Hi. I’m new here - good to be part of this forum. I was diagnosed with IBS (mixed) years ago and as I get older it gets harder to manage. I had a repeat colonoscopy 2 years ago which revealed nothing serious just some diverticula and the doctor re-confirmed IBS. Does anyone else have days when they can’t stop pooping? Normal stools but going 4 - 5 times a day instead of my normal 1-2 times. I keep changing my diet so it’s probably just that, but I do get very anxious when my bowels play up! I always imagine the worst! I’ve recently given up gluten and dairy (consultant’s suggestion) I don’t have any red flag symptoms but I’m fed up with feeling like I always need to ‘go’ and not being able to fully go each time along with an embarrassing amount of wind! Any other experiences would be really helpful. Thank you!
too many loo trips! : Hi. I’m new here - good... - IBS Network
too many loo trips!

Maybe you have to tenesmus. It might be worth seeing a gastroenterologist to see if you have an internal prolapse or something similar that makes you feel you want to go but don't really need to. I have this problem it's pretty difficult to cope with.
I have just this, some days can be four or five times. Not loose or urgent, but kind of never done with if that makes sense! I just seem to have really active bowels. Worse if I am anxious, sometimes no reason. Referred for colonoscopy as anaemic, iron has always been low so trying not to worry.
Hi Amelia. Thanks for replying, especially as you have worries of your own! Definitely worse with anxiety. Hope you get on ok with the colonoscopy. Not much good telling you not to worry because if you’re like me, it won’t make any difference! There are lots of things that can cause anaemia - coeliac disease for one - hopefully you’ll feel less anxious when you know what’s going on!
It sounds like you are a bit constipated, so you are only releasing bits of stool throughout the day. I have IBS-C and some of my days can be like this. Have you tried increasing fibre, which might help you to evacuate more fully? I take Alforex probiotic and it has made me more tolerant to take in the fibre and other foods I need to help the constipation.
Also what has giving up gluten and dairy done for you? Anything? If not you could try reintroducing one at a time. It is usually the FODMAPs in wheat that people can have a problem with rather than gluten. After Alforex I can now tolerate whole grains including wholemeal bread. I've had to give up dairy since it makes my constipation worse.
thank you for replying. I think you’re right about the constipation. I struggle with upping my fibre intake as, with even a little extra, I get the opposite! 🤦♀️ I’ve only recently given up gluten and dairy and my pain has definitely eased (I have fibromyalgia and was advised to give up gluten for that and I’ve always been lactose intolerant so was using lactose free products but still had lots of wind and bloating which has now eased) I will look up Alforex. I also have interstitial cystitis so have to be very careful what I eat and drink. I guess my system just has to get used to all this but constipation is a pain (literally) but then so is its opposite! Just trying to get the balance right.
There's been some great news regarding a treatment for fibro sufferers recently - news story here:
Mixed IBS seems to be like this, with periods of slow motility followed by a sudden rush of perfectly normal stools and a need to use the toilet frequently until the backlog has passed. Then, as in my case, the whole business starts all over again, usually in 10 day cycles. Never found a particular cause but, because it’s better than the IBS-D which I used to have, I’m just grateful for small mercies; because true IBS is a dysfunction, I don’t think it surprising that it behaves in peculiar ways!
Hi. Thank you for your reply. What you say definitely describes what’s going on with me too. Mine goes in cycles like that - not sure how many days but definitely periods of constipation then periods of normal or very loose stools - I just get anxious if I go more than twice a day which used to be my norm. Guess that the thing with IBS - we’re not normal! 😂 it’s hard to know what to eat sometimes - eg I can eat eggs one day and be ok but on another day I’m dashing to the loo - makes eating out and visiting friends a minefield - when they say ‘what can you have for dessert?’ I usually say ‘immodium’ 😂 (followed by movicol when everything grinds to a halt the next day! 🤦♀️
I can definitely relate to that. I try to avoid Imodium as it tends to store up trouble for later, but sometimes there isn’t really an alternative. I’ve spent decades removing suspect foods from my diet, only to discover I get no problem when I reintroduce them, thereby concluding that it wasn’t a problem to start with, just a dysfunctional bowel.
On the issue of bowel frequency, only 50% of people go once a day and the “normal” (95%ile) range is anything from 3 times a day to once every 3 days. That’s why GPs only get concerned if you have more than 3 loose bowel movements a day for more than 3 weeks; anything else could well be normal for the individual or an acute GE illness. Mine’s all over the place, so I challenge anyone to draw a conclusion from that!
oh mine too! 3 x a day to 0 for 2 days then once a day at 3am! 😳 then I can be constipated in the morning and have diarrhoea in the evening! It’s interesting what you say about food because I keep trying too - now I’m wondering if it’s salad that’s upsetting things - sometimes I think it would be easier just to be on a drip! I think giving up dairy is helping with the bloating and cramps but no idea if gluten free is helping or not - I remember years ago going without wheat and dairy and I did feel so much better - it’s not proving as obvious this time though .. I saw a nutritionist who was obsessed with fibre - says it’s the answer to all digestive issues but when I increase my fibre intake (which isn’t bad anyway) I just end up in the loo clutching my stomach! I’m trying to lose weight too so got to be careful with that too - sometimes I just long for a doughnut or a nice egg mayo sandwich on soft white bread lol!
One of the problems of IBS is that the "one size fits all" philosophy of a number of nutritionists/dieticians doesn't work - that's why IBS is such an intractable problem. You mention an anti-inflammatory diet, and that could work with hidden inflammation which doesn't show up in tests, but significant inflammation would class as Crohn's or IBD, which are definitely not IBS!
I had to reduce my fibre intake for years when I had IBS-D and I am still 20kg underweight, so I'm probably not the best person to advise, but a high fibre-low calorie diet might suit you if you are overweight. I mention this because I was on the Zoe programme for a year until they eventually admitted that their programme did not necessarily work for IBS. However, having studied the programme in some detail, I concluded that it is essentially a high fibre-low calorie diet. They would dispute that, given the detailed science behind it (and I don't disagree as someone with a scientific background myself), but there's no reason why a scientific approach shouldn't come up with the same answer as the traditional approach - it simply supports the view that, in general, we lack fibre and eat too much! So, without having to pay the rather high costs of Zoe, you could gradually increase intake of foods with soluble fibre (insoluble fibre might irritate the gut if it's not used to it) and reduce other carbs. If you look though my previous posts, you should find some screenshots of advice on this which I got from Zoe, which might be a useful starting point.
Thank you so much - that’s so helpful! I’ll check your other posts. It’s confusing getting conflicting advice from different medical professionals which I guess in itself just proves what you say that we’re all different and one size does not fit all. Thank you for your comprehensive replies- I really appreciate it 😊
I was diagnosed with IBS D, but have come to realise it's actually IBS mixed. I get those phases also which I can't relate to any food I've eaten. I sometimes get constipated, though usually only for max. 2 days, so it's mild. That always responds to introducing some foods I like but can only eat during those phases, such as root vegetables, and some pulses, wholegrains etc, so things aren't so bad for me, and I can treat myself to foods I miss during the more "loose" phases when low fibre suits me best.
Then I can easily be completely normal after that for a certain time. I hadn't thought to look for timing patterns. I can be "normal" for weeks on end.
What usually happens after that is my gut will (for no apparent reason) swing back to being a bit loose again, until the next slightly constipated phase and the cycle continues.
I think perhaps I am lucky that my problems are milder than some, and easily remedied by slight adjustments to my diet. In extremis, I will use a glycerin suppository, or if at the other end of the spectrum and too loose, I have found that Tormentil herbal tincture will definitely help me in one day. Otherwise, changing what foods I eat from day to day can help.
I guess I have adapted to "keeping the balance" from day to day now, by eating this...or sometimes that...or if necessary taking something to help.
Thank you Luisa. It’s difficult isn’t it - keeping the right balance which can also easily be thrown out in times of stress and anxiety! Every time I get loose stools I’m like ‘why??? What have I eaten now?’ and why, if I’ve been constipated for 2 days does it suddenly switch to diarrhoea at the most inconvenient time! Bearing in mind whatever we eat can take a day or two to appear at the other end! I hate being controlled with all this and I find being so aware of my digestive system just causes anxiety with BMs being of various colours and consistencies! 😳 even though I’ve given up gluten and dairy I’m still full of wind/gas - I had a scan of my abdomen and the person doing it said ‘wow! You’re full of gas bubbles!’ I said ‘well yes, tell me about it! Or rather tell me what to do about it’ but she just laughed. It may sound funny but it is actually getting me down , I am diabetic and taking metformin which I know has this side effect but I don’t remember it being this bad in the past .. I’m wondering if I should just eat what I like and not bother with these elimination diets.
hi there. I’m afraid that all sounds very familiar. I gave up gluten and dairy 10 years ago and that has really helped me. As you say there is often no rhyme or reason to the bowel changes. My stress levels play a huge part I think. Buscopan and laxido are my best recommendations as needed. Good luck
Same here. I go through weekly cycles of being just about normal, then constipated, then very loose, all with exactly the same diet and lifestyle. No reason whatsoever ! I also very anxious during the "loose" phase, which I am currently going through. I think its all part of having IBS, it doesnt follow a specific pattern, your bowels basically do as they please. But it's hard to plan around and disconcerting.
Yes. That sums it up nicely! It’s horrible having that worry wherever you go - working out where all the toilet stops might be! It’s no wonder we get anxious! Only a fellow sufferer understands. My anxiety always stems from the thought ‘what if this isn’t IBS this time? What if it’s something more serious?’ And that certainly doesn’t help! Then things go back to relatively normal and the anxiety dies down a bit - until the next time …