Hi there. Usually I eat wheat however since a colonoscopy three weeks I’ve not had any and been upping my fibre with seed and brown rice. Last night I had flour tortillas. Today, v bad upset stomach and paler stools between brown and yellow. I have bad diverticula and redundant colon loops. Could this stool business also suggest wheat intolerance? Or a delayed response to the seed? Although actually the seed and fibre intake seems to have had a v positive impact in settling my bowel so I’m thinking it may have been caused by reintroduction of wheat? Never had the pale stools before when I was eating wheat daily but maybe it’s been cause by excluding wheat and then reintroducing? Seems more than a coincidence? Many thank for any advice.
Paler stools and wheat: Hi there. Usually I eat... - IBS Network
Paler stools and wheat

Hi there. I’m sorry you’ve had a yucky toilet experience! I stopped eating wheat years ago, but I can’t say that it turned my poop paler. However, I do have gallstones and if I eat anything too fatty, my poop is yellow or pale. I believe that if your gut is moving too quickly, you’ll have pale stools because your body doesn’t get a chance to process the food properly and therefore poop will contain more bile....which explains the yellow colour. I don’t know if I’m explaining this very well! I think the colour of your poop has more to do with your gut problems.
If you felt better without wheat, I would just continue that way. Xx
Thank you so much for your reply Micy. So kind of you to take the time to do this. Currently I’m eating lots of seeds and avoiding gluten. Are you saying that since you started this diet you can now eat wheat again?
Sorry to hear you are suffering again - can’t you go back on that diet? Yes the seeds have been a revelation. The gluten I’ve been avoiding again since last week as don’t want to risk flare up. I’ve gallbladder issues too so sometimes it’s hard to know what’s triggering what! I’m wondering if last week’s problem was actually gallstone related more than diverticular disease, which I have been diagnosed as having in severe form. Anyway I hope you pick up again soon x
Thank you for recommending the Eat right for your type book. I have ordered it from eBay this morning & look forward to reading it.
Rosepetal60 here. I’ve already recently given up gluten and wheat approx 95% & feel improved. Had to be done due to bowel and stomach pain.cut down somewhat on dairy for other health issues. I’m blood group O too.
1 small point, be careful about taking Flaxseed ( linseed) as this can work against your thyroid ( so I’ve been told on another forum) I improved for stopping eating them. But originally took on advice of a Dietition. Hemp seeds are very pleasant to have on salads.
Hi Rosepetal60 I’m curious - did you have the coeliac blood test? I gave up wheat then all gluten and so much better. Couple of times had had a tiny bit and really suffered. Haven’t had the blood test cos I can’t face feeling wretched for two or three weeks eating wheat but I would really nevertheless like the conclusive factual proof of my intolerance.
Now 100% given up Gluten . & say 90% given up dairy. Harder to give up dairy. I like the fresh Hemp milk to drink though as a treat and with Rice Krispies. Best of all is the info in that book you recommended. Only read bits of it at mo but it’s not going anywhere, I will keep it for all time. Thank you
Hi there so you didn’t bother having the test? Or did you get a false negative? Or positive?