Positive H Pylori.....how was treatment and ou... - IBS Network

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Positive H Pylori.....how was treatment and outcome?

4 Replies


GP just rang and confirmed positive H pylori test, and is doing prescription for triple therapy regime.

I am not worried about it, he said generally side effects are diarrhoea.

Has anybody had any other side effects, and did you have a positive outcome? He said he wouldn't retest unless there were ongoing symptoms -belching, bloating, central abdo pain, throat weird sensations and occ heartburn were mine - but that that maybe looking at other investigations.

Thank you for any guidance! 🙂

4 Replies
tanyawilson1909 profile image

Hi thereLooks like hpylari can cause all sorts, well for me anyway

I had indigestion for a few years , managed with renies and stuff

Last September it became unbearable 😫 pain and burning in upper stomach

Tested hpylari positive

First antibiotics treatment was unsuccessful , second one seams got rid of it

But my upper stomach still hurting. Kind off pressure constant feeling , sometimes right in the middle , sometimes more to the sides , very bad bloating too.

Doctor said that is GERD as a result of hpylari damage

Now I m on a lansoprazole every day , but my pains still come and go

Fed up

I m only 40

in reply to tanyawilson1909

Thank you forvyour reply. I hope your doctor can get on top of your symptoms so you soon feel much better x

Triple therapy for a week. Normally omeprozole, metronidazole and amoxicillin. Don’t drink any alcohol.You will need to stay on the ppi for 6-8 weeks but no longer on that higher dose (40)

Re test after a few months and post a few weeks after stopping the ppi ( you can’t test while this is in your system)

Ask about probiotics!

Don’t take those acitmel type junk.

Peppermint caps are a good daily deal!

BE PATIENT!!! Symptoms can last many months after eradication. Possibly at least six months plus. It can also leave you permanently with ibs or a sensitive digestive system.

Enga211 profile image

Hi! I guess you will be picking up the meds to treat h pylori. I still haven’t started mine. I am not so scared of the immediate side effects, but more of the damage antibiotics will do to my gut long term. No guarantee one course will get rid of the bug, might need another one. I had two courses of amoxicillin in the last couple of years (one for sinus and one for tooth infection). I am afraid this bacteria might be resistant to that. I just don’t believe I will get a magical cure of all my symptoms.I was surprised and a bit shocked when I was diagnosed with h pylori. Firstly, I have never heard of it before. Secondly, I don’t have the main symptom, which is heartburn/indigestion.

I have read that this bug is very common. Maybe it’s so easy to diagnose that doctors just prescribe antibiotics to fob you off. A bit like ibs, just ‘deal with it’.

Sorry about all the negativity, i just suffer from massive anxiety when it comes to health and don’t have much trust in doctors.

Let me know how you get on with the treatment and don’t forget to take probiotics. I have read that Saccharomyces Boulardii is very good at protecting your gut.

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