not sure if this is linked to ibs or if this is another situation. But ever since last Thursday I’ve been feeling this nausea feeling in the back of my and in my mouth. If anyone has had this happen before or is experiencing it and knows what it is please give me all the info you can.
nausea : not sure if this is linked to ibs or if... - IBS Network

I feel you. To me anti-acids and diet help. Rn struggling because i ate food i wanted
I get nausea most nights usually by 9 pm at tonight
Nausea can be due to built up gas. Try gas remedies that contain simethicone to see if that helps.
Nausea is very common with having IBS. I drink peppermint mint tea or suck on a peppermint/mint sweet and the nausea soon goes away.
Water brash is a mixture of spit and stomach acid that can cause an unpleasant, sour taste in your mouth. It’s one possible symptom of chronic acid reflux (GERD). Managing GERD can prevent you from experiencing water brash. Lifestyle changes and medicines that reduce or neutralize stomach acid (like antacids and PPIs) can help.
Peppermint in any form (I take capsules of peppermint oil) helps me with nausea. For me it also important to take HCL with pepsin with every meal to avoid reflux and nausea. Ironically I have low stomach acid due to an autoimmune condition and initially thought that the symptoms were caused by too much stomach acid. Consequently taking antacids made things worse. However, everybody is different and what works for me might make things worse for you. Sometimes trying out different approaches is the only way to find out what works best. All the best.
HCL (also Betaine HCL) is hydrochloric acid; basically stomach acid to help break down food if your stomach does not produce enough. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme to help break down protein. Together they help to break down food better and thereby help the digestion process and take some of the burden off the digestive system. An additional benefit is that it kills ingested pathogens, inhibits undesirable overgrowth in the small intestine, and encourages the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes.
Maybe this could interest you in this connection (a bit of a read):
Of course a) I'm not a doctor and b) I'm strictly talking about my own positive experience with taking this. For others this might not work at all. Nausea has just too many causes to focus on the one thing. It does make sense to me, though, that, if food is not well digested, it could cause at least some problems in the gut. First it might be a good idea to get to the bottom of what is causing the nausea. If it is low stomach acid, then HCL with pepsin could be the next move. If there is too much stomach acid, it obviously would not be a good move.
Maybe you might be describing acid reflux? That might or might not be connected to IBS, or can occur without IBS.
The doctor would probably give you Proton Pump Inhibitors, which could help perhaps if it IS acid reflux. but aren't meant to be used for too long . Though many doctors don't consider that. They are good when used appropriately, but can have negative effects on IBS if used for too long.
If is is reflux, there are some natural solutions: such as herbal bitters. elevating the head of your bed at least 6 inches and sleeping in that position until there's some relief (don't use pillows, use bricks, breeze blocks or books to elevate the head of the actual bed frame.) Diaphragmatic breathing exercises can help too. (there are YouTube videos you can easily find about that)
I am only guessing, from what you describe, and it might not be acid reflux.
I have this right now. Antacids, alka seltzers, ginger or ginger flavoured things can all help. Sip water frequently too. Peppermint capsules will help the nausea but, if caused by acid reflux, may make it worse. Also, lie on your left side if you’re a side sleeper - the right can push stomach acid up
I get nausea with my IBS. Before I need to go, during and then it lifts once I'm finished. Sometimes I also get nausea when I eat and my food sticks in my gullet and it won't go down but it does come up. I take anti sickness medication to help.My symptoms of my IBS change every so often. I now get cramps in my groins and spasms in my back too - I've just had a colonocopy to check due to the change in symptoms.