I have very little pain after a bowel movement, if any. However, one to three hours after a bowel movement I get a horrible burning, aching pain . If anybody has an idea, please let me know. The pain has affected my whole life. Thank you.
Pain after BM: I have very little pain after a... - IBS Network
Pain after BM

Hi bits is this pain up the butt ? X
Yes, where exactly is this pain, is it like Pansy2 asked "up to butt" or in your belly or further up in your stomach area?
Pansy might have a better answer than me. I am more IBS(D) but I know from that experience if you gets stomach acid or bile in your bum it burns and stings like hell. I noticed from your last post that you often have this early in the morning so perhaps after you have been to the toilet your body is empty and acid from your stomach is running down into your bowel. Just a suggestion. Like I say Pansy might have a better suggestion.
Hi Maureen didn’t know that lol bike acid in your bum. X

Well I think that's what is was, as I got towards the end I would get this yellow liquid, which I could only assume was stomach or bile acid. I came to the conclusion eventually that it was bile as it was yellow.
You could be right there ! I wonder whether is could be something to do with the nerves lower in the bowel and butt going into spasm ? Who knows we have to diagnose ourselves these days 🙁x

That's all I have ever done is diagnose myself, doctor's don't want to listen, well mine never have! It's certainly easier since we have the interenet before that you just went round in circles getting nowhere and had nobody you could talk to with similar problems.
Same here have learnt a lot on this forum especially past couple years since getting a gp app is nearly impossible x
Bile acid not bike 🤣x
I have similar problem. I am an early loo user, so I go back to bed for another kip until the 7am. Where I get uncomfortable tummy when I rewaken. It usually means I pass wind until I move around. Its annoying, I don't get to move around that much because of mobilty problems, so wind gets trapped when can't exersise as much as I once did. Sometimes a buscapam helps first thing in morning. Hope this helps👍
Can I ask if you’ve had you gallbladder removed? I was recommended something on this site and I asked GP if I could try it it is usually prescribed by gastroenterologist but as I have waiting nearly a year for appointment she prescribed it and I’ve now had a week with no urgent runs still got bloating all the time , it was explained on here that when you’ve had gallbladder removed the yellow runs is actually bile that’s just running right through it’s called bile malabsorption and when you eat the food is is pushing bile that is lying in colon out , hope you get the answers you need as it just takes over your life , s as me unless you suffer from it nobody understands what it’s really like x
Go see a pelvic floor physeal therapist and your gynaecologist so that they can check for pelvic floor dysfunction. I have a rectocele it’s tiny but causes problems and the earlier you treat the better in preventing pain and surgery.
Hi, I used to get a terrible pain up my bum and felt something had dropped down. I thought it was hemerriods but saw Consultant who said it was a prolapsed rectum. I had an operation and no more problems. The only thing that soothed the pain was sitting in a warm Bath.