Does anybody else have the shaky leg thing coupled with nausea during an IBS attack or am I just weird ?
Shaky legs with nausea : Does anybody else have... - IBS Network
Shaky legs with nausea
Yep your just weird 🤣, xxx
Joking aside whenever I feel sick my legs shake too xx hope you feel better soon Shaun x
I threw up like Billyo last night, found out it was a migraine coupled with IBS, I hate my f***in life sometimes, how are you my darling ? xx
Aww bless you Shaun I’m not too bad try a travel sickness band for your wrist and try ginger x
I must be weird too then. When I have a really bad flare I get shaky legs, hot flushes, nausea and sometimes even pins and needles in my lower legs too. 🤷🏼♀️
Rainbow_123, lol I was joking, I have been suffering with this symptom for over two years now. Even bought some migraleve to see if it takes the nausea away, am scared to take them though as it has codeine in it and don’t want them to knock me out. Have you taken migraleve in the past and if so what did it do ? xxxxx

I don't mind being part of the weird club. 😂 Never taken migraleve but have taken codeine for the pain during flares and it worked a treat. Has the added benefit of bunging things up so eases the pain and the flare up.