not sure if this is the correct site to post, but have IBS as well for years.I started to have pain lower pelvic area 5 days ago, which seemed like diverticulitis flare, usually presented in lower left side, this was across almost bottom middle pelvic area, 3 days ago went to clinic was prescribed the 2 antibiotics given for this condition, metrenozadole and ciprofloxin, , started on 3 days ago, had pain and felt like heaviness , pressure , especially when standing or moving, feeling of fullness ascwell , felt like a bowel movement would relieve pressure, had small movements couple times relieved slightly, this morning , had a very loose large movement which did seem to relieve pressure, does this seem normal after meds for 3 days? Have had flares before, dont remember the kind of heaviness and pressure had this time though, still dont feel very good, on meds 3 more days
Diverticulitis flare: not sure if this is the... - IBS Network
Diverticulitis flare

Sorry to hear about your problem. I would, respectfully, suggest that you keep in close contact with your doctor so that your condition might be monitored, and that any signs of a localising infection might be identified . Very difficult to gauge what is going on, and, if this is , indeed, a flare up, you should, hopefully, respond to the antibiotics which are appropriate for your condition. I do suggest, though, that you start a reputable probiotic, if you haven’t done so already, providing that there is no reason why you shouldn’t, because those two antibiotics will certainly adversely affect your gut microbiome. In any event, probiotics can reduce antibiotic- associated diarrhoea by up to 40-50%.If in doubt, speak to your doctor. Hope you recover soon.

Thank you still bloated feeling this morning and had a few bouts of dark diahrea yesterday , couldnt control and first thing this morning , Im wondering if these strong antibiotics causing this, , feeling very unwell, Im 76 years old and thinking these meds not agreeing or helping me
I think it very likely. Metronidazole is known for causing nausea. In fact both can produce unpleasant side-effects. It could be a worsening of the underlying condition.You need to complete the course if you can ,but, if not, do contact your doctor. Pelvic prolapse is unlikely to be causing your symptoms, unless you have signs that your womb has dropped, but you’d know, besides I think it highly improbable that your doctor would not be able to differentiate between acute diverticulitis and uterine/ vaginal prolapse! My advice is to go back to your doctor for any advice, and don’t rely on guidance given by individuals who have had no medical training, however well-intentioned - it’s a cause of unnecessary stress for you.

Thank you, did put call into dr cant see me today but is supposed to call me
You could have a pelvic organ prolapse. Go back to your doctor and ask for a referal to a specialist
Thank you if the clinic dr put me on these strong meds when not diverticulitis , bit a bladder prolapse, could cause this bloated amd uncontolled diahrea yesterday and today will yry contact dr this morning, if advised to go to hospital will be worse than ever ER times long wait in my condition
Don't forget to ask your Dr for a special-ray to see if you have pelvic Varicose veins. An MRI scan will show both on what the main trouble is.
hi arvine,I’ve been suffering the same type of problem as you. I’ve had this now for about two weeks and my doctors don’t seem to know what to do .
I’m 81yrs old,and it’s really getting me down ,I don’t know what to do with myself. I did put a post on but I don’t know where that’s gone. Some of your reply’s are new to me,and sound quite scarey. I can’t do nothing but wish you luck,and hope you find some way around it. 🙏🏻🙏🏻