Nausea: Hi This is my first post and I'm not... - IBS Network

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Lovelycupcake profile image
4 Replies


This is my first post and I'm not really sure what I'm after.. I have always had issues with what was diagnosed as IBS I think in 2019. I think I was given some tablets at the time to take before eating to avoid the trapped wind feeling I'd get but I didn't need to take them all the time and I never went back for more as the symptoms came and went in terms of severity.

I've always been windy and had stomach pain attacks on and off but since having covid in November 2022 I haven't had this issue as much but instead I'm now left with nausea waves most days and I'm just exhausted with it. I flit between diarrhea and more lately constipation.

I've never once been sick, it's just nausea. I notice the pattern that it's worse in the hour before I need to go to the toilet so it's almost like my body is hating digesting food ready to poop which I think is another issue of IBS?

Im being referred to the long covid clinic for "therapy" but I feel that this will be a waste of time. All they seem to want to do is talk about managing my fatigue. I really don't feel that this is causing me to feel nauseous though as the nausea comes when I can feel myself needing to poo. I've also felt faigued way before covid so it's not new. It's not going to do anything about my feeling sick.

I've had bloods, exams etc and nothing so far suggests anything more sinister is going on but I feel like I'm talking and nobody is really listening to me when I say how I feel and what the patterns are. All im given is anti sickness tablets (procholorperazine). Can anyone else relate? I feel so alone and frustrated as nobody I know gets it.

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4 Replies
SingC profile image

Well, you’re not alone and you can always talk to us! At least you know that we sympathise and some of us may have some suggestions that help.

I’m wondering if certain foods might be a trigger for you. High FODMAP foods can cause painful amounts of wind for IBS sufferers. Lactose, in particular, seems to cause nausea. It may be worth seeing a dietitian and getting some help to work through the low FODMAP diet. It was a game changer for me.

The other thing that might be worth looking at is alforex, which some people on here seem to swear by. And making sure you’re drinking enough water.

Wishing you all the luck in the world!

Mutleyforever profile image
Mutleyforever in reply to SingC

Hi, I’ve just listened to a podcast with Professor Whorwell who is an ibs specialist who has an extensive experience and knowledge of the symptoms of ibs , and yours correspond with what he was saying. My symptoms are different but still relevant, you can find it on Fempower Health . Hope u find this interesting. Mutley

BabsyWabsy profile image

Hi Lovelycupcake, this must be so frustrating. It took me a few years to get my GP practice to take my symptoms seriously, by which time, I had worked out by trial and error that I could not tolerate any wheat or its derivatives. It was a locum who finally referred me to a gastroenterologist, admitting that he knew nothing about gut issues. He listened to me, at last! As a result I am now diagnosed with colitis and wheat allergy. It might help to see a different doctor or practice nurse who may take a different viewpoint. Sometimes you need to be politely persistent, although I admit I snapped when I was told by a male doctor (younger than me) 'if something upsets your tummy, just don't eat it'. I'm afraid I told him not to be so bloody patronising. He is still in the practice, I do not see him any more.

sickandsore profile image

Hi just a thought, could it be anxiety related? You have suffered for a while and possibly the symptoms you are getting are related to stress?

I suffer with IBS, I can swing from constipation and diarrhoea in the space of a few hours but nausea has been a huge part of my daily life over the years.

So I’m guessing they’ve checked you for ulcers? If not ask and also request a sibo test. Is there any chance you have a food allergy? My advice is try the low fodmap diet to see which foods are causing potentially an issue for you.

Also could it be hormone related? I get extremely nauseous in the weeks leading up to my period.

Sorry more question than answers but it’s worth possibly keeping some kind of diary of symptoms to see if there’s a pattern ?

If the anti sickness meds aren’t effective, or you want more natural relief, try ginger, a small piece peeled and steeped in previously boiled water, is really good for nausea. Nausea can also be caused by trapped gas so finding something to release the gas might help; buscopan, ask GP if you can try mebeverine perhaps? Or maybe you need something like omeprazole or lansoprazole both PPI? If your gut is so irritated and you take meds like ibuprofen or naproxen as these can irritate the stomach.

I hope you find something that helps soon, I hate nausea and I am terrified of being sick 😓 it can become a viscous circle of emotions which can make symptoms worse.

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