Hi all, i'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on my symptoms because i'm at my wits ends with my stomach!
For as long as I can remember I've suffered with abdominal cramping and dashing for the loo which was believed to be linked to my endometriosis. I've recently had excision surgery to remove this for the second time and ever since my stomach has been in bits. My bloods are clear and no microbes but i'm suffering a lot with...
-constipation/very hard stools, even if I manage to go the Toilet it still feels like I haven't fully emptied my bowels, very rarely diarrhoea but it does happen and sometimes mucus
-Bowel cramps and generalised stomach ache/spasms feels almost like persistent trapped wind and sometimes a pressure feeling around the bottom both sides of my rib cage/waist like someone pressing on it
-very windy, burping and flatulance very bloated sometimes doesn't go away, sometimes I can feel the wind moving in my gut
-nausea especially after eating and a gurgling sensation when I lie down, quite noisy
-a sharp stabbing pain in lower stomach and tail bone almost like someone twisting a knife up my bum/womb with cramps
-bad cramps are eventually relieved by going the toilet but upper stomach ache is quite persistent
It does come and go but sometimes it can last weeks and is very persistent but made worse by eating and its driving me insane!
I've been taking aloe Vera gel and not noticed much of difference but buscopsn does help to ease the pain, any insight would be greatly appreciated!