Hi I'm new to this sight, having suffered with IBS symptoms for many years. Having had cameras and scan recently all clear of serious problems it was confirmed I must have IBS. It has gotten much worse and frequent, almost every day, and hospital have offered amytripaline for pain. I haven't started it yet as I have an irregular heart beat which can become worse with amytripaline. Is a you on amytripaline and does it help? .Thank you, Pat
Pain from IBS: Hi I'm new to this sight, having... - IBS Network
Pain from IBS

I have an irregular heart beat issue too and IBS symptoms plus acid reflux. There are quite a number of drugs I cant take as it triggers my cardiac issues. Proton pump inhibitors are one set of med I cant take, plus cold and flu meds, certain antibiotics, ibuprophen etc etc. it all adds tovthe stress of IBS and without a doubt one condition triggers th3 other.
In my case my heart arrhythmias are closely linked to my gastric issues. My cardiologist and gastroenterologist agree on this. Ninety five per cent of the time my heart arrhythmias are triggered by a gastric prompt. Hope you can find a combination of drugs to hell you.
I was given amitriptyline for IBS pain. I couldn't tolerate it since only 1 pill gave me heart palpitations. Have you tried Alflorex probiotic, which has been scientifically studied for IBS? I found that this greatly helped with the pain, since pain can be due to a gut bacterial imbalance which oversensitises the gut nerves. You might find that you don't need drugs. I also take Linaclotide which reduced the pain by 50% to 60% and acts locally in the gut, with Alflorex on top, this reduced the pain to 100% if I am not too challenging with my diet. Though Linaclotide is for IBS-C only.
Linoclotide does noyhing for my IBSC pain
Hi edwangy , I think you may have mentioned that before. As with all things IBS, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. It's a case of trial and error. I am sure there are many causes of IBS symptoms. Until they fathom out what all these causes are, anything we try is going to be hit and miss which is a shame.
Hi Ruskin10.
I take Amitriptyline 25mg and they have been lifesaver for me. My ibs-d was so bad that I hardly went out as I was frightened that I would need the loo and only had seconds to get there. Plus of course the cramps and general continual discomfort. I took Amitriptyline 10mg over a year ago and they worked fantastic for the first month but not after that. Then I tried Chinese medicine and acupuncture which didn’t make any difference at all. I struggled on until late summer until it got to the point where I became a recluse. I spoke to the doctor who I had originally seen and asked for the next strength Amitriptyline which he refused and just told me to take an Imodium when I went out. Very sympathetic! So a few days later I asked to speak to a different doctor and he prescribed the 25mg Amitriptyline. That must of been over 4 months ago. At first things were absolutely perfect but after a couple of months I noticed that it wasn’t quite as perfect but still ok and it’s remained like that since. I still don’t eat or drink things I know will aggravate my ibs so I’m still careful. I now also take Bio-cult after reading up on it hoping that it will act as a back up to the Amitriptyline. At the moment I can say that it’s so far so good. Maybe if you don’t want to chance taking Amitriptyline you could try the Bio-Cult or similar. There are a few good live bacteria supplements out there, but do some home work on them first before buying. I hope this helps you in some way. Good luck.
I take Amitriptyline at night for fibromyalgia but it hasn't helped my IBS.
Ive had IBS D type for over 15 years and it's progressively got worse and often only have seconds to get to toilet . It's affecting my confidence and I get anxious. I work full time so need to try and get a handle on it. I already take buscopan, immodium and cocodamol religiously twice daily and increased when having a bad day. But recently it's all heightened and had lots of issues with upper abdominal bloating and flatulence. Now been advised to take simeticone (windeze) for the flatulence which is helping. Also been started on sertraline, an antidepressant to help with the IBS. Is anyone else on sertraline and has it helped? I took it for the first time last night but probably won't see effects for few weeks I imagine.
Firstly Happy New Year let’s hope Sertraline helps you, I was prescribed Sertraline in October 2022 mainly for anxiety but also suffered with IBS-D which was finally diagnosed in 2019. I wasn’t sure about starting an antidepressant especially as the side effects at the start of treatment can make you feel worse however, my GP persuaded me to try Sertraline as it would also help my IBS-D which was probably made worse by my anxiety. For 2 weeks I took a low dose 25mg per day and did suffer lots of the side effects listed. I persisted with the medication and moved onto the 50mg daily dose. The effect on my IBS was noticeable even on the low dose, I have however noticed my bowels becoming much looser again but still not as bad as previously. Therefore not certain if the benefit to IBS will continue, I certainly hope so. My panic will be coming off the Sertraline!
Good luck hope it helps you.
I tried Amitryptylin before. My heart was running 140 even when I lied down 😵 Maybe you can try something else?