Hi so I’ve had symptoms for a few years and believe it may be IBS but every time I go the doctors they just don’t seem to know what’s going on. I have an upset stomach daily 90% of the time my stools loose I suddenly get stomach cramps and goose bumps and have to go the toilet then it’ll be fine for the rest of the day until the following day when I have to go again. But I always get pain after I eat but it’s a weird pain I can only describe it like I’ve been punched and winded it’s my upper stomach and it’ll radiate round my ribs it’s so strange I usually have it all day but it’s only after I’ve eated going the toilet doesn’t relieve it either does anyone with ibs also get this weird pain it’s so uncomfortable and obviously I get bloated
Is there something else going on: Hi so I’ve had... - IBS Network
Is there something else going on
Hi not medically qualified to give a diagnosis but it does not sound as if your GP has given you any exclusion tests which is the basis of finding out if you have IBS. One test that should be done is for celiac suggest you go back to your GP and have another word😉
I agree with Linley . There is a set protocol for diagnosing IBS in the UK which your GP should be doing as a matter of course. Info here:
If you have this in your upper stomach and after eating , it sounds similar to my GERD symptoms ( basically heart burn / stomach acid).
You should have a chat with your GP and tell them these symptoms specifically and as the others have said get the tests to exclude other causes.
They may try you on one of the GERD medications to see if you have improvement.
If you haven't had them yet you could ask for the blood tests for Coeliac and Crohn's etc.
Your could also ask to get the camera investigation down your throat to see if anything is going on .
I use a few spoons of natural probiotic yoghurt before meals which helps my GERD. I usually have a bigger portion for breakfast with some honey and fruit or oats before any medication.
I eat five small portions of food a day instead of a big meal.
I don't drink alcohol or coffee , and I am careful about spicy food.
My diet is low fat because I have no gall bladder , I keep my processed sugar and carb intake low .
I eat a good amount of fibre , I keep away from gluten on bad days .
I kept watch on my symptoms after meals over sometime and worked out which foods made me feel worse an I avoid them.
Peppermint or ginger tea after a meal can help with post meal pain.
Drinking enough water through the day helps all stomach symptoms.
Sleeping on your right side with your shoulders and head raised on a number of pillows also relieves fullness and stomach acid.
That horrible cold tingling feeling before you go to the toilet with diarrhea , like water trickling down your back , and goose bumps us the bowel urgency reaction of the nervous system. The nervous system can also add to the pain after you eat. Relaxation techniques through the day . Sitting and doing deliberate slow breathing in a comfy place with eyes shut can reduce the tension in your body and relieve the symptoms by helping your nervous system.
Have your gallbladder checked.
I'd add i think either GERD or Gallbladder
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When you are diagnosed with IBS Bowel symptoms it is when they can’t find anything wrong it doesn’t mean to say there might not be,I don’t bother to go any more to the Doctors after hinting just get on with it, first thing a Doctor will say change your diet use stool softeners and something like FibreGel, I know how you feel I have done all that for getting on for three years and nothing does not seem to have helped the pain is truly horrendous at times and boating makes it much worse, I mostly get very bad constipation although. sometimes I do get explosive diahrea, I cannot plan anything and I am coming down from being on Amitryptiline I would not be surprised if withdrawing from this terrible drug might be the reason I have Ibs in the first place.