After I have been to the toilet I get really bad stomach pains,(cramp like)I go to the toilet 2/3 times a day,silly question but could I be constipated,does anyone else have stomach pain after bowel movement.
Pain after bowel movement: After I have been to... - IBS Network
Pain after bowel movement

Possibly because your bowel is still contracting maybe an anti spasmodic maybe needed, but that's only my opinion as an IBS sufferer.
Hi Linley. Do anti spasmodics require a prescription? I'm going through the same thing but the more I go to the toilet the worse it gets. I think sometimes what helps is not going for a couple of days but easier said than done.
Sorry to hear that you have these pains.
I always have pain after a bowel movement. I think it is because of bowel hypersensitivity, one of the symptoms of IBS. I find that resting with a hot wheat bag on my stomach helps. Sometimes I take paracetamol.
I have to avoid anti-spasmodics because they cause constipation for me
Hi, this was always an issue for me, and it could last all day. I found peppermint capsules at breakfast time helped prevent it. Also some digestive bitters like artichoke leaf or gentian can help. I believe this is visceral hypersensitivity, which can be difficult to address.
I agree with Jackie1612. Antispasmodics may be OK for some but they affect the bowels natural peristalsis. I now have slow gut motility and constant constipation. I suffer pain after bowel movements and rest afterwards (recommend by my specialist bowel nurse). See a doctor if it doesn't clear up. Best wishes.
I have pain, plus major fatigue as well. I also have diverticulitis, so it may well be that. Waiting for an appointment with my gastro guy
Yes, frequently, particularly if there is wind pressure built up that's released.
Water + electrolytes make sure your getting at least the recommend amounts of the minerals and then go from there.