Hello fellow-sufferers,
I'm 30 and have had IBS symptoms since I was 17. When I get it really badly (had a bad flare-up for the past month, but it could be the aftermath of being hospitalised with C-Difficile) I just can't believe it's 'only IBS'. I get the following -
very bloated stomach
pass wind
wind moving around inside stomach causing sharp pain
Spasms, almost like labour contractions
bad diarrhea that can explode out and leave spatter marks on toilet bowl, can be clear-coloured foam only, or can be pure colourless liquid (like passing water but from zee bum)
Tight chest on occasion
Better when I go home and lie down (can sometimes ease within 5 minutes)
Constipation - feels like built-up air is blocking passing a stool
Dull ache in stomach
Makes me double up and unable to walk when really bad
Had a colonoscopy and endoscopy 2 years which revealed nothing. Blood work showed negative for Celiac Disease. I went to a health food shop who tested me for allergies and they said i am not very tolerant to wheat and orange juice. However, in the past ive eaten wheat products and not had an IBS flare-up. I also thought it was anxiety but i can be totally fine at big events e.g. an interview and then get it badly when im going to something like a concert.
I put up with it and it hasn't affected my work but that's mainly because I just manage to put up with the pain every day.
Ive been anaemic for years and the hospital monitors my blood counts because my platelets keep dropping.
Getting married next year and would really like to see if it is IBS once and for all. Should i ask for other tests to rule out other things? Do you think it sounds like IBS?