Endoscopy and omeprazole : I am hoping to have... - IBS Network

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Endoscopy and omeprazole

AMerchant profile image
20 Replies

I am hoping to have endoscopy done next month.

I have been suffering from upper middle stomach tighness (just below ribcage) since early June. The GP has put me on omeprazole 20mg daily since mid June. He thinks its overacid production

I tried to stop omeprazole after 4 weeks but had a bad rebound effect so started it again. Mostly acidity is control but still it sometimes flare up when I have food that is a bit difficult to digest particularly at night. I am also constipated most likely because of omeprazole.

I have heard that i will need to stop omeprazole 2 weeks before the endoscopy but really don't want to given the reaction last time.

Has anyone had to stop omeprazole or similar medication before endoscopy? Would the results be unreliable if I continued with omeprazole?

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AMerchant profile image
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20 Replies
Weeg23 profile image

Hello, i used to be on omeprazole and had to stop taking it for my endoscopy. I had been on it for a while prior to taking it but i was fine for the 2 weeks stopping it possibly due to the fact it may still have been in my system. But after the endoscopy i decided i wouldnt take it cause i felt great still without it but with a week after my endoscopy the pain started again so had to go back on it. Theres a reason they ask u to stop taking before endoscopy so i would stop taking it to be on the safe side.

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to Weeg23

Thanks. Did the endoscopy revealed anything? What were your symptoms? Hope you don't mind me asking

Weeg23 profile image
Weeg23 in reply to AMerchant

Yeah my first endoscopy showed i had coeliac disease. I was in alot of pain couldnt eat, sleep or hardly move. I lost about 4 stone within 6 months. My pain was high up in the middle between ribcage. I had diarrhoea, really bad trapped wind, my right leg went numb, extreme nausea. My pain was constant was made alot worse when i ate. I found out due to my gut being badly damaged and my villi all flattened in my small intestine that i wasnt able to absorb anything. Thats why my leg went numb and i got anaemic due to it. Since i went gluten free it helped a bit. I still had upper pain there tho so had to go for an ultrasound which showed gallstones a few years after my coeliac diagnosis. So i got my gallbladder removed last december. Still in pain but not so much in upper abdomen has moved down to my belly button and lower abdomen now so im being further tested.

I had endoscope twice, the second time while using Omeprazole 20 mg a day. There was no suggestion I should stop taking it prior to endoscope. I guess it depends on what they are seeking in endoscope. Did both without anaesthetics, first time I couldn't breath and was fighting them off, second time I had an antihistamine prior to ensure I could breath. You just have to get over the gag reaction, I kept thinking it was just food going down. Simple but effective. Didn't really feel the samples being taken, just a mild pinch and all done. First time was checking my IBS and told I had Barrett's, second time was to check to see if it had progressed to cancer. No it hadn't. What it did show is that I was/am riddled with pollops which predate the Omeprazole, first endoscope. Omeprazole can cause this among other side effects. I wouldn't stop taking Omeprazole without good reason. While taking it I could eat anything I desired with no IBS flare ups. Now I use it very sparingly when required. I have learnt what foods cause me the problems and stay clear of them. I have a reason not to be taking them as I have CKD, but few and seldom doesn't bother the kidneys so I keep them in my medical arsenal.

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to

Thanks that's helpful to know. Did you experience any rebound symptoms when you stopped omeprazole? How long did you take omeprazole

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to

Did you get to speak with gastroenterology specificallist after the endoscopy if it was under the NHS?

in reply to AMerchant

Yes and they were of little help. I have taken on my health management and am better for it. No symptoms from ending the omeprazole but I still fall back on it very occasionally. Maybe once every two months on average after indulging in foods I know I shouldn't eat!

Slyvia profile image

Hi. I had an endoscopy whilst on omeprazole my gastro specialist said it was fine to keep taking it.

Josepht110 profile image

20 mg is not a large amount , I would continue until told to stop , I was on 60 ml for 4 weeks , be brave acid can be terrible

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to Josepht110

Thanks. The other issue with omeprazole is constipation. I have lost the natural urge to use the toilet and have to apply a bit of pressure to haven some bowel movement daily. I had thought that after nearly 3 months on omeprazole my natural system would have adjusted itself.

Did you suffer similar side effects and was your dose reduced after 4 weeks

Josepht110 profile image
Josepht110 in reply to AMerchant

I now have terrible constipation, nothing seems to work , I take macrogol 3times a day and some other stuff ,manage it every 3rd day with hard stool , not very pleasant

Belle22 profile image
Belle22 in reply to Josepht110

Same here. Been on esomeprazole for 5 months. Reflux much better but problem now is IBS it seems. Trapped wind, spasms, I feel like my intestines glued together and bm only every second or third day. I'm taking probiotics (Udo's choice) now and trying Buscopan to see if it helps. Plus trying to cut out chocolate, sugar, carbs.

Nifflerluck profile image

I had one done last week and was told to stop omeprazole. I was allowed to take a peptac solution when ever the acid got too bad so was taking it daily and it helped. Went straight back onto tablets after gastroscopy was done.

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to Nifflerluck

How long did you stop it for

Nifflerluck profile image
Nifflerluck in reply to AMerchant

For 10 days, should have been 2 weeks yet I was only got my date 10 days before hand.

pen5377 profile image

I had to stop for 2 weeks 1 time because the omeprazole can mask problems in my case to check whether h pylori infection had cleared. I kept to a bland diet and used peptac liquid. Worth it to get the right answers. Went straight back to PPI with no problems.

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to pen5377

Is peptac liquid similar to Gaviscon Advance?

pen5377 profile image

Yes, it is a generic equivalent, I get on prescription from my GP.

AMerchant profile image

Hi All

I finally got a date for my endoscopy for this week Wednesday.

I had been on omeprazole 20mg one daily form 12 June to 5 September and then 10mg daily form 6 September to 5 October and then alternate days until 11 October. Since 11 October I have completely stopped omeprazole as instructed by the hospital.

In the first week I did not notice much effect of stopping omeprazole but since yesterday I can feel acidity increased with constant stomach rumbling and feeling like something is stuck in my throat. These symptoms are worse when hungry or an hour after eating. Gaviscon Advance helps temporarily.

Not sure if these are the withdrawal symptoms or related to an underlying problem

Anyone with similar experience and how long could it last if its withdrawal symptoms. Ideally I would not want to start on omeprazole again after the endoscopy

nick45Rick44 profile image

I had to stop taking omeprozole before my first endoscopy but was told it wasn’t necessary for the next endoscopy. Hope that helps ,only need your oesophagus clear first time to have a look.

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