H Pylori - worried: Hey guys, I have been having... - IBS Network

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H Pylori - worried

mdox profile image
37 Replies

Hey guys,

I have been having a host of symptoms for almost two years now, with new ones coming into the picture every month. I have been diagnosed with h pylori today after doing a stool sample last week. I have been prescribed a triple dose of antibiotics, the gp have just texted me this morning to go and collect my prescription but have given me no further advice or even rang me which is quite sad. I have been prescribed amoxillin, clarithromycin and lansoprazole. I've taken amoxicillin before for a different issue and I had really bad diarrhoea with it, so I know it's going to be a long week. I have to take 4 amoxicillin, 2 clarithromycin and 2 lansoprazole a day (so 8 in total!!😳) but I have no clue when to take them during the day. I am currently taking levothyroxine in the mornings and the mini pill in the evenings (I have to take the mini pill at the same time each night for a gynaecological disorder).

I have been going back and forth to the GP during the last two years for tummy issues, I've had blood tests, stool samples (to check for IBD I think) and an ultrasound done which showed nothing. But since November 2020, I started experiencing really bad acid reflux out of nowhere and really bad pain under my ribs. I was also getting twitches and spasms all over my stomach and sensations that felt like a pulse, which really scared me.

My question is, is it possible I've had this infection for two years since the start of my problems? The acid reflux/indigestion and the spasms are the only new symptoms, however, I've been experiencing left sided abdo pain, nausea in the mornings, altered bowel habits (mostly constipation), and pain under my left rib occasionally since 2019. If I've had it for this long, am I basically predisposed to stomach cancer? I was doing some reading this morning online and I am worried sick, apparently there's a significant chance of getting stomach cancer if you have this infection. I have lost 5 family members last year due to stomach cancer, my dad suffers from gastric issues and I am really really worried that something is wrong with me.

Has anyone been diagnosed with this before, and if so how are you now and how did you get on with the antibiotics? I just feel quite lost right now and I have a feeling my symptoms will not go away because there's probably another problem that I am yet to figure out :(

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37 Replies

Left side abdo pain/discomfort and altered bowel habits are very common with ibs.

When you are on your antibiotic course take a probiotic 2-3 times per day, it will help replenish the good bacteria in your gut.

Take care.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Thank you for the reply Jimtom.

Are there any good probiotics you would recommend?

in reply to mdox

You can use actimel or one of the live yogurts, I get acidophilus 20 billion from Hollande and Barrett which are very good.

Sasical profile image

Hi there

It's very very common. About two thirds of the world's population has hpylori, some with no symptoms others with quite a few. I had it. As Jimtom said take a good probiotic. Whatever you do don't take Levofloxacin but I see you haven't been prescribed that.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Sasical

hey, thank you for the reply! I'll try to look for a good probiotic today :)

in reply to Sasical

What’s wrong with Levofloxacin?

Sasical profile image
Sasical in reply to

Look into "floxing" on Google, it's what happens to some people when taking Quinolones (levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin). I took it 6 years ago, had terrible neuropathy, couldn't walk, was in a wheelchair for months, lost most of my hair, had no strength to get out if bed, etc etc. Took me about 3 years to get back to semi-normal. In March it will 6 years since it happened I'm not back to being close to the person I used to be, but at least I have recovered quite a bit.

in reply to Sasical

Well, it’s been prescribed with amoxicillin for me as I have resistance to the other antibiotics used to treat h pylori.

Sasical profile image
Sasical in reply to

Where I live, and due to what has happened to so many people, last year it was put on a list whereby it's only given in very exceptional cases when no other antibiotic works. It's a last resort medicine because of how dangerous the side effects are. I wish this had happened before I was given it and it changed my life

xjrs profile image

Sorry I can't comment on your specific question, but I can advise about helping yourself whilst on antibiotics. Taking antibiotics can upset the balance of good bacteria in your gut since antibiotics can kill off good bugs too. This means that bad bugs in the gut may come to the fore which can cause antibiotic associated diarrhea. Anyone taking antibiotics can help guard themselves against this type of diarrhea by taking Saccharomyces Boulardii which is a beneficial yeast at the same time as the antibiotic and for 2 weeks to a month afterwards. If you take probiotics whilst taking antibiotics, the probiotics are likely to be killed off by the antibiotics since they are also (good) bacteria. Since Saccharomyces Boulardii is a beneficial yeast, it will help protect your good bugs, but it won't be affected by the antibiotics so can be taken at the same time. If you start to become constipated on Saccharomyces Boulardii, this suggests that it has or is doing its job and it might be possible to come off of them. Once you are no longer on antibiotics, you could take a good probiotic for a month or so too, just to help bring things back in balance. There are clinical studies that Saccharomyces Boulardii reduces the chances of antibiotic associated diarrhea and I do find it annoying that doctors are unable to prescribe this at the same time as antibiotics. It could also help guard against people getting IBS in the first place, since in some people, IBS is initially triggered by taking antibiotics and ending up with a gut bacterial imbalance as a result.

In terms of being on the constipated side, are you consuming enough fibre? Being backed up in the colon won't help the acid reflux.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to xjrs

Hey, thanks for replying.

So I've taken my first dose this morning (2 amoxicillin, 1 lansoprazole and 1 Clarithromycin) and I've been vomiting all morning and felt feverish. I spoke with 111 and had to go in to the hospital and they think I'm probably having problems associated with the Clarithromycin. I did take all four on an empty stomach so that could have had something to do with it. But I'm too nervous to take my next dose tonight, I felt awful this morning and could barely move. I think I must have vomited all the medication out because my stomach reacted to it within minutes.

I'm waiting for a call from my doctor right now but I'll definitely look into Saccharomyces Boulardii, where do you purchase them from?

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to mdox

Really sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it.

You can buy Saccharomyces Boulardii from here:


Good luck with getting yourself sorted. Take care.

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to mdox

By the way, whilst on antibiotics I took Saccharomyces boulardii as follows:

A few bites of breakfast then 2 x Saccharomyces boulardii

A few bites of dinner then: 2 x Saccharomyces boulardii

I also took a probiotic after a few bites of lunch, but depending on your antibiotic schedule, probiotics need to be taken at least 2 hours away from antibiotics. I am not sure how well the probiotics would survive though.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to xjrs

Thank you! I bought some probiotics today and they said to take them after two hours too, I'll try anything to ease the symptoms at this point honestly. Thank you for the link, I'll purchase it!

Your probably best to have a chat with a professional CBT. I think your letting your mind run away with you. Bit. As I said h pylori can cause all your symptoms and more. It’s a clever bug that half the world has on average. You may have had it with no symptoms but due to stress it’s got hold and taken advantage of your low resistance. Or you may have been low and picked it up that way. Yes it can cause ulcers but not for years. And not all ulcers turn cancerous. In fact it’s quite low.. if you have a family member with an illness you are more likely to be mindful that you have it. Close family is mother, brother, father etc. It’s not auntie for example.Tell your doctor about the amoxicillin and if your allergic to penicillin they can swap this.

After your treatment you will start to feel much better but it can take many months to return to normal. Insist on a endoscopy as a re test to put your mind at rest. It takes about ten minutes if that. Your pain is almost certainly the pylori. Personally I’d look at pro biotics but I wouldn’t take that supermarket yakulk actimal stuff etc it can make your symptoms worse! Read the forums on them.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Thank you for the reply! That is reassuring, both my parents don't have any major health issues.

I've taken my first dose of antibiotics this morning and it was awful, I've been vomiting all morning and was having an on and off fever, I went to urgent care and they said I'll probably need different antibiotics.

in reply to mdox

Are you in the Uk?

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to

Yep, London.

in reply to mdox

Just asked coz treatments vary in different parts of the world

Bparis1975 profile image

Hi. Have you had any tests for gallstones?

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Bparis1975

Hey, no I haven't. All my GP does is send me prescriptions instead of tests :(

Bparis1975 profile image
Bparis1975 in reply to mdox

To me it sounds like gallstones. I hope you don't mind me asking! but,how old are you please? I have the H pylori. My GP gave me a course of antibiotics but it is still slightly there. You need to either see another doctor at your surgery or, be more firm with the GP you've got. You are entitled to refer yourself for a ultrasound scan, but you need permission first. I hope you get sorted soon love xx

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Bparis1975

Hi, i’m 21! I’ve had an abdomen ultrasound last year in September and it came back clear, yesterday i spoke with the GP about sending me in for another scan (CT) and she said no because i’ve got H Pylori and they won’t be able to do a scan until that’s gone.

Thank you so much, it’s a struggle and these antibiotics are making me so sick, but i hope it all ends soon.

Bparis1975 profile image
Bparis1975 in reply to mdox

Poor you😌 I do hope you get the help your needing, lots of love😊 xx

Tony_123 profile image

You can have the an H Pylory for the whole of your life and never have any symptoms or you can suddenly start having all sorts of problems. Acid reflux can be a symptom, it was in my case as was a pain on my right abdomen just below the rib cage.

Being well into my 50s and never having had a checkup I thought my time was up and went for an endoscopy both ends. That's how they found the H Pylory and luckily nothing else at all. The treatment is an absolute bomb of antibiotics that will have your moth teasing like a chemistry set after a few days. Follow the regimen to completion, you can take the antibiotics after your regular meals. If you get diarrhoea initially you might find it stops after a day or two as your body gets use to the antibiotics or else see your doc.

The pain may take a while to subside.... I still have it slightly after 3 months and have been retested for H Pylory but am clear. on another visit the Doc told me I might have IBS but I think its more the case of a screwed up intestinal flora. I took some probiotics with negligible effect. Yogurt seems to help and a very hoppy live bitter though I'd avoid alcohol in general and avoid strong spices like chilly etc.. Anyway good luck!

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Tony_123

Thanks so much for the reply! I'm glad they found nothing else, that must be very reassuring. I would love to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy but my GP are not always willing to send in referrals.

I took my first dose of antibiotics this morning (on an empty stomach, such a bad idea) and have been puking for hours. I went into hospital, they did a urine sample and checked my blood pressure and said I'll need a new set of antibiotics.

What yoghurt would you recommend? I've got greek style yoghurt in my fridge, is that fine to take after/before the antibiotics? My body does not react very well to new medications and taking so many tablets at once is a lot for my body.

Tony_123 profile image
Tony_123 in reply to mdox

Yes taking antibiotics on an empty stomach is not a great idea. Have a decent breakfast and a few pills at a time. I know its a real bucket of pills; I think I had about 10 twice a day.

The yogurt (greek is good) I would take after you have finished your complete treatment as a way to help rebuild the good bacteria in your gut also while you're on the meds do not drink any alcohol at all.

Do eat before taking antibiotics and don't stress and it will likely be fine.

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Tony_123

I will do that, instead of chucking them all at the same time haha! I'll take them within ten minutes, hopefully that's okay. Thanks so much Tony, I really hope it works and I feel better soon

in reply to Tony_123

Did you find that pylor( even now gone) has triggered ibs? I’m sure it’s left me with spasms from time to time and soft stools on and off with the odd bout of tenderness below the belly button. I was treated in September last year but it’s been a slow road

Tony_123 profile image
Tony_123 in reply to

Yes very possibly. I still have some pain on the right side of my abdomen. However it has very gradually got better. Considering I had my symptoms for 4 or 5 month I expect it will take some time to be totally OK again... As H Pylori is very hard to eradicate I may also do another test in a year or earlier just to make sure it hasn't come back. I think once it gets into your guts lining it damages the layer responsible for maintaining your guts mucosa so you're much more sensitive to anything going through including your very own digestive enzymes not to mention spicy foods and alcoholic beverages. Inevitable that leads to your intestines having a bit of a party!

in reply to Tony_123

I’m 51 now and have the endoscopy but not the other end up. I did feel it was time to have the full check but given I’ve got no blood or mucus etc the doctors haven’t done it. Tho I feel it would complete my mot. Silly really and at the moment it’s really not a priority unless I’ve got the other ted flags apart from loose stools two three times a week

Tony_123 profile image
Tony_123 in reply to

Generally Docs say that an occult blood test is sufficient to rule out any major problems.

tanyawilson1909 profile image

Please see my original post- absolutely same

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to tanyawilson1909

Hey tanya, I've just seen it and I'm really sorry to hear you've also been having the same issues. It is so draining and horrible. How have things been since? x

tanyawilson1909 profile image
tanyawilson1909 in reply to mdox

HelloI m still struggling 😪

I have to take lansoprazole every day

Bloating very often

Preasure in the middle eased up , but still there sometimes , so is pain under ribs, good days and bad days

It is very draining and causing me a bad anxiety and depression 😞

Siminsays profile image

If you have pain in left side then with long term is, you may be developing some diverticular symptoms, left side is usually indicative of this if its lower left side. Nothing to be to concerned about unless you get infection. But the symptoms of ibs is so similar. The pain under your ribs I have experienced with pulsating stabbing type, it eventually went after a course of antibiotics and omaprezole, but it took a few months after this hpylori treatment to fully heal. My own history was chronic ibs,and. diverticulitis,. The best cure for me was getting out of a stressful job, 90percent of all these symptoms went

mdox profile image
mdox in reply to Siminsays

I came across diverticulitis so many times on google when I was searching my symptoms! Please can I PM you?

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