I think I’m impacted : About two years ago I was... - IBS Network

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I think I’m impacted

Hdbhdb profile image
15 Replies

About two years ago I was diagnosed with IBS-C. I was prescribed Lizness, which worked a little… too well. I woke up twice having pooped myself in the night. After stopping the medication, I used natural alternatives and while still having uncomfortable trips to the bathroom, they were manageable. About a month ago, I got severely constipated because it was too large and hard to come out. I ended up using an enema, but it was still extremely painful. Two weeks ago, the same problem started again. I kept trying to hold it in and eventually it got to the point where I couldn’t. I was able to go a little bit, and had to manually remove some which was very uncomfortable. I finally reached the point where I couldn’t stand it and let it go back up. I knew it wasn’t completely gone, but I had taken care of enough of it to where I wasn’t in pain anymore. After a couple of days, I started getting the urge again. So for the past 3 days, I’ve been taking miralax. All I want is to not be in extreme pain when I go. But since it’s been a week now, and 2 days since taking the Mira lax, I attempted to go again. It was still too hard to pass. I’m about to take another dose of miralax. I truly don’t think I’m going to be able to do this if my stool isn’t softened considerably. I’ve been able to pass a small amount of gas, and I don’t really have any other symptoms besides pain in my rectum. As of yesterday, I haven’t had an appetite. Which is good I guess, as I don’t want any more stool to build up. I’ve been trying to stay hydrated with juice and Gatorade, which is what I’ve mixed the miralax with. If anyone has any suggestions on how to soften the stool enough for me to use the bathroom, or if I went to the ER they would be able to help lessen the pain. Thanks in advance.

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Hdbhdb profile image
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15 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

You should go to the ER if you think you are at a point where that would be helpful. More importantly, however, you should speak to a gastroenterologist about this problem. I think there are a number of things they can suggest that would help you to become more regular and not have so much constipation.

Nuttycatlady profile image

I also have IBS-C and was referred to a dietician whose recommendation was to try the FODMAP diet. This has helped me a great deal, with the addition of a probiotic supplement. It may be worth investigating. It takes a while to find out what helps, but is worth doing. I live in the UK but hopefully you could find help where you are. I hope that you will find the help you need

Waiting_for_godo profile image

Hi I have IBS D and I tried a new probiotic alflorex which gave me severe constipation and I was in same situation as you. I had to go ER however the waiting time was so long that I came back as the cramps in my tummy were in unbearble and despite trying to ' pass stool it did not come out. I used the glycerin suppository as oral laxatives didn't soften my stool. It worked but I'm so scarred by this that I'm scared to eat since then. You can also take Miralex suppository. I hope you are able to get respite soon.

MyStar86 profile image

this doesn’t work for everyone but I find milk of magnesia like rocket fuel for me I just take a cap full 20ml at bedtime and by the morning I’m rushing to go. I’ve had to use it after surgeries like my hysterectomy as I couldn’t push and had been pumped full of very strong meds with little food. I usually don’t have an issue but I’ve used milk of magnesia after surgeries and that gets out even the hardest rocks because it’s like rocket fuel. If I have longterm problems I imagine it will take more than a cap full maybe try 2 caps full as it really does work for me.

xjrs profile image

Since there has been a change to your symptoms, you really need to seek advice from your GP and be under their care until things are resolved for you. They may want to re-run some tests or refer you to a specialist.

What is your fibre intake like? To improve constipation in the short term you can try ground flaxseed on your breakfast, starting at 1 teaspoon and increasing at 1 teaspoon every 2-3 days - you'll need to consume extra water with it.

These foods are also high fibre:

8-9 Prunes

2 tablespoon chia seeds (soaked for 10-15 mins in milk or non dairy milk with cereal or water)

Shredded wheat (or if GF: Nutribrex)

60g Quinoa

Wholewheat bread

75g Whole grain pastas (if GF: Buckwheat)

2 Hard pears

5 Dried apricots

90g Raspberries

1 orange (contain a natural laxative)

2 kiwi.

I find that I need to have 1 orange or 2 kiwi a day and then another high fibre fruit later in the day to help with BMs.

I also take 30 drops of ginger extract before bedtime to aid motility. You may need to work up the dose to say 7 drop increments each night.

After trying all dietary measures, you can give Optifibre a go, but you need to be careful with the amount since it can cause gas - there are instructions on the tub about how to work up the dose.

Exercise can help with BMs. The government recommends 150 mins of moderate exercise (e.g. walking as if you are late for an appointment) or 75 of intense exercise (e.g. jogging) per week. I also have a bit of a walk around straight after breakfast to get things moving.

You need to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids (2 litres of fluid per day).

There is some good advice about constipation here:



I also take Alflorex probiotic which has made me more tolerant to taking in the extra fibre I need for a BM.

Some people are more prone to constipation due to their intestinal anatomy. Through colonoscopies I have been told that I have a long loopy (redundant) colon. This means that food takes longer to pass through and in the meantime the intestines have more time to suck out water from the stool, drying them out and causing constipation. I have found that I need to consume much more fibre than other people to have regular BMs.

I have also found useful having most of my food at mealtimes, leaving 4-5 hours of not eating between meals, eating my fruit snack before a meal. This means that your digestive system has time to process each meal. It also allows something called the MMC (migrating motor complex) to run which sweeps food waste from your small intestine into your large intestine. This only happens when you have an empty stomach. When people snack regularly, it prevents the MMC from working properly. I also find the larger meals help to push things along better than drip feeding through snacking.

If you really get stuck, you can try 800mg+ of Magnesium Oxide. I used to take these for a regular bowel movement when having to be low fibre:


I used to start around 800mg at bedtime on an empty stomach, then increment by 100mg (1 pill) each night until I got a response the next morning or the morning after. Most of it goes straight to your bowels where it draws in water to bulk out stools.

This worked well when I was low fibre, but when I started to introduce fibre, it became more unpredictable (either not working well enough or too well), so I had to give it up.

Angie11 profile image

You could try a glycerin suppository to help get ‘ things’ started. I sometimes have to do this.

edwangy profile image

Try taking linoclotide in the morning about 30mins-1hr after breakfast. I get capsules of 290micrograms as they don't do anything less in UK, I find that this dose is far too much so I empty the powder and 'cut' it into to 4 and just take the qtr. i find that afer about 2 hours I can empty my bowels, doesn't help with the constant pain I have though but it 'empties'me

casares8 profile image

Have you tried stool softeners like dulcoease? You might need more than these in your situation i dont know, They take a day or 2 to work

FRreedman profile image

I had the same problem recently. At the ER they will be able to give you an ECU and manual evacuation under anaesthetic (if necessary). I had this procedure as I was unable to tolerate a manual evacuation without anaesthetic, (unfortunately they had to perform it a second time within four days). Once the offending item is removed I was prescribed micro enema as a full enema could cause a perforation of the bowel/intestines. Thankfully, I am now progressing with one micro enema per day and am, after the first two days, passing soft but formed stools. It is something that I had forgotten felt so good.

dingleshaw profile image

Hi there I have the same problem and the chemist gave me lactulose and that does soften the stool hope this helps christine

Pajarorose profile image

You need to go to ER immediaely. They can remove the mass. Also consult with doctor regarding ongoing care.. After ER, go on low FODMAP diet and stop ingesting foods causing constipation. I have IBS-C -- can't eat glutein, most fruits, some veges with fructans.

Stressedoutwoman profile image

deffo a glycerine suppository I have been like this before and the suppository definitely helped me

I take the laxido fibre powders now everyday off doctors they help it to not get as built up and keep stools soft

Pajarorose profile image

U misdirected your response to me. Send it to the one asking the question.

Missjosefina profile image

I suffer with IBS-d and, after doing the FODMAP restriction / re-introduction phases, I've found most fibrous foods make it worse. unfortunately, I then suffered a couple of incidents of VERY difficult constipation.If you really don't want to go to ER - although I think that would probably be the most effective and give quicker relief - I'd advice glycerin suppositories to go 'up' whilst taking a cod liver oil / evening primrose oil capsule to go 'down'. Also, get some haemorroid cream in the fridge, ready for some much-needed relief after it passes (if youve not got the zinc oxide cream, put a jar of coconut oil in the fridge...for similar soothing relief after you've passed the stool).

I've now found konjac fibre powder or psyllium husk powder is a great way of getting natural bulk-forming fibre in to my system without setting off my IBS-D. Even better, if I buy empty gelatin capsules, it's cheaper to make up my own fibre supplements than buying a jar of 90 capsules. I take 4 x 2000mg a day, together with one evening primrose oil capsule a day. Not had a constipation event for over 6 months.

Wishing you well

Jo xxx

ARLEN profile image

I’ve been in same position The enemas only remove matter from lower bowel Try Mag 07 they r easy on stomach and work brilliantly without pain

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