One morning six months ago, I woke up with no appetite but still ate not thinking much, that day i had horrendous waves of sickness that lasted about 5 seconds and occurred like every half an hour. This lasted a week and since then I am nauseaous at least a few times a day, I am on the fodmap diet now but am seeing a limited difference. Can't do exercise-vigorous movement makes me nauseaous, can't drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks or eat any fatty foods. My bowel movements are normal usually once a day, sometimes I get mildly constipated but never lasts long. I'm just not sure it is IBS if nausea is my main problem. Anyone going through the same? Any advice or help? Please I'm so tired of it!
Nausea main symptom of 'IBS': One morning six... - IBS Network
Nausea main symptom of 'IBS'

Hi. I would say it is one of the less common symptoms. In which case I would see a doctor. I feel nauseous most mornings, but it does go off.
I'm sorry you're going through that! I too have the nausea and have been nauseous more than usual lately. Trying to keep a food diary to see if anything triggers it but I still feel a little clueless. I eat ginger candy to alleviate the nausea and it usually helps. Nausea can also be a symptom of GERD and bloating. It's gross but sometimes belching will offer me relief as well.
This sounds like acid reflux rather than IBS especially if you can't drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks or eat any fatty food. I had exactly the same thing as you a year ago. Try avoiding the trigger foods. Tea, coffee, chocolate, citrus foods, onions, garlic, alcohol, fatty foods (There are a few more I think if you Google you can find them) Doc prescribed Omeprazole for me but they didn't agree with me so switched me to Raniditine (Zantac) I took a high dose for a while until it calmed down and have now cut down to just taking them I need them. I find that and watching what I keeps mine at bay now. Good luck Linda
I have anxiety alongside my IBS. My anxiety makes me nauseous. Are you anxious about your IBS? Have you had all relevant tests with your doctor? It's worth taking a good probiotic to look after your gut and general health x
Nicki, have you tried magnesium? Magnesium deficiency can cause nausea and anxiety, as well as fatigue, irritability, and constipation - so could be worth looking into if you haven't.

Hiya I have magnesium oil and use Epsom salts. Need to be a bit better at using the oil though! I've had a few other anxiety triggers going on recently but sometimes do have anxiety for no apparent reason. What do u find the best source of magnesium? X
Well I drink a mineral water rich in magnesium and calcium (I'm lactose intolerant). But when I'm feeling frazzled I have a nice bath with Epsom Salts - and generally include magnesium-rich foods in my diet:
It's crazy how fast we lose magnesium when we get stressed.
I've never tried magnesium oil, but it sounds like an interesting option

Great I have been particularly stressed recently - really affects my body! Thanks c
Hi Nicki what is a good probiotic and can you buy them in pharmacies or need to buy on the internet ? Thanks Jill
If your in UK holland and Barrett have some to try out. I order mine from Healthspan online called Super20 Pro - chose these after reading lots of great reviews from people with IBS. Good to do your research first and they are pricey for the decent ones x
Cait1999 see your doc first tell him you symptons,think you might be eating to late a night causing acid reflux,try using more pillows on your bed, chew gum when you feel sickly, wrigleys mint gum now in tubs ,if your passing stool once a day that's a good sign hope this helps
My vitamins /supplements make me sick in the morning . I have to be very careful and never take without water and food. All mess make me sick. Maybe you need a abdominal MRI just to make sure. If your stomach is not receiving enzymes from pancreas you will feel nauseous everytime you eat and may vomit regularly
Could be problems with your inner ear and not ibs as you have normal bowel movements