colonoscopy and moviprep: After having stomach... - IBS Network

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colonoscopy and moviprep

Paula1710 profile image
72 Replies

After having stomach and bowel issues for many years .Raised calprotectin of 105 and 117 and awaiting my 3rd calprotectin result,? I am booked for a colonoscopy Saturday.

ive been given Moviprep and hesrd awful stories about this stuff.

i havd been panicking all week and as prep day approaches im seriously scared of taking the prep,having sedation and getting the results incase its really bad news.

i am nervous as my stomach upsets easily.I. worried as i have allergies worried i will be really unwell and allergic to the prep stuff or the sedation or BOTH

i also have lower blood pressure ( 85-90) and have been having fast heart rate Cardiololgist yesterday ecg normal

im seriously considering not having the procedure but i need a diagnosis

any words of wisdom no idea what to do

Any advice would be appreciated

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Paula1710 profile image
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72 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

I feel for you. I was lucky and didn't need a colonoscopy in my Dr's opinion and I was mighty relieved! I was also terrified of it all, the prep, the procedure etc. Some people sail through colonoscopies. I have a friend who did; said the wasn't much different to her normal IBS-D, and she seemed to enjoy being thoroughly 'cleaned out'.

I can understand your concerns. There is another prep medicine, but I have forgotten what it's called! Hoping someone else will chime in and tell you. I have heard it's better than moviprep. Not as much to drink etc.

So I wonder if you could contact someone and ask to swap the prep stuff? I don't know if it would be too late though.

I am looking forward to the day when all we have to do is eat a liquid diet for 3 days, drink lots of fluids, and swallow a horse pill with a camera in it that happily works its way down and out, and sends pictures to an app or something. If we can send stuff to Mars, why can't we work that one out? And maybe it would be so commonplace it would be the NHS go-to method.....

I know, I'm dreaming.

I agree though, you do need to know what's going on inside. Sending hugs and 100% understanding, as that's the best I can do. Take care xx

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Thank you.Rang the nurses today wont swop prep unless im allergic!!!!! Im petrified of being really unwell again took me 4 months to recover from antibiotics.Im getting hives all the time worried moviprep will see me off

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Believe me, I hear you. I don't do well with stuff doctors give us either.

I am sorry they are holding such a hard line with the moviprep. Have they got shares in it or something?? You must feel quite trapped by it all.

Well, you could give it a shot I suppose. And expect to spend all night on the loo so take your phone, and something to read. BUT, if you start to feel too bad, too weak, and can't manage it, then it's your choice to stop. It's your body. not theirs after all. If the prep doesn't work out right and you can't do it, then they'll just have to move the colonoscopy appointment, and give you something else next time whether they like it or not.

If you feel alone and horrible while trying the prep, I will stay up in the night and be here. Let me know when and if you are in UK. It's nothing for me. I never go to bed early anyway and am known for my bad sleep habits. I haven't died yet and doubt that will kill me, lol It was 5am before I got to sleep the other night.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Awe thank you thats really kind of you.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toPaula1710

Prep is this Friday 4pm and 6pm yes in UK

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Okay, I'm with you!

Steffocat profile image

I had a colonoscopy about a month ago with moviprep and no sedation. This is my honest opinion. The preparation day was unpleasant, but made less so by going on a light, fibre free diet a couple of days before the moviprep day. I had also been told to use plenty of nappy cream on my bum - I used Bepanthon, and wet wipes, to save getting horrible burning. This worked very well. The preparation is very nasty to drink, and there is an awful lot of it. I struggled to get it down, but managed about 80% which was enough. I couldn’t see anything about it that would trigger allergies. Just drink it down and focus on the positive reassurance the colonoscopy will give you. Believe me, there is no need to be afraid.The procedure itself is actually very interesting - the opportunity to see inside your body… I had no sedation so did have some uncomfortable moments but pain is a good deal more tolerable if you know what is causing it. I did have gas and air. However, thousands upon thousands of people have sedation with no ill-effects. Again, please try not to be afraid - I can assure you that there is no need.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toSteffocat

Peoples posts on here have said theyve ended up in A&E after drinking the stuff.Electrolyte imbalance,dizziness,heart palpitations etc.Im so scared was sobbing last night.Been told it removes the good /bad bacteria from your system and causes you to be ill.This happened to me in feb after taking antibiotics.Took me months to recover.I am scared it will happen again.I have gurgling and runny stools everyday anyway and pain.I need anseers but petrified of what the cause is

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

I would def. ask the consultant or your doctor, but it might be a good idea to start with probiotics again after the 'clean out', There surely won't be many, if any bacteria at all left in your gut. That's not such a bad thing, because you re-colonise your gut with only the good guys. You may have had some bad guys in there and they will be flushed right down the river! Get a really good probiotic. after this is all over,

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply toPaula1710

I get diarrhoea at the drop of a hat, and I too was anxious about Moviprep, but the effect was temporary, although unpleasant. You will lose a lot of helpful bacteria from the gut but, if you're a diarrhoea sufferer anyway, that's par for the course. Recent research suggests that the gut is recolonised from bacteria saved in the appendix, which is why the effect is temporary - Luisa22 's suggestion of a probiotic is eminently sensible (I take them all the time).

You will read disaster stories on social media and even this forum and, although they are probably true, they are a minority and most people get through this ordeal OK (nobody writes about good experiences!); I certainly found the colonoscopy a lot easier than the prep! One important thing to remember is to ensure you drink isotonic liquids (like Diarolyte or sports drinks) rather than plain water, because you will lose electrolytes and that can lower your blood pressure. If the diarrhoea is bad before you set off to the hospital, I don't think there's any harm in taking Imodium (though you could check) - the bowel will be completely empty by then anyway (you'll just be passing mucous). I did it, it had no effect on the examination, and I felt a lot more confident for it!

Glitterpants profile image

Hope all goes well. I am like you so anxious of anything to do with my health.

Fernsmum profile image
Fernsmum in reply toGlitterpants

I'll second that !!, my Dr has ask me todo a "fit" test and depending on the result more test could follow , I'm already worried , but need to know , what's what

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toFernsmum

I was so nervous when I did my FIT test, that of course I got a huge flare up that morning. My hands were shaking and I was drinking camomile tea to try and calm down, but it didn't touch the sides. Waiting for results is nerve wrecking too. Mine took about 10 days, which was exceptionally good as we were in lockdown at the time,

I kept trying to forget about it, but the only time I really did was when I was asleep. I was a bit naive then and thought "blood=cancer"...which it doesn't necessarily. Fortunately there wasn't any.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toFernsmum

My doc also nearly sent me for a fit test.Its a worrying time. Im trying to stay calm but so far its not working. Had every test under the sun,and they still cant work out what wrong with me

Fernsmum profile image
Fernsmum in reply toPaula1710

Thank everyone for your kind words , I'm trying to forget about it but it's always there !! ,the last one I had was fine and I've made up my mind that what ever it is I'll just have to cope with so fingers crossed , I'll post results when I get them 🤞

Baenav profile image

Ok, 1st, I understand your anxiety. It’s commonplace to feel nervous, particularly if this is your first colonoscopy. Second, if you didn’t need the procedure then your GP/doctor/consultant would not have recommended that you have it. The idea is not just to find something, but to rule stuff out as well. So if there is something going on, then it can be addressed early. If there is not, this is NOT a wasted procedure because NOT finding something is as valuable to your GP as finding something. And we all hope that nothing is found. The MOVIPREP is honestly OK. Make up the drink as described on the package/leaflet and put the mixture in the fridge (I found it’s better drunk chilled). I think you can add a bit of flavouring, but that’s up to you. Make sure your diet up to the prep is simple. So today maybe chicken, white bread (I cut the crusts off) - there are websites that offer dietary advice and the selection of what you should/can eat is quite precise (sorry, I think I’ve just split an infinitive). Stick to a simple diet - no heavy steaks, avoid corn on the cob, grains - foods to avoid in on the leaflet. Due to the diet I was actually ‘quite loose’ on the day of the prep. With MOVIPREP you have to drink quite a bit, but do it in 15 or 30 minute sessions interspersed with just plain water. I continued to work at my desk during the entire prep, but I was quite close to the loo. You may get a little but of gurgling in your abdomen prior to your first movement, but I didn’t have to rush to the loo, I just went. The diet had really helped; the movement was not ‘explosive’ just runny. I kept the MOVIPREP going, interspersed with plain water and went to the loo a number of times. But, apart from a bit of inconvenience, it did not stop me working and I think I even had some consommé during the prep - which was fine. If I remember rightly, I think MOVIPREP is done over two sessions. It’s quite a bit to drink but I was OK with it - drinking, going to the loo, drinking again just became the afternoon’s routine. I started at 16:00 and finished around 22:00, went to bed and presented myself to the NHS the next morning (my girlfriend ran me over as I wanted the sedative and therefore would not be able to drive home). I did go to the loo once in the night. It was watery/runny but that was expected.

Ask for the sedative……it’s brilliant! You’ll get an explanation about the procedure from the doctor who does it. Once that’s done, the sedative is given to you and shortly after the procedure starts. The tube that the doctors use is really thin. It has a camera and some small tools if a specimen is needed. To be honest, I don’t really recall much of the procedure, I was soooo relaxed. Once complete, I was literally ‘wheeled out’ into a recovery area where I had a cup of tea and my girlfriend joined me for a chat. Fifteen minutes later I was in a car and on my way home.

I’ve had a colonoscopy three times now, so I have some experience. it’s natural to be a bit nervous, but it’s about attitude. You ARE going to find out what’s going on, if anything. Be positive, rather than negative. I’d suggest you have somebody with you so you can chat, watch a film together and giggle about the number of times you have to go to the loo whilst taking MOVIPREP.

The very best to you.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toBaenav

Thanks for replying.Since having antibiotics and making me very ill in feb i have been scared of everything.Along my journey they discovered a fatty liver. I had a ct scan of abdomen in April no obstructions or diverticulitis. I hardly eat much.Had a plain white diet since Tuesday (not good for my liver but hohum) In the heat skin been itching i take fexafenadine daily for allergies just worried sick really

Catspaws100 profile image

I had a very raised calprotectin levelof 420 and excessive mucas and various other bowel issues plus low iron levels. I too was booked in for a colonoscopy with Plenvu as the prep. The prep was a 'struggle' and getting through the second half of it was a big fail I only managed some of it, it was though enough to do the job. I opted for sedation and painkiller and didn't find the colonoscopy procedure a problem at all. All I all it took about 10 minutes. On the upside a 6mm polyp was found and since it has been removed all my bowel issues have resolved. Hopefully yours will be as simple too.

Welsh81 profile image

Deep breaths, have it done as I think the not knowing is worse than knowing, don't work your self up.Hopefully if they can find what's the matter then treatment can be given then your quality of life be better x

I have had 2 colonoscopies, using the Moviprep, and it's fine, nothing to get worried about. You are advised to eat a low fibre diet for a few days before starting the prep, and really,y it's not as bad a it is made out to be-ok, you can't go far from the loo, but in that case, take your phone, or tablet, magazine and the drink I with you, and play your fav music, it doesn't take long,! I learned the hard way to use a bit of zinc and castor oil cream on my butt the prevent it getting sore, and it worked a treat-lip salve will work too but throw the rest away afterwards!!!A good result cannot be obtained if the bowel is full. Surely it's better all round to find out sooner rather than later if there is a problem anyway! The sedation is great-and is optional, just a short period of dozing, but you can understand and follow instructions, but you won't remember anything at all! It's interesting too if you like that kind of thing, to watch the instrument doing it's job! Really it's not as bad as some people think-I'm grateful there are specialists who do this for us!Afterwards, just eat normally, but include a good probiotic,-Actimel each day, for example, and plenty of fluids and some fibre. Prevention is better than cure, so try to eat sufficient fibre each day to prevent the constipation in the first place.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply to

No constipation its runny.I normally follow the mederterranean diet so small meals and lots of fibre,fruits and veggies. The white stuff is upsetting my tum and liver. Do i just buy any actimel or is there a specific one? Due to having a fatty liver ive already lost nearly 7 stone. Had my gallbladder out 4 years ago and practically had the runs since. Worried then the raised calprotectin.Worried its something sinister

in reply toPaula1710

I had my gall bladder removed in 2007, never had a problem! But having it removed can go hand in hand with tummy upsets. The Actimel for immunity is the one I use, but ask your GP, or the chemist, or ask to be referred to a gastro guy. If the good bacteria in the gut are in short supply, your food will not be digested properly, hence the weight loss I would think and with the good diet you are on this should not be the case. Maybe up the probiotic intake, there is one make Symprove which helps, its a 12 week course, and is not cheap, but make sure you get the mango flavour not the original as that doesn't taste good!! If you take antibiotics, that kills the good as well as the bad bacteria, so make sure a probiotic is taken as soon as a course of antibiotics is taken to repopulate your gut. Either way, the colonoscopy should give you some answers. The gastro guy doing the op should give advice in the follow up too. Keep us posted and good luck with it all.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply to

Thank you

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Raised calprotectin is a sign of some inflammation going on. Now there are loads of reasons for some inflammation. Most of them aren't cancer. Colitis, diverticulitis, some food or drink you don't get on well with, after effects of a virus or infection....etc etc.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

I dont have diverticulitis.Confirmed by ct.My 2 calprotectin tests where in March and April 3rd one still not got result.Ive just measured the 1 3/4 pints i have to drink,then i have another 500ml of water to drink.Im going to vomit i know i am.Feeling really scared now!!!!!

Fybo profile image
Fybo in reply toPaula1710

I made up prep & put it in the fridge, sipped it through a straw & within 15mins i vomited each glass full, so didnt take the last glass. They were still able to do my colonoscopy & i they said if i ever needed another to tell them i was allergic to prep & tgey would give something else. Colonoscopy itself was fine didnt feel anything.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toFybo

Did you vomit after 1st dose or 2nd? Theyve just rang me and said if i cant get both doses down they wont do it.My minds racing thinking ill be allergic,go into kidney failure ,faint etc im seriously thinking i cant do it now

Fybo profile image
Fybo in reply toPaula1710

Straight after 1st.x

Fybo profile image
Fybo in reply toFybo

I vomited after 1st glass but still took some more & same happened & couldnt take the last lot.x

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toFybo

Omg .

Chocolate41 profile image

I had three colonoscopy last year as I had to have polyps removed.I was advised by the nurse that the moviprep would be more palatable if you drunk it with a straw.It was so much better doing it that way.

Good luck I am sure it will be absolutely fine.

Luisa22 profile image

I would definitely get some other drink to have alongside the moviprep. Maybe Lucozade, 7-up or something nice. Sweet would be nice. and will help boost your energy too. I think it's ok as long as it's not a strongly coloured drink, or a red one, DON'T have your favourite drink! Or it will forever remind you! Choose something else that you like well enough but don't often drink.

oh and....expect to pee for England too....for hours.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

I dont think my little stomach can get 1 3/4 pints down plus 500ml of water.Im terrified im gonna vomit it all back up. Was gonna try lucozade orange i also have lucozade sport drinks as it has electrolytes in .Dont know if thats allowed though.Tried to ring the nurses helpline no answer.Just got my renal function tests my urea is 2.3 the lowest it should be is 2.5.Dont know if its safe to drink or not.My BP is under 90 no idea what to do if the moviprep lowers BP what do i do if it goes too low?

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

It sounds like you have a number of different problems there, and I can understand why you are really unsure about things. Maybe could you call 111 for advice ? Your situation may be so different to many of us here, esp. with the low BP issue.

But 1 and 3/4 pints of fluid plus the extra 500ml water (you could use a nice water like flavoured mineral or sparkling maybe?) isn't a huge amount of fluid to drink over the course of quite a few hours. Is that what you drink until you go to bed the night before the colonoscopy?

Esp. if you don't drink anything else. Once all the liquid starts coming out of you, you might crave drinks anyway as your body will sense fluid loss and make you more thirsty. I know when I get the "D" attacks, I get really thirsty.

And if you just keep sipping at it constantly, rather than trying to chug down 1/2 pint or something all at once.

I think boiled sweets are allowed (?) so you could for instance, take a swig of the movicol, and a swig of a nice drink, follow it with a boiled sweet, and do the same 30 minutes later, and just do that all evening. You probably won't be going to bed early anyway if you'll keep needing the loo. It might be really do-able.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Its 2 lots of 1 3/4 pints and 2 500ml. So prep is 3 1/2 pints.1st lot 5pm 2nd lot 8pm so i have 3 hours to drink the 1st lot. Low BP hospital have ok'd it. Still scared i will end up on the floor or vomitting it all up or worse

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Oh I see. Two lots. Gosh, that's a lot. You'll be liquidised.

winfong profile image

I've probably had a half dozen. The anticipatory anxiety. especially for your first one (is that correct?) is probably the worst thing you'll have to deal with.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

Yep first 1 had 4 upperendoscopies no problem no sedation.Its the moviprep thats worrying me and the side effects.Scared half to death by nurse who has just rung me saying if i vomit to carry on drinking it.If i stop weeing,feel really ill or dizzy ,or faintbive got to go to A&E and they will cancel it!!!!! Im tiny and dont eat much anyway think all the liquid is gonna come up and i will have a reaction

winfong profile image
winfong in reply toPaula1710

Have you done Moviprep before?

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

No thats why im petrified

winfong profile image
winfong in reply toPaula1710

I've had it every time but once. What did you take before? Or is this your first "lower"?

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

Firstvlower.Its my worst nightmare

winfong profile image
winfong in reply toPaula1710

I think there are a ton of posts on here about colonoscopies. Try checking them out.

Your concerns are normal, by the way. It's never as bad as your worries or the "stories" you hear though.

There are also many plusses. I've actually requested it before when things were really backed up or where I thought I had bad bugs in my system (and with great results, I might add).

And, finally, feel free to ask for something for your anxiety. You wouldn't be the first.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

Ive already looked at colonoscopy on here and stupidly googled moviprep reviews.Bad moveIve had loads of tests since feb only things found where the raised calprotectin fatty liver and weak positive ANA spent a thousand on private opinions (nhs backlog) with so far no emotional and exhausted fron numerous US scans 2 ct scans upper endoscopy loads and loads of blood tests and still no closer to finding the cause. My stress levels are through the roof . The colonoscopy has teetered me near the edge

winfong profile image
winfong in reply toPaula1710

The IBS diagnosis is mostly a process of elimination. Oftentimes, it seems that the last test someone takes is a colonoscopy.

If it comes back negative - which is probably most likely - you can then check that off your list. Then you can feel a little more assured that all you've got is plain old IBS. IBS is definitely no fun, but it's not colon cancer. Now, wouldn't that be good to know?

There's a definite relationship between IBS and anxiety. In fact, they seem to operate in a vicious cycle, feeding off one another. In general, I think anything you can take or do for anxiety is bound to help your IBS. Perhaps you could talk to someone about your anxiety in general (which the colonoscopy has really brought to the fore).

I'm afraid I don't know much about fatty liver disease or gallbladder issues. I can assure you, though, the colonoscopy will be nowhere near as bad as you're thinking.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

Thanks for your kind reply.Im taking propanoll which kinda helps. Im talking to a psychologist tomorrow morning. Last 2 weeks the gurgling in my bowel is embarrassing. Only 1 trip to loo a day. Changes from constipated normal to runny. Some foods definately dont agree with me.I usually eat high fibre loads of fruit and veggies etc.This week bowel is grumbling over the fibre free diet.get wind pains alot.Does this sound like IBS? Not had blood (not that ive noticed) get pain and discomfort under bowel area.lower belly button area

winfong profile image
winfong in reply toPaula1710

Sounds a lot like IBS. Have any of your docs mentioned that, or talked to you about it?

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply towinfong

Yes some have mentioned IBS.but raised calprotectin can mean cancer im terrified thats what it is

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

This sounds very much like my IBS, Normal sometimes, and sometimes for days or even weeks, but at my worst I am less runny than very mushy, but those crampy wind pains are awful. I have been getting them every morning the last few days, relieved by a loo trip. Plus the 'three months pregnant look' which comes and goes on a fancy of its own and is def. worse when I eat veggies, which I refuse to give up!

Raised calprotectin basically means some inflammation is going on. There are so many reasons for inflammation, besides cancer, even a food that disagrees with you, or after effect of a virus. etc,

Luisa22 profile image

Hi....have you decided to do the prep? I just thought I'd let you know that if you need someone to chat to through this or feel all alone etc. I'm here (for what I'm worth :D ) and will be in and out of the forum all evening until probably quite late (i.e. tomorrow early a.m. !)

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Yes ended up going to the hospital to chat to them.Starting at 5pm dreading it!!!!!

Luisa22 profile image

That sounds like weird timing they have asked you to do (??) I am NO expert on this believe me, having not done it myself, but starting at 5pm seems designed to keep you up half the night!! It would have been a lot more friendly to have started earlier say at 1pm. But that's just my own slant on things.

Paula1710 profile image

It would wouldn't it? They said timings fir a reason.5pm then 8pm said to drink as much as i can

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Yes, best to do as they suggest. Have you drunk any yet?

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Yes drank a third of 1st litre .Tastes vile. Im never gonna drink lemon again after this 😀

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

I imagined it would be lemon flavour . I might even prefer that to silicol gel which I remember wishing...tasted like lemon. Because it tastes like wallpaper paste :(

Anyway, good going 1/3 of a litre !

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Its not the consistency of wallpaper paste like i expected.Can taste the salt though.its the colour of wallpaper paste

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toPaula1710

1stvlitre finished can feel it sloshing in my tummy. 2nd litre 8pm got a hour to go

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Wow, that's good going! Doing well.


Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Thank you.Was worried it wasn't going to work but it definately does!!!!! 20 mins til next batch then im done. Hopefully be able to get in a nice warm bath later if it stops at a reasonable time

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Oh wow! You are doing so well!! I am really pleased you are doing this. A warm bath later would be really nice. I don't know if you have any, but coconut oil is also good for the backside that will get wiped too many times. It's so soothing.

I hope it's cooled down now a bit where you live? It has here.

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Its raining has been all day.So glad it cooled off especially being glued to the loo

Paula1710 profile image


Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply toPaula1710

Yes, being glued to the loo is never a good look in a heatwave :D

Luisa22 profile image

Hi, I am guessing you did okay with the prep? It did sound like you were coping. I hope you got your lovely bath and are asleep now....Good luck for tomorrow (today!) Let us know how you are. Hugs xx

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Didn't stop going to the loo until around 1am had a quick bath then fell asleep.More nervous now about the procedure. Will let you know how i get on

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

I'm back home.Feelinv tired and a little sore opted for light sedation/pain relief.Found 1 polyp that was removed and took 8 biopsies.No cancer detected whew!. Awaiting biopsy results which can take up to 12 weeks to see if its IBS, UC or Chrohns.Thanks so much for supporting me .Big virtual hug

Luisa22 profile image

I bet you are tired and hungry now. Yes, I imagine you'll feel a little sore after a polyp was removed and 8 biopsies. It's great news you have no cancer. I think that was your biggest worry. Did they say if they are testing for micrsocopic colitis too? That can often be missed in a colonoscopy.

You did really well Big hug


Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toLuisa22

Ive no idea what theyre testing for but theyre aware of my raissd calprotectin so i hope so.starting to feel drugged now.Jusf glad its over

Fybo profile image

Im so glad this all over for you & you start to feel a little better. Been thinking about you today.x

Paula1710 profile image
Paula1710 in reply toFybo

Awe thank you.Glad its over.Prep not that bad.Im a bit uncomfortable and wiped out but i am glad i did it.Just have to wait for results now

Fybo profile image
Fybo in reply toPaula1710

Yea just try & stay positive im sure everything will be ok. Please keep us up to date with your progress. Take care.x

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