Hi all x I have IBS-D which I manage through a gluten free diet and try to avoid certain fodmaps - this has got rid of the cramping etc. However if I don’t take an Imodium weekly, I’ll have watery frequent bowel movements - Even after taking my Imodium I am still able to have a BM each day so that’s good. and I spent 21 years of my life able to eat anything and drink anything and now it’s like for goodness sake is nothing safe! Any advice on what this is or how to fix this? Thanks
Watery bathroom trips: Hi all x I have IBS-D... - IBS Network
Watery bathroom trips
Good morning I know the feeling I got to the age of 44 before being cursed with it. Like you I could eat anything, but not anymore, I stick to low fodmap and dairy and gluten free. Have you tired acidophilus tablets, they helped me. If you are in the UK you can buy it from Holland and Barret, but you may get a little worse before you get better. Hope it helps xx
Thank you for your help! I will try them xx how much did they help?
They helped a lot. When I first got diagnosed I was having real issues with urgency and the amount of trips to the bathroom, especially in the mornings. They helped stop all that but it did take a few weeks. I also use entersol gel and have done for over a year. It really is brilliant stuff and is much better than any drug I've been prescribed. It has changed my life! Xx
That's really interesting to hear you use Enterosgel. I found it recently and have started to take it this week once a day. Since taking it, my week long IBS-D flare up has subsided hopefully. Can I ask how often do you take it? I don't know if once a day is enough but I'm not sure I could budget to take it 3 times a day. Although, if it works, I'll see what I can live without as IBS-D is so hard to live with.
Hi I take it twice a day and if I am having a flare I take it three times a day. Do you buy it from the Entersol website, as it is buy one get one free. It isn't cheap, but I find it worth it as I can't take immodium as it gives me cramps. I also read somewhere that they are trying to get it prescribed by a GP. I pay for my prescriptions but have a pre payment card so it will save me £45 a month. I asked my GP and he had never heard of it. But it's worth it for me xx
Hi, thank you for replying. That's really helpful to know. I got a trial pack sent from IBS network and as it seems to help, I've decided to buy the 20 day pack on the Enterosgel website. Thank you for the tip, the buy one get one free makes it much more affordable. I really hope it helps as like you I don't take immodium as it's a trade off between it solving the D and causing me 3 days of pain. Thank you so much, I am looking forward to continuing trying it. Fingers crossed xx
Good luck and I hope it works for you. Let's hope it eventually is available on prescription. I'm not too good at the moment and not sure why, it's so frustrating so I'm on 3 spoons a day and it's really helped. Take care and hope you feel better soon. Xx