Horrendous bloating and if I can't get the gas out a lost day of nausea and complete debilitated. Any advice on meds or herbal treatment
Bloating and nausea : Horrendous bloating and if... - IBS Network
Bloating and nausea

👋 I know how you feel. Have you tried the fodmap diet? I’m trying to follow it at the minute as sometimes the bloating is due to the foods you eat also I read on here about drinking ginger tea I’ve tried it and sometimes it does work good luck.
Hi there, I use travel sick tablets for nausea and they work for me. Re the bloating, I have read a lot on here about wheat/gluten/yeast can be the cause of bloating. My next food to cut out is going to be wheat for me as that seems to be my main problem. I have bought a flour that I will be able to make my own bread with so I can avoid the wheat/gluten etc.
Hope you find what works for you.

Thank you for advice
You are welcome and you will find loads of advice on here. Although not everybody is the same there will more than likely be something that works for you.
Very best of luck
Probiotics help but must be taken regularly for a couple of months. Also peppermint capsules from the chemist help disperse the wind.
I find in morning before i eat anything i have a mega probiotic, a digestive enzyme( helps u digest carbs and fat) a peppermint oil tablet wait about 10 mins then eat and u will have no wind , trapped wind or nausea. Do same at dinner time in evening before u have ur main meal and ur be good to go... also after u eat drink a glass of water it flushes food through colon instead of all being clogged up and hard to digest... since my gastro told me these little gems i have no trouble whatsoever.
I also went gluten and dairy free