Is is really IBS?: Hello fellow-sufferers, I'm... - IBS Network

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Is is really IBS?

chrolly2014 profile image
12 Replies

Hello fellow-sufferers,

I'm 30 and have had IBS symptoms since I was 17. When I get it really badly (had a bad flare-up for the past month, but it could be the aftermath of being hospitalised with C-Difficile) I just can't believe it's 'only IBS'. I get the following -

very bloated stomach

pass wind

wind moving around inside stomach causing sharp pain

Spasms, almost like labour contractions

bad diarrhea that can explode out and leave spatter marks on toilet bowl, can be clear-coloured foam only, or can be pure colourless liquid (like passing water but from zee bum)

Tight chest on occasion

Better when I go home and lie down (can sometimes ease within 5 minutes)

Constipation - feels like built-up air is blocking passing a stool

Dull ache in stomach

Makes me double up and unable to walk when really bad

Had a colonoscopy and endoscopy 2 years which revealed nothing. Blood work showed negative for Celiac Disease. I went to a health food shop who tested me for allergies and they said i am not very tolerant to wheat and orange juice. However, in the past ive eaten wheat products and not had an IBS flare-up. I also thought it was anxiety but i can be totally fine at big events e.g. an interview and then get it badly when im going to something like a concert.

I put up with it and it hasn't affected my work but that's mainly because I just manage to put up with the pain every day.

Ive been anaemic for years and the hospital monitors my blood counts because my platelets keep dropping.

Getting married next year and would really like to see if it is IBS once and for all. Should i ask for other tests to rule out other things? Do you think it sounds like IBS?



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chrolly2014 profile image
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12 Replies

Hi it sounds like IBS to me .ive suffered with it now for 12yrs ,and I've had different symptoms along the way .One month could be D then it could be C ,at one time my husband took me to the Hostpital for an Enenama .Now it seems at the moment to have settled at going to toilet about 3 times a day,but the problem is the pain gets worse each time I go .I have had every test available been through all the NHS and private and I've been sent all over the country to see different gastrologist .I was told the only test to prove nothing suspicious was a colonoscopy .Ive also tried diet.But if I was you rather than go down my route I would ask for more tests and don't be put off.Use your own intuition and ask GP, gastrologists or whoever you have to insist on to see do so .Dont leave it as long as me and just going with the flow.I was also told by a friend that an Underactive Thyroid can cause stomach problems so get that checked aswell.I really do wish you well and Luck xx

in reply to

Sorry it's come up twice. But please try and get it sorted,your to young to be suffering plus you've got a wedding to sort. Good Luck

Hi it sounds like IBS to me .ive suffered with it now for 12yrs ,and I've had different symptoms along the way .One month could be D then it could be C ,at one time my husband took me to the Hostpital for an Enenama .Now it seems at the moment to have settled at going to toilet about 3 times a day,but the problem is the pain gets worse each time I go .I have had every test available been through all the NHS and private and I've been sent all over the country to see different gastrologist .I was told the only test to prove nothing suspicious was a colonoscopy .Ive also tried diet.But if I was you rather than go down my route I would ask for more tests and don't be put off.Use your own intuition and ask GP, gastrologists or whoever you have to insist on to see do so .Dont leave it as long as me and just going with the flow.I was also told by a friend that an Underactive Thyroid can cause stomach problems so get that checked aswell.I really do wish you well and Luck xx

Huston profile image

Hi sounds like a classic bunch of symptoms .IBS is a catch all diagnosis after all else has been eliminated which sounds like where you are now . So it's the specifics of your particular case that you now need to pursue and ,in my experience,that is something the medical profession does not engage with and ultimately leaves you ,and thousands like us,to manage on our own .

babyowl profile image

Hi you have all the same symptoms as me had 2 cameras up and 1 down never find anything had various blood tests been suffering since my teens now 43 only ever diagnose IBS. Hope you get some answers soon. xx Huston I agree with you totally

Hi I got very similiar symptoms and I'm getting tired of hearing 'IBS' as for the past 7 years I've been trying various diets etc and I couldn't find any food triggers. The only thing that makes my symptoms worse are periods, I'm also getting sick and have headaches if I skip a meal. If you feel it's not IBS keep pushing your doctor for more tests or try getting another opinion.

It first started in 2004, I went to doctor - I was told IBS - I somehow couldn't believe it, I paid for private scans it turned out i had an orange sized cysts on my ovary and becuse it was so big my bowels couldn't work properly. Then in 2008 same story repeats (had to pay for private scans again) - this time cyst was on the other ovary though. I had it removed and was put on hormonal contraception so prevent more cysts growing.

And the hell started. I've got all of the symptoms you mentioned (apart from chest tightness) plus horrid migraines that make me unable to walk but stop almost as soon as I finish burping, emptying my bowels and vomitting (it can take hours though and happens at the same time - literally sitting on the toilet and vomiitng to the sink - sorry for details). I was off contraception for almost a year last year and I had really bad migraines and digestive symptoms almost only just before and during first days of my period. Doctors suggested IBS + mild endometriosis and most likely scar tissue after my 2nd laparoscopy. I'm on depoprovera now, the period bleeding stopped (i got period pain sometimes though) and I was fine for good few months but now it started, out of the blue, again. I booked another appt with my doctor to review contraception. Ultrasounds, blood, gastro- and colonoscopies are fine. I'm not thinking of getting married yet but I thought of moving in with my boyfriend and I'm petrified that my problems will ruin our relationship and sex life...:( don't give up and Good luck x

Hi, it certainly sounds like IBS to me. I was diagnosed in 1996 after a bout of food poisoning and had the same tests as you, a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy. The only sympton I don't is diarrhea which I know I am very lucky, I do have the pain though and it can be really bad and agree that it can affect you when you walk.

The only foods I have stopped eating are broccoli and cauliflower, which I absolutely love. They are both from the Cruciferous family of vegetables. Of course if I drink fizzy drink that also has an effect as well.

I hope you find something that suits you and makes you feel better.

Best of luck

shbowker profile image

Hi, I know what you mean. I have been suffering from IBS since I was 15 years and I'm now 31 years. For the last two years, since I had a colonoscopy, to rule out crohns disease I have been really bad. Experiencing severe stomach pain, spasms, constipation, being sick everyday, not being able to eat and losing 2 stone in weight. I have been put on lots of different medication which nothing seems to be helping. I'm on morphine for the pain and tapantadol. I've had to be hospitalised once this year and last year. It's so upsetting isn't it and I know where you are coming from. I hope you manage to get some help soon and that you able to go ahead and enjoy your wedding. Are you under a gastroenterologist if so I would ask is there anymore tests etc they can do for you. Good luck


runswithdogs profile image

Also - don't discount the effect that stress and anxiety can have on IBS. It's key to monitor your potential food aggravations, but I also find when I'm stressed out my IBS worsens, and it's worth paying attention to.

FlyinMarty profile image


Your symptoms sound pretty much the same as mine. I too have been looking for triggers (food, environmental, stress etc)

Stress is definitely a trigger, including being out or on a longish trip - as soon as I get home or settle into an environment I'm OK. Had CBT for it, kinda worked.....

I need to keep pushing my GP as all he ever does is poke my stomach a bit, have a quick listen with a stethoscope and say "yes, IBS". Had no tests or endoscopies (the thought of the latter is quite scary). I'm going back again Monday. He did try me on Colfac, but it didn't really make that much difference. Probably should have gone back sooner but as they don't seem to be bothered / able to do anything it's self management.

stunned profile image

For me its the severe cramps that i find difficult to cope with, they take my breath away, and yes they are very much like labour contractions, even more painful but you don't get a baby at the end.

I sweat because the pain is so bad and i find it so hard to move once they hit.

I don't get flare ups very often but when i do , OMG.

2 hours in the bathroom at midnight last night and totally exhausted this morning.

Have only ever been given Buscapan because my flare ups are so infrequent.

Add the fact i have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Spondolytis at the base of my spine and it makes for even more painful spasms and double the fatigue and tiredness.

chrolly2014 profile image

Thank you all so much for your replies - I didn't expect to receive so many!

I'm going to go back to my doctor to push for more support/tests.

I wish you all good health and hope you stop suffering from this awful condition.


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