Hi, I have found that over my years of experimenting with what works for my horrible bloating and gas that Simethicone is the only thing that works for me! However over the past year I have been struggling to find any OTC medications with it in! I began using Senocalm which then became unavailable everywhere so switched to Wind settlers which now has also become impossible to find! Now it looks like Windeze is also going in that direction! Does anyone know if there is some sort of shortage or where I could find them? And can you get Simethicone medications prescribed instead? Thanks!
Shortage of Simethicone? : Hi, I have found that... - IBS Network
Shortage of Simethicone?

Your right. I’ve just checked Boots and Asda , Amazon has Windeze.
I used to use deflatine, but haven't been able to get it for a few months now. I keep checking when I'm in any pharmacies, but there is definitely a supply issue.
My doctor prescribed Simethicone liquid for me. Although I don't take it now as it causes constipation. I do have colpermin on monthly script which is an enterically coated peppermint capsule, similar to windeze. I have also had deflatine on script.
Ask your GP to help
Thank you! That is really helpful, I was unaware that I could be prescribed it, so I will give that a go!
Just been to my GP and asked to be prescribed something with Simethicone in but was told that they couldn't, only suggest antacids so told me to try Peptac 🤷🏻♀️ He also said there was so supply issue so I have no idea where they all are!
Rennie Deflatine is an alternative but seems to be out of stock too.
What I found works for me is probiotics. In either live yogurt form or pills. I’ve no idea how or why it works but if it helps I’m not questioning it! I still get large amounts of wind but it doesn’t get stuck any more
Holland & Barrett had some windease type pills with simethicone but it was a while ago that i saw them. 👍
Boots Wind Relief has it in
Just looked this up. I wouldn't take this if paid to, sorry to say.
I am adversely sensitive to all synthetic drugs. They all have side effects and don't permanently cure. Herbs/plant meds are already here on the planet for our use, to help all manner of human ailments. Problem is they are not dished out on NHS prescriptions only by herbalists or self manufacture. I make a lot myself. Good luck.
yes lve had the same problem with senocalm tried everywhere unavailable!
I wonder why