Advice on bowel issues : Hello I've been really... - IBS Network

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Advice on bowel issues

Lburdock1 profile image
21 Replies

Hello I've been really struggling lately , I'm constantly back and forth to doctors , I was admitted into hospital twice this month with severe stomach pain , I keep getting different diagnosis from different doctors so I'm at a bit of a loss and don't have much reassurance . I got a ct scan which confirmed diverticular disease and procitis . But when I was in hospital there the doctors weren't even talking about this they kept saying I'm very young to have diverticular disease . Anyhow now the consultant was saying a flare up of IBS. The past few months I have lost lot of weight , always constipated and struggling to eat . I guess I just wondered if anyone can help me , I keep getting told I'm fine and I feel like my illnesses are not being taken seriously like it's in my head .

Thanks Laura burdock

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Lburdock1 profile image
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21 Replies
FRreedman profile image

Have you not been referred to a GI team of consultant? Why do you keep seeing/getting conflicting statements from different doctors? Why are you being treated by different doctors? I don't understand why you are not transferred to your GI consultant or team, once you have been admitted to hospital. Are you saying your GI team keep changing their diagnosis?

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to FRreedman

No I've never been referred to a GI team , the conflicting views are because they keep referring me up to the surgical ward at the hospital and then I'm just seeing different consultants with different views. They say my diverticular disease is very very mild although dosent feel it , feels like someone ripping your insides

FRreedman profile image
FRreedman in reply to Lburdock1

On Monday, make an appointment to see your GP, and ask for a referral to a GI hospital North West London {St Mark's at Northwick Park}) or a GI consultant, as you are having all these problems and keep being diagnosed with different things. You need to know what is wrong, and what you or they need to do to rectify your situation.

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to FRreedman

Yes I'm planning on asking for a referral , the issue is too no matter what I eat my symptoms escalate and causing lots of pain weight loss , thanks for taking the time to reply to me

Neil119 profile image

SO SO sorry . I know- try faxseed in porridge & tomato soup for lunch only from amyskitchen - look it up . good luck & let me know.

Nancydk profile image

I think the hardest part of this is often how we must persist! We can’t give up when we feel we’re not being heard or helped. Hang in there. You’ve been given some good advice. The only real advice that I have is don’t give up and find the ones that listen and care!

Roc548 profile image

If your bleeding and inflamed then continue with your GI doctor, but there's only one way to beat the problem and its to fix it naturally. I suggest you start working with a dietician that specialises with IBS and inflammatory bowel disease and they will put you on the right path to recovery. I would seriously consider to start cutting out dairy, gluten, fried & spicy foods, raw vegetables. Start Implementing things like vegetable soups, good quality animal protein, Omega 3 fats, Vitamin D, simple starches like rice & potatoes you need to eat like a baby while your healing. Once you start having regular bowel movements you can work on the weight gain but it takes time to get it back.

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to Roc548

Yeah I've yet to be referred to GI I keep getting dismissed and told different things because I am so young . I have hospital on Tuesday , so will speak then about getting referred to dietician. The issue is that I'm not eating much with fear as the pain is unbearable when and after eating but does settle after taking buscopan. Yeah I've started eliminating dairy and such now with sadness because it just aggravates stomach.

Roc548 profile image
Roc548 in reply to Lburdock1

Hey it absolutely sucks in the beginning but you will notice positive changes honestly. Ive been suffering with IBS/borderline IBD for 7 years now and I believe if i didn't change my way of eating like i was at uni at the time and drinking a lot too I would of ended up with Ulcerative Colitis. My mum had it as well so my risk is even higher I feel like it is really important that you understand your own GI system and understand what it needs as everyone is different. Start looking into probiotics like VSL 3, Optibac, Symprove, Garden of life, Biokult, few others that have made noticeable difference to our lives. These gave me a relief but you start at a low dose and slowly increase them.

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to Roc548

Yeah maybe some day when doctors start to believe how I feel , I try and remain optimistic but it's hard when you have been unwell for so long. I've been unwell on and off for four years lost a few jobs because of it . It's taken them four years to do a ct scan , but least I kind of know what's wrong with me now. I don't drink anymore cause my body Dont let me 🙅

Roc548 profile image
Roc548 in reply to Lburdock1

I feel like the moment a doctor laughed at me, and said I was too young and prescribed me an anti acid like omprezole for like the 4th time with chronic stomach problems I took things into my own hands. Its good to stay in the system cause you get all the testing etc for free but, no-one can put someones stomach issues under an umbrella and expect treatment to work I'm happy you got a diagnosis at least. if your having trouble stomaching stuff & with constipation try gluten free for a month. x

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to Roc548

Yeah it was same with me just kind of smiled and was like your too young and your case is very very mild in regards to diverticular disease, but I have lots of issues with stomach hip , and don't want to be off work anymore , feeling better than I did but all it takes is another flare up

Readmeastory profile image

I’ve been diagnosed with diverticulitis and slow track bowel . Seen the specialist and nothing they can do for me . Just diet and laxatives . Been in pain for over 7months .been in hospital 3after collapsing . But no infection sent home . No matter what I try I’m in pain . I’ve lost 2stone in weight . And doctors give me laxido . I’m trying a new tablet called . Castellated 290 . It is suppose to ease pain and help your bowel work . But just the same so i feel for you but keep going to doctors till you at least get some help . I just wish something would work for us .

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to Readmeastory

Hello yes it's hard you feel like it's just in your head and nobody understands , I take regular buscopan that helps me with pain in stomach, you tried that ? It's frustrating being unwell and it has a detrimental effect on things like your work

Readmeastory profile image

I know how you feel I’ve been told by one doctor that he didn’t have a magic wand to help me , and just to tryhigh fibre and laxatives . I’m scared to eat as constipation I lose my appetite . But I’ve been trying to eat more fibre but today I’m in pain not been to toilet at all . But don’t give up keep going back to doctors till you get help . I

Lburdock1 profile image
Lburdock1 in reply to Readmeastory

Yeah it's hard I just don't want to eat but try force myself to as don't want to be back in hospital to be told nothing is wrong

Readmeastory profile image

So frustrating to be told nothing they can do . Every day is a battle that we are trying to win .it makes you realise how many people suffer with bowel complaints. I'm the same I force myself to eat as can't afford to lose any more weight . I'm sure the doctor gets fed up seeing me . But I don't care .i just trying to be back to normal . Hope you get some answers .

Johopeful profile image

Hi I am probably a far bit older than you and I have had ibs for quite a number of years and I do have diverticulitis it was confirmed with a colonoscopy and I do agree doctors don't seem to bother about it and gets very frustraiting and I'm sorry I haven't got anything positive to tell you because it's something that takes over your life Good luck with any remedies you might try and please share if you find something that works 🤔

IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network

Hi Laura,

Sorry to hear you're struggling. We are the national charity supporting people living with IBS. More information about how we can help you is available on our website

SleepyDaddy2009 profile image

I hear positive things about a diet out of Kings College Hospital, works on basis of escapes me, but best done with dietitian anyway.

After nearly 9 years of constant pain, sometimes well managed and sometimes not, get a good relationship with a GI doctor and prioritise seeing a dietitian, ideally with GI doctor helping to refer you and get you seen.

I'd recommend IBS Network as a member, and their urgent toilet card and radar toilet key themselves have saved me embarrassment several times - worth the membership engagement alone. Just wish I was closer to Sheffield to be able to volunteer for them

Clarrisa profile image

I really liked what Stuart24 wrote to Louisa50 fairly recently. The post was called “Is it Ibs?!” Did you get an opportunity to read it? I don’t know how his post will apply to your other diagnoses, but I am sure you will learn something from reading it, if you haven’t already. Stuart has paid his dues & knows his stuff in my opinion.

I’ve come to the conclusion these abdominal diagnoses are tough to call. In the states they may make some sort of early call just to keep the insurance companies happy 😊. The more issues drummed up the more reimbursement is my guess. Patients can take a back seat at times.

I have experienced similar frustrations with abdominal issues but managed to always be sent home from the E.R. I always advise people in situations like this to throw out any condiments in your refrigerator, dated spices, you name it. Restart fresh. Try different brands if you were eating even frozen prepared foods in case the brand is contaminated at the factory. This is just to help rule out any food acquired infection contributing to your problem.

You have my deep sympathy.

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