I’ve recently been prescribed 40mg Omeprazole (20mg to be taken twice a day) after experiencing difficulty swallowing. I felt great for 4 days then started to experience difficulties again (for the subsequent 4 days) although not with every meal. At times I’m having to cough my food forward due to fear of choking on it. Bizarrely today my swallowing is completely normal again.
Potentially unrelated - a couple of days ago I found myself needing to take two Imodium as lack of access to a toilet whilst out in nature was making me anxious. I used to regularly take Imodium in this way without incident but have mostly got out of the habit. After being kept awake on the first night, I slept much better last night, and have had two normal bowel movements today. I feel like the Imodium must have moved on but I’m still experiencing discomfort. Eating normally today (thankfully with no swallowing issues) doesn’t seem to have worsened or improved the pain. I almost wondered if it was muscular as when I woke up this morning it only hurt when I rolled over or sat up in bed, when I get into a certain awkward position it alleviates the pain. Obviously I’ll go back to the GP if any of this continues I just wondered if anyone in here had experienced similar as I’m feeling v.fed up. I’m generally on top of my IBS on a day to day basis so finding it hard not to feel disheartened.