined enough to follow Fodmap but I have heard it is helpful and was advised to give it a go! I should really. I will have another look tonight. Would be interested to know if you find out what food triggered you again!

asbayford profile image

Ouch!! Corr yeah chick peas are a ibs nightmare! So sorry you had such a poorly day. I had flare up yesterday because I got too brave and ate some Kellogg's frosties, the barley malt in it set me off lol! Back to the bland gluten free stuff 🤣 x1 mebeverine and x2 mintec every 4 hours made it bearable for me so always have that on hand. I never try to stop the dirhorrea - as if it wants out... it wants out 😄

Are you feeling better today? Have a bland food day with some peppermint tea to heal yourself x

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to asbayford

Thank you so much for your lovely message. I am still tender! Still sore to pee and sit down but felt better after a release this morning. The peppermint tea is a good idea! Defo gonna grab some! It’s so unfair for you to be punished for some Frosties! Hope you enjoyed them at the time ;)

asbayford profile image
asbayford in reply to Sparkle44

So happy you're on the mend! Oh the frosties were so worth it haha that's the thing, got to laugh at ourselves. My ibs reminds me of a grumpy buzz killer person at a party when you're trying to enjoy yourself 😂 x

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to asbayford

😂 I totally hear you! 🤗

Krn210 profile image

Have you had this painful of an episode before? The reason I ask is because I started having incredibly painful flare ups, or so I thought. It felt more like labor contractions. I finally was able to go in during a flare and it was found to be diverticulitis.

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Krn210

Oh my gosh really? No. This was by far the WORST pain ever!! Lasted hours!! My stomach was hot to the touch. Does that condition cause vitamin deficiencies as I am having issues with low folate in particular? Iron & Vit D.

I had a colonoscopy in November I think and they said it was keeping inline with IBS?

Krn210 profile image
Krn210 in reply to Sparkle44

They definitely would have told you if you had any of the little pockets that diverticulosis causes. Have you ever been tested for a gluten allergy? I know that Celiac disease can cause malabsorption.

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Krn210

I was under Gastro and they did the camera in both ends and concluded it’s IBS related as was getting pain in right side under ribs and folate was on the floor but nothing came up?

IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you're in pain. If you need to speak to a medical professional we have a team of medical advisers including a helpline. theibsnetwork.org/member-be...

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to IBSNetwork

Oh this is fantastic! Huge thanks!! ☺️

IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network in reply to Sparkle44

You're welcome. We're here to help.

BlackCat16 profile image

I take Viberzi for IBS-D and it seems to work for most of the symptoms like stomach pain and diarrhea. I’m in the US though, it’s the only FDA approved drug for ibs, but idt it’s approved in all countries.

Sparkle44 profile image

Great thanks for your message. I am defo going to try and get some of that! Thanks again!

platapus123 profile image


Hot water bottle is your bestfriend!!! (that should alleviate some of the pain however do not rest directly on skin you can get a hot water bottle rash). You could try silicol gel. This is something you drink 45 mins - 1 hr before food and really really helps! It is all natural so the chances of you having a negative reaction are very very little. If not I take 2 inbuprofen and 2 paracetamol and wait. Fetal position on the side is best or lying on your right side with your left knee up to your chest.

I hope one of these helps,


platapus123 profile image

Usually when I'm in that much pain I normally just wait - It is horrendous pain and sometimes I've even thrown up from the pain but I find as soon as you get it all out of you you start to feel better!

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to platapus123

Thank you for your replies! It’s horrendous! Thank God I am not sick when this happens or I really do think I would be a gonner!! Thanks for you advice & wishing you good health x

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to Sparkle44

I'm having some bad pains at the minute so taken some codeine and paracetamol, yes I actually have some paracetamol. I was sick and in pain Tuesday and Wednesday. This morning woke up feeling better, however another mouth full of ulcers but tonight I had some tea and in agony right now. I did have a consultantion today and he's arranging another Colonoscopy. Not sure when that will be though, with this virus about he said normally between 6 & 8 weeks, but no date at the minute. Then go and see him again in 6 months. My calprotectin is constantly elevated so they're having another look. I was outside the room while he was dictating his notes and I heard him mention crohns disease is a possibility. For now its IBS until further notice lol

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

Oh bless you! Sounds awful!! 6-8 weeks must feel like a life time away! People buying up all the paracetamol won’t give people like us a second thought!! So sorry to hear how much pain you are in & vomiting is the worst. You body just wants what ever is causing your pain out of your system!! What do you think caused this attack?? Do you think there is a possibility of Chrons?? How do you feel about that as a possible diagnosis? I really do hope you get an earlier appointment & that you get some relief from the pain very soon! Sending virtual hugs & best wishes!! Wendy

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to Sparkle44

Sometimes just eating causes me problems lol. Crohns or IBS it doesn't matter it won't change who I am or the way I look at life. In regards to the appointment, I can fully understand the stress on our NHS system at the minute so happy to wait.

Sparkle44 profile image
Sparkle44 in reply to Viklou

You are amazing! I hope you are seen soon! Not sure why everything you eat sets you off that’s not great bless you! Hope you get on top of this and get some relief x

Viklou profile image

We're all amazing never forget that xxx

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