Diagnosed with H pylori : Hello, I'm new here... - IBS Network

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Diagnosed with H pylori

Capri2020 profile image
β€’39 Replies

Hello, I'm new here. After two months of back and forth with the GP they finally found the cause of my very painful symptoms. I have been diagnosed with H pylori and given two different antibiotics and another med for one week. In the meantime I have been trying to find out more about this bacteria and I believe that it has been causing me problems for decades. I lost a lot of weight and my iron levels dropped too. Can anyone advise me on whether consuming Kefir and organic cultured Yogurt is beneficial to eradicate the bacteria and support the recovery as I've read that prebiotics and prebiotics containing products would help during the treatment as well as repopulate the gut with the ' good guys'. I prefer to eat the product rather than swallow a pill at this point as it'd feel like a meal and help me with my meal choices. Any foods I should avoid? I know fatty foods, chocolate, alcohol is a no no, I don't have a problem with those anyway. I do like coconut though, is that ok to eat? I'm strictly gluten free as have hypothyroidism. I've always consumed sauerkraut in the past but feel it's too harsh for me at the moment. Thanks so muchπŸ™‚

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Capri2020 profile image
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39 Replies
Bassem1979 profile image

Hi How is this tested and what are the main symptoms?

Rymz profile image
Rymz in reply to Bassem1979

Hello, this is tested through a stools test, I have been diagnosed with the same thing and also found I have other stuff going on too as a result which includes fatty liver, gall stones and endometrial problems in my large uterus. This all started from unusual bloating.

Bassem1979 profile image
Bassem1979 in reply to Rymz

I have gallbladder problems and endometrial issues to going for another gallbladder scan in a few weeks and just waiting to book a gyne appointment letter came through yesterday. Maybe all related.

I think I need to get something for my depression too am so low at the min with all this all I want to do is curl up in bed and forget the world.

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Bassem1979

I know how you feel x

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Rymz

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear you have all that going on. I hope you'll get proper treatment 🌸

Imaaan profile image


The most beneficial way to get probiotics is through a food source but you might aggravate the lining of your stomach further if you consume dairy such as kefir whilst on antibiotics. You can always ingest sauerkraut but the salt might irritate the lining as well. If I had to do things again whilst doing triple therapy to eradicate my hplyori I would have stayed away from anything dairy for at least one week. The two antibiotics and PPI are going to do a number on your system so do take care and eat mild easily digestible foods. During this period I ate mild and bland food such as white rice with white protein( chicken breast and fish) cooked in water and a little salt only. Stayed away from anything inflammatory. I know you said that you're not interested in taking a pill but using a probiotic pill was helpful in my journey. I had oats cooked in water for breakfast and sardine/tuna/salmon for supper. Avocado, steamed spinach and carrots were safe foods that didnt trigger me as was banana. I would reintroduce dairy in the form of goat kefir the following week if I had to do it again. I could only tolerate half a glass a day in the beginning. 2 or 3 weeks later I made sure to take certain supplements that were game changers for my journey. Stay away from acidic, oily and spicy food. During this period, I couldn't tolerate garlic, cumin, potatoes etc.

Depending on how long your prescription is for 1 or 2 weeks, I urge you to look into slippery elm/ marshmallow, l glutamine (bone broth if you can tolerate it), dgl and zinc carnosine to help repair and strengthen your lining that hplyori plays havoc on. Vitamin D is crucial and fish oils. I had intense pain after completing triple therapy and I wish I had taken an over the counter h2 blocker 2 or 3 weeks after my ppi usage just to help calm things down.

BTW......a ppi and h2 blockers along with slippery elm and marshmallow root can alter your thyroid levels, so you may or may not feel hypothyroid symptoms while on them. The meds reduce the acid levels and the latter help coat the lining of your stomach to allow it to heal.

Hope the above helps

MrsYellow profile image
MrsYellow in reply to Imaaan

Sorry to jump on this but I've just had a positive h pylori result so starting the treatment today. Did you take slippery Elm whilst on the triple therapy? Also which supplements would you recommend during and after the treatment? Thanks

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to MrsYellow

I didnt take anything whilst on triple therapy because I didn't want anything to interfere with the meds nor did I want to further aggravate my stomach by additional things. I kept everything super simple. Weeks later my two life savers upon completing triple therapy were an over the counter Pepcid AC and slippery elm. I read a study that recommended a dosage of Pepcid AC at 40 mg but I ended purchasing a dosage of 20 mg and 10 mg which in total was 30mg. Both the slippery elm coupled with the pepcid were a God send for me because I was experiencing excruciating pain.

I would eat supper and wait an hour then take the h2 blocker. Then an hour or two before bed I would have a cup of the slippery elm . Take 1 cup of water that has been heated up like tea and add two tablespoons of slippery elm powder. Stir it well, let it cool down and then drink it. Dont bother purchasing slippery elm in a capsule it wont be as effective.

During treatment I didnt take any supplements besides my magnesium and valerian after supper because my stomach was sensetive. I couldn't forego these two because they aided my sleep. Its upon completion that I resumed taking my other supplements.

As for the supplements I took afterwards they were based on reading studies and medical literature online. I took DGL, probiotic fish oil, zinc carnosine and a prescription of vitamin D along with k2.

Edited to add: Keep any meds you're taking for a health condition hours away from slippery elm because it can reduce their effectiveness. Also, slippery elm has a component in it that can harm the liver so do some reading before embarking on taking it.

MrsYellow profile image
MrsYellow in reply to Imaaan

This is brilliant information, thank you so much for getting back to me. It is definitely a sensible idea to keep things super simple while on the triple therapy. The poor gut is dealing with enough! I have used slippery Elm in the past so will start that again once I'm through the treatment. I do currently take a probiotic so might continue with that just to try keep some good bacteria in there. I also have some Zinc carnosine so will restart that too. What dosage did you take?Many thanks for the help


Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to MrsYellow

I was using and still am using 30 mg. Anything above 40 mg can be an issue for the body because its extremely important for zinc and copper to remain in a balanced healthy ratio or it will cause problems.

You're more than welcome:)

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

Thank you so much for your extended reply I really appreciate all the information you have shared. Your words made me feel much calmer and reassuring that there will be better days and worse days during recovery. I'm in pain today so I just re read your post three times! GP only prescribed meds for one week and I'd like to think that it'll do the job but the rest is down to me or my body I should say.I did get some kefir yesterday (before I had any replies to my post)as I've read it was helpful during treatment to counteract the effects of antibiotics and to help to repopulate the gut with good bacteria. I'll look into getting some prebiotics in a tablet form for a while then. Sadly when I tried to consume some sardines it left me in agony. It was probably the oil that bothered my stomach. I know it's early days and to completely heal the gut takes many months. I noticed when I'm burping that I taste blood, find that alarming. I'll be speaking to my GP tomorrow and will mention it to her. Does it help to starve this bug? I mean is fasting beneficial in this case? I have to be careful with herbal remedies because of my hypothyroidism but I will certainly look into the slippery elm as I've heard of it. I do consume bone broth on a daily basis and seem to agree with me. Big hug to you Imaaan and thank you again πŸ€—πŸŒΈ

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020

It was my pleasure and we are all to help each other out. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain hopefully its temporary. I'm glad that you're in an accepted mindset that healing is a journey which isnt always on an upward trajectory and setbacks are normal. Like you I was prescribed only 1 week as opposed to two weeks. I'm not sure how doctors come to the conclusion to either prescribe one or two weeks. I wish you well and hopefully the one week will be enough to eradicate the bug in your system. Make to sure to ask for a breath test upon completing triple therapy to find out if the treatment worked.

Kefir is an excellent source to repopulate your gut and if you can tolerate it continue on. Please keep it away 2 hours at least from your antibiotics. If I recall dairy can reduce its effectiveness. Also the benefits of the antibiotics and the probiotics will be lessened by taking them close to each other. My pharmacist said one hour is needed but I did 2 just to be sure.

I never did prebiotics but instead I took a probiotic in capsule form that had at least 50 million at my doctor's recommendation.

Sorry to hear that you couldn't tolerate the sardine. I purchased mine in spring water. Everyone has different triggers. I forgot to mention yesterday that in my morning oats I would have a tablespoon of raw honey and for some time I would do manuka honey. It helped sweeten my porridge but also provided antibiotic/ antiviral properties.

As for the burping the taste of blood, I was burping a metallic taste. I remember reading that a few ppl had similar experiences. I think it's normal but do speak to your doc to ease any concerns.

I would never recommend fasting whilst on treatment or whilst healing. Your body needs all the help it can energy wise and it needs to be nourished with nutrients properly heal.

I've had hypothyroidism for over 20 years so I can understand your hesitancy to embark on slippery elm. We all have to do what we are comfortable with. Personally it was a God send for me and helped me in my journey.

If you ever want to talk or whine or need any other advice pls dont hesitate to send me a message.

I forgot to ask you yesterday are you eating red meat? Do you have pernicious anemia? The quickest and easiest way to bring up my ferratin is through eating lamb liver.

Wishing you all the best.

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

You're amazing! So much information and I'm soaking it all up. Like you I don't understand how doctors decide on whether to prescribe one or two weeks of treatment using antibiotics. I'll raise that question when I talk to my Dr.Interesting you mentioned honey as I love it but wasn't sure whether it'd wise to take any as bacteria thrives on sugar, although its healing properties are infamous. I have some honeycomb but don't have any manuka honey.

I normally would eat red meat twice a week and ox liver too plus chicken, however at the moment I wouldn't dare as it would aggravate my condition, I can't even tolerate the thought of it. I have some tuna in spring water that I'll give a try first when I'm ready. My iron panel has dropped according to the test 2 weeks ago and I'm feeling it but cannot supplement at the moment as need more healing time.

I've ordered some alone vera juice as I read very positive things about it. I had to give up oats as even the 'gluten free ' version didn't agree with me. I was also shocked by some research that came out confirming that they found glyphosate in organic oats and wine. I watched a very interesting interview on YouTube that I'll share the link here for anyone who is interested to watch and learn about it. Instead of oats I introduced organic millet that is a good alternative, I like it a lot.

I agree that fasting can be the wrong signal to the body especially if one has hypothyroidism or adrenal disfunction. I just feel a bit better when don't eat but the downside of that is that can make you feel hungrier as the day goes on and then have to watch it that I don't overeat or eat too fast.

Thank you so much for your positive energy and that your personal journey is very encouraging πŸ™ I'll update this post to share my experience with the community.

I hope you are doing well now and that you're not experiencing any problems.

I'm thinking of doing an in depth gut test next year as I believe it's a good investment in my health. Have you done one of those?

Here's that link I mentioned


I knew next to nothing about gut health until I read The Plant Paradox by Dr Steven Gundry. It's an eye opener.

Bless you for taking time out to share your experience 🌸

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020

I'm thinking of doing an in depth gut test next year as I believe it's a good investment in my health. Have you done one of those?

^ No I havent. I've only had an endoscopy that revealed pylori, hernia and reflux. Several years prior I did a food sensitivity test and also a stool test. That's the extent of looking into things. My doc thinks I might be dealing with SIBO now because I'm still experiencing really bad bloating. I purchased the herbal antibiotics that has a study published which is equal to the antibiotics prescribed normally to treat it. I havent taken it as of yet because my free t3 is below range currently and my health is a little fragile.

As for millet, I'm not sure if you're aware but it directs affects hypothyroidism. I tend to avoid it for the most part. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...

Thnxs for sharing the link.

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

I'm sorry to hear that you had to suffer with all those conditions and you're still trying to work your way back to a healthy You. Keep going, you will succeed!Interesting info about the herbal antibiotics, which ones do you mean?

Thanks for the info on millet I know one has to watch how much to consume, bit like the cruciferous veggies. I don't eat rice anymore because it's very high in arsenic. I had a heavy metal test last Oct and the arsenic was very high in red. I had to sit down and think-where's it coming from. I soon discovered it was the rice having done some research. I used to eat rice 3-4 times per week. As my thyroid wasn't functioning properly it meant probably my detox pathways didn't either. So I stopped eating rice, re done the test, exactly one year later and it's amazing and dramatic results, no arsenic.

I'm on T3 too, my T3 very low, I'm so weak and fragile myself that I think without the T3 I'd be even worse. Dr ordered endoscopy I'm pleased about that as God knows what destruction this bacteria left behind.

I hope you'll feel better soon and have a peaceful Merry Christmas! πŸ™‚πŸŒ²πŸŽ…β„β›„

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020


Thanks for the support and encouraging words. I'm aware of the possible issues of arsenic in rice but it's been a life support for my stomach so I dont have any qualms eating it.

I've been taking t3 over the years on and off as well but have had issues increasing the amount and I'm working on improving my ability to tolerate it.

The study below mentions two different brands of herbal antibiotics and I decided on Biotics because it seems ppl were saying they could tolerate a little better than Metagenics. Hopefully I will be able to start it.


Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

Hiya, apologies I somehow missed your reply and only just read it hence my late response. Many thanks for the link, good information πŸ‘ I hope you're doing well and feeling better. I'm having my endoscopy test today and getting rather nervous. I'm sure it'll be all fine and I'll be also eager to find out the results..

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020

Nada prob ;) My bloating after eating has slightly improved and I'm beyond grateful. I hope your endoscopy goes as smoothly and quickly as mine went.

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

Heya! Well, yesterday was a 'wires crossed ' or something like that day. My appointment was at 3.15pm. I had nothing to eat all day, I chose not to and my stomach was aching anyway. The clinic was running late at least 30mins and I was OK with that but then be told that- sorry, there won't be any procedures carried out today because of xyz. I was so annoyed as just wanted it to be over & done with. Instead I had a consult only, the gastro Doc was very nice and the test will be done in about two weeks. I was totally wiped out by the time I got back home. I forgot my T3 on the side & was really feeling low. Yesterday was recovering all day. little bit more of patience required from my side & it'll be all fine.I'm glad to hear your symptoms have improved. Have you modified your diet recently? I started baking with sorghum & coconut flour. It's a really good combo as I cannot use almond flour, I have an intolerance towards it.

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020

What a whirlwind waste of a day for you. Im sure your poor body from not eating and missing your t3 felt exhausted. Hopefully your next scheduled appointment will be a quick in and out that ends with having your endoscopy.

The amount of time I'm bloated and have distension has reduced by half almost. Even the severity of the bloating. I would look and feel like I was 9 months pregnant after eating for about 3-4 hrs. Besides my prayer being answered I havent been able to pin point what has brought about this pleasant improvement. I do know that I have increased my ox bile supplement from 125 to 250 and I'm doing a trial of Erfa 30 plus synthroid.

I'm familiar with sorghum flour but have yet to try coconut flour. You should join healthy eating and share a pic of your baking :)

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Imaaan

Hopefully that was a one off and from now on- onwards and upwards πŸ™‚ I'll look at healthy eating that sounds interesting but I'm way too shy to post pics lol.I can relate to the bloating experiences, there was a period when I recognised that certain foods just causing unbelievable bloating and discomfort. Eventually I had to make wiser choices and I'm glad I did.

Just wanted to mention the positive effects of alone vera juice. I introduced it during the H pylori treatment and I'm really happy with the improvements I experienced. It's calming effects on the digestive tract is truly amazing and I can highly recommend it. I drink it three times per day. 🌸

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Capri2020

Thanks for letting me know that you have been benefiting from aloe. We can use all the tips and tricks ;)

H pylori a very clever bug. You need to stay on the ppi for 8 weeks in total even after your antibiotic treatment. Probiotics can’t do any harm. But remember the bug damages your stomach lining. This will repair but it will take at least 6 months to a year before you feel your back to normal. You will still have spasms etc. Just remember to eat little and often. You can retest with a stool or breath sample after you have completed your 8 weeks of ppi but you need to have stopped taking your ppi for two months before you test again to see if the eradication has worked in first line treatment. Like I say don’t get concerned if you still have symptoms after your week of antibiotics. It’s not a quick fix you need time. If your offered a endoscopy in a few months please do it. They may want to see if you have any ulcers. If so they will probably keep you on the ppi for a few months longer until they have healed.

Any black stool or being sick with blood you should go to the hospital

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate your advice. I'm still in a haze about this nasty & sudden condition, how it all emerged. It explains so many of other symptoms that didn't make sense before. I'll get some ppi to continue with the only other thing I've noticed is that i taste blood when I'm burping. As I'll talk to the Dr tomorrow I'll mention it to her. Thanks again πŸ‘πŸŒΈ

Symptoms areAcid reflux, wind, gas, churning guts, loose stools, weight loss and anxiety. The blood taste could be an ulcer caused by the pylori if it’s been with you a while. I would ask for a endoscopy. Ppi will lower stomach acid and heal the ulcer, it maybe that they can repair it. Will also check for hernias and cancer of the stomach and wind pipe. Caused by pylori. But it’s rare tbh.

The trouble is that 40 percent of us carry it and not know about it. Treatment is amoxicillin and normally metronidazole with a ppi like omeprozole

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to

I think you're right about that this bug has been with me for a while, the nasty intruder is certainly got my attention. I read it's a long process to treat ulcers even after the bacteria has been irradicated. The thought of the endoscopy is scary but not as scary once the diagnosis is negative for the other conditions. Too often conditions go on without the correct diagnosis. Thank you 🌸

in reply to Capri2020

Endoscopy is absolutely fine. Tho take the sedation it will relax you and you can see it in the tv. Not tho your remember it

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to

Thanks for the advice I will keep that in mind. πŸ‘

Moggiedee profile image

I think I may also have h pylori. I have all the symptoms & am thinking of sending for a private test. Can anyone recommend one & approx cost? If it comes back positive will my doctor accept this & prescribe medication for me?

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Moggiedee

Medichecks does one for Β£119 but your NHS Dr can order it for free.

Moggiedee profile image
Moggiedee in reply to Capri2020

Thanks for the info. Will think about whether to pay for one as even just getting through to my surgery is almost impossible at the moment. I take lansoprazole at the moment which I believe I need to stop taking 2 weeks before taking the test.

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Moggiedee

You have to call your surgery and insists that you get an appointment. Also my boyfriend had the same issue with his surgery, noone answering the phone, it's outrageous! He then- last Thursday when I was diagnosed with the bug, he used the government NHS app and managed to book an appointment for today, he was amazed! Dr called him this afternoon and told him to go and collect tub for testing. Hopefully he hasn't got what I have, he's been struggling with symptoms for years and only just now that I was diagnosed positive has raised the question he might have it too. I really hope he hasn't. Hope this helps.

in reply to Moggiedee

You can get lateral flow kits

Andann profile image

Thats good to know about the long period needed to heal after treatment. I received no advice about that and it did take months. Gave up anything fatty including most dairy and spicy foods and that helped a lot. Was on ppi already. Did have some yoghurt with good bacteria and ate a mixed diet. By the way somebody mentioned giving up dairy including goat products........that is what you can have if you are lactose intolerant, also buffalo feta is good.

Capri2020 profile image
Capri2020 in reply to Andann

Fatty foods are definitely not on my menu. I really miss Yogurt or kefir ☹ surviving on mullet, avocados and steamed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bit of sauerkraut. Got some alone vera juice and I think it's an excellent addition to my very simple food choices. Thanks.

Kazzacrazy profile image

Such a horrible bug I had it years ago you have some great advice from the lovely folk on here, the only thing I can add is don't even sniff a mulled wine air freshener when taking metronidazole it says avoid alcohol for a reason πŸ₯² it can make you very poorly if you do. Good luck and I hope you're rid of the little sod soon.

The yogurt has probiotics and they might help when taking meds, a prebiotic is something that helps the probiotic to multiply so it works better, an example of a prebiotic is a banana.. Take it just after taking the probiotic.

Good luck.

Capri2020 profile image

I meant to share a couple of links that I think are an eye-opener and I found these very educational. There are other webinars too that I consider a must watch.



Capri2020 profile image

Update: finally had the endoscopy just over a week ago. I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I was offered the anaesthetic throat spray or the sedation. I had a wonderful nurse looking after me and I was feeling 'brave ' that day so I went with the spray only. I'm glad I did. The whole procedure was really quick, I was so surprised. The doctor had done thousands of this test and I felt comfortable and had confidence in him. I think having the right mindset will help you through the procedure and I want anyone who is dreading this test to just keep that in mind. Just going back to the beginning- After the chat with the nurse I was left in my room and had time to think about the two options that were laid in front of me. In my mind I also thought back when I had pain relief injection in my lower back. That was absolutely horrendous and I instantly felt that the spray alone would be just fine. We're all different & I encourage you all to use the power of your mind that will help you immensely. The Dr taken two biopsies and the results will be back in 4wks.

In the meantime I've decided to get the GI 360 test privately as the NHS doesn't investigate all the way.

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