Hi I'm on universal credit and entitled to free prescription. I have recently been diagnosed with IBS and my doctor not very forth coming. I currently buy galvascon, buscopan, imodium instants and imodium plus. Which is costing me a fair chunk out of my universal credit each month. Can anyone advise what I can get pescriptions for and if there are any other meds as I'm new to IBS and trying to manage it.
IBS what can u get on prescription? - IBS Network
IBS what can u get on prescription?

Gaviscon and Buscopan are both available on prescription, you can ask your pharmacist about Imodium or an alternative. The best people to ask about your own personal medication, is your GP or pharmacist because they know you and your illness. Unfortunately IBS and IBD are such random type illnesses that they don't affect two people the same way, everything is trial and error.
Ask your pharmacist for generic versions of those branded products if you can't get them on prescription. For example Loperamide is the generic version of Imodium, and about a quarter of the price. Most branded over the counter medicines have a generic equivalent which has the same active ingredient as the branded version. Don't be fooled by the marketing of branded products.
ask for colpermin best you can get it works
I have had Gaviscon on prescription and I know someone who has had Loperamide (Imodium) on a repeat prescription.
I take Colestipol for my chronic diarrhea and it is a miracle drug...I now have my life back! I take 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. Also, Welchol and Questran are used for the same thing!
I am lucky as the hospital instructed dtrs to prescribe loperamide and gaviscon. It must be really annoying for you and the stress can cause you ibs to flare up. If doctor really won’t prescribe the only thing I can suggest if you buy a prepayment prescription.

If you need help and support with your IBS please get in touch theibsnetwork.org