Does anyone’s IBS hurt like most days? Some weeks or days it’s worse than others but most days I have pain at some point or some sort of nausea. Especially if I stop taking my mebeverine
IBS pain: Does anyone’s IBS hurt like most days... - IBS Network
IBS pain

Hi Charley! I’ve just joined this app purely because of my IBS I’m at the stage I’m thinking will I ever feel normal again! Do you ever feel like you aren’t completely empty?
I’ve cut out so much food! Because of flare ups but now I’ve gone back to the anxiety of is this just IBS?
I think 50% of IBS-ers have flare-ups every few weeks or months and the other 50% have it 24/7.
Stay with the mebeverine if it works for you. Peppermint capsules, e.g. Colpermin, also help a lot especially if the pain is caused by wind.
As Roz says, keep with whatever helps. Don't try to be a pharmacist by altering, amending or adjusting your medication. Once you find a formula that works, stick with it.
I take mebeverine every day as this is what my doc told me, abdominal pain isn't every day like it used to be, get it once every couple weeks and only lasts a couple of hours instead of all day everyday
Yes me too. I was worried mebeverine would damage me or somethinf if I take it every single day. They have said it’s safe so I will just keep taking it. Do you get new tablets each month to carry on taking ?
Yeah usually about 30 mins before a meal, sadly been having a lot of bowel issues recently so haven't really been eating so only been taken 1 maybe 2 a day at the moment
Oh no hope your okay I’ve seen four doctors, all have said it’s IBS, one did a stool test which he said ruled out any inflammatory bowel diseases
I've had ibs for years, but ended up with chronic diarrhea in April, still had no answers as to what's wrong all the tests so far are negative which they keep telling me is good but it's not because everything they're testing for is easily treatable it ends up when these are negative it can be more sinister things
I understand. Apparently if they do a stool test (they did this with me) there is a thing your body produces if there is inflammation I think called calprotectin or something. And that will show in the stool sample so it rules out anyrhinf sinister like chrons etc. That’s what all the doctors told me and that was four different ones and a fifth one when I went about something else
Had 2 stool samples done, and 2 bloods done waiting on results for 2nd bloods, can be a number of bowel problems, cancer being one, found out today as well the gynaelogical cancers can cause bowel changes as well, so now worrying about that 😭
I only started worrying when the stuff is coming back negative as sometimes it makes me feel like I've just to live my life like this from now on
Definitely, it’s very rare I have a completely ibs free day despite avoiding all trigger foods, seems heat and stress and even hard water are huge factors for me too. Hope you find the combination that gives you relief!
I advise everyone suffering from IBS to get a colonoscopy. I had it for years and it just got worse and mebevarine didn't help and I was losing weight! My daughter, who is a nurse, finally took me back to the docs, following week I had a colonoscopy and it turned out I have Diverticulitis Disease and it's everywhere in my colon which proved I had it for a long time. I was ill for months and lost 3 stone so be strong and ask for a colonoscopy as you could have the same as me. Good luck💖