I am new to this website , and find it very interesting that other people are having problems due to ibs. It makes me feel I am fully not alone with ibs and the problems it causes on a day to day basis.
I am 19 and have Had ibs for about a year or so now, I have been to the doctors lots of times and have been told yes it sounds like ibs, I don't know about anyone else but all my first doctor seemed intrested in was just giving me different tablets to take and to see if they would help to improve my symptoms.
The only tablets that have helped me is peppermint capsules and buscopan for cramping pains.
Anyway recently my symptoms have got worse e.g bloted stomach. Stomach making very loud noises, cramping pains etc. I made another appointment, this time to see a new doctor, he is much better , more understanding etc. anyway I don't want to rumble on I have been back to see him recently he has given me lansoprazole.
The last few weeks I have been having wheat and gluten free products like lactose free milk and cheese to see if this helps. To be honest I have felt abit better but not totally 100%.
I was wondering has anyone else had much relieve from having wheat and gluten free products ?
Sorry in advance that I have rumble on.