Can emotion effect IBS? : Probably a stupid... - IBS Network

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Can emotion effect IBS?

Cheesecake17 profile image
14 Replies

Probably a stupid question as I'm SO hypersensitive in my stomach but I've had the BEST month with my IBS, no d* or c*and general normal activity (going once a day, usually every morning) and, shockingly, I've been able to start on coffee again as of last week (weak & instant). Last night however, I had a complete meltdown over a guy who I've liked whos moved on. Im not hormonal and this RARELY happens (Im usually spritely & happy) but I think the combination of lockdown and getting nowhere in my personal life is getting to me. I cried for hours and only ate a few sour cream & chilli tortillas late but have woke to a gassy gut which smelled bad. Is this the tortillas or can emotion effect it?

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Cheesecake17 profile image
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14 Replies
Kestrel30991948 profile image

I suspect that emotions can influence back pain. I personally have low back pain which becomes worse if I’m not being conscious of how I hold my shoulders and how I move when I’m upset.

Ollie2 profile image

Hi Cheesecake 17, personally I think emotions can have an effect !! The brain and the stomach have a strong connection. I’ve found meditation can help calm my mind. I just found an app I like ‘Calm’ Maybe the tortillas were a bit spicy ! Maybe wheat in tortillas, I’ve discovered wheat products

make me bloated and extremely gassy!

Glad to hear you’ve been doing do well!

I haven’t tried coffee yet - maybe some day

Hope this helps

Cheesecake17 profile image
Cheesecake17 in reply to Ollie2

Cheers Ollie - means alot! Yeah, Ive been up for around 4 hours now and nothing has happened since but I feel light cramps so maybe Im gonna have a bit of d*. I should never touch spicy stuff late haha. Hope youre ok

Ollie2 profile image
Ollie2 in reply to Cheesecake17

Hay Cheesecake17, hopefully it will settle down soon. I can’t touch spicy stuff at all - unless I want a good clean out ha ha

Feel better soon

Just going through my worst flair up in 4 years all due to stress and nothing else. So yes emotions can cause IBS problems. Worrying about IBS flair ups also cause more stress compounding the problems.

I think the food question is probably the stupid question! With a hypersensitive stomach you should already know what you can eat or not. If you don't you are now learning.

I know the feeling of getting no where in your life, never experienced a date in my life.

I turned that around to believing in myself and what I do best. I concentrated on that and reconciled myself to be firmly on the shelf, a bachelor the rest of my days.

I worked long and hard until I flew halfway around the world to my sisters wedding, met a girl, we spoke for 24 hours and I flew back home. Cashed out everything, made a wedding ring, flew back and we married within 5 weeks of meeting. Done and dusted. Turned my life upside down, no regrets.

So we never know what is around the corner, concentrate on what you have and not what might be. Tomorrow has yet to come.

Now a life time later we are inseparable, and we have no children!

julesmun profile image

Stress does have an effect on IBS and our physical well-being. I would recommend that you try to relax as much as possible and avoid any food that also triggers an attack. Easier said than done, I know, but every little helps, as they say

lucylily profile image

Definitely emotions can bring on a bout of IBS. It may not be the sole cause but I have found anxiety over even trivial things can bring on IBS symptoms for me.

Lancs65 profile image

Hi I definitely think state of mind plays a part it definitely does with me. Food and drink I find difficult to digest normally miraculously become fine when I'm on holiday there's a good site by Alison Adenis Sick of IBS who deals with the connection between emotions and IBS may be worth a look for you? Good luvk8

bobbyrita profile image

it can be both. i am bipolar and my doctor started me on buspar and said it might help my ibs.

MatthewU profile image

Hi Cheesecake, I really feel for you and totally understand how such a meltdown has had an adverse effect on your gut. I'm suffer with the same if I get anxious or upset about things, the stomach becomes a knot, painful and gassy, energy levels just seep away. I take 20mg Citalopram each day along with a dual pre/probiotic twice a day, this seems to help with the ups and downs of life and keep my IBS in check. Until you relax the symptoms will remain, so try your best to chill out, immerse yourself in some activity that takes your mind off things, it will get better. x

Margie71 profile image

There have been many studies that show a definite connection between the brain and the gut and stress is definitely a big factor. A lot of people feel like you do now regarding the Pandemic and dating. It’s certainly a very hard time to meet people, especially with the risks of catching the virus and the advice to social distance and wear masks. We do need to put our health

And the health of others as top priority. Also, the food you described eating is stuff that could be very hard on the digestive system. Sour cream and chilli. Sour cream and chilli tortillas are something I could never eat whether I’m stressed or not. Chilli is very spicy and mixed with sour cream sounds tasty but also very rich for most people with IBS, but you know whether you can normally eat something like that. I would stick to more bland food until you feel better.

Cheesecake17 profile image

Thank you so much guys. Just knowing people read & replied to this has made me feel better. The whole experience turned into nothing - I've had over a full month feeling good now but definitely gonna go back to my healthier diet (we've had family over and eaten nothing but crap in celebration of their engagement). Thank you x

Emotions play a huge part in IBS and it doesn’t take much to tip the balance. Sounds like it was a difficult situation you were dealing with. So hopefully you will get back on an even keel shortly.

Cathy63 profile image

A definite yes. My digestion is a lot better when I'm not stressed or emotional. When things are going well and I'm calm, I feel a lot better. If things are not going well, it all goes downhill from there.

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