hi, been suffering for nearly 5 years now. First doc signed me off no further action after all bloods, etc came back clear. Cheers pal.
Changed docs and she’s been great, again all tests came back negative and she advised seeking private referral to gastro.
Gastro tells me yes sounds like IBS! Fab thanks kinda guessed that over the years and the types of foods that I have myself worked out flare me up. He advised dietician for FODMAP but I already know the foodstuffs that irritate me. It’s a combination between C&D but mainly sore gas and bloating.
Would it still be worth seeing a dietician and getting a chat about the types of foods I can eat and go from there. No one has actually explained what is happening to my body to cause this. I read online but it’s so personal to each individual.
should I be looking at the sugar in the carbohydrate part of everything I can eat to keep it as low as possible? I just feel I need a supplement as diet is short of, I feel, vitamins/minerals and that explains the tiredness at times, but scared to mix with migraine meds! Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks 😊