Hi, I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar to this. I’m 20 years old and have suffered from nausea and burning in my throat for several years now. I have seen two GI doctors who have tried a few different PPIs and have tested me for many things, but I continue to get worse. Currently I am diagnosed with GERD and Fructose Malabsorption. PPIs seem to help with “regular” heartburn which I would get after eating a meal, but the burning in my throat is something different. It comes out of nowhere, usually two or three hours after I have eaten something or when I wake up in the morning. It will last for 2-3 days (sometimes more) straight with severe nausea, bloating, and gas. During these spells I can barely eat anything and medicines like Gaviscon, Zantac, and Pepto don’t even touch it. Then, I will wake up the next day after having a spell and the burning will be gone, but I am left with a queasy/nauseous feeling most of the time. I have drastically changed my diet and don’t eat or drink anything acidic or irritating. I don’t have coffee, chocolate, sauces, fried foods, etc. I also don’t smoke and I am pretty underweight. Does anyone have any ideas or tips? I am so desperate for relief that I am willing to try anything.
Constant burning in throat and severe nausea--... - IBS Network
Constant burning in throat and severe nausea-- miserable!

Had this before pretty bad like yourself in 2015 (I was just a bit older than you at that time). It was CONSTANT queasiness and nausea but after weighing myself and finding out I had lost a good two stone from stress that year I realised my sick feeling was due to severe, severe hunger. I could eat in the mornings but all throughout the day I had this burning sensation as you describe along with weird heartburn and acidic feelings - cant quite say it was 100% anxiety and hunger as the nausea got so bad at one point that I just wanted to curl up and cry... I sometimes get it but its relieved by eating , are you sure its not hunger? I only ask cos INTENSE hunger can feel like you dont wanna eat and even like youre gonna be sick... I managed to get through it by the power of addictive foods haha I was on doritos and sweets for some time cos it would trick me into being hungry - good thing that you stay away from coffee though as this made me so much worse... now I only suffer from lower intestinal trouble but I remember being miserable when I was nauseous 24/7 - have you had an endo?
Yes, I definitely feel worse if I don't eat, but the burning and nausea are still there afterwards. Ugh, it's so frustrating. I can't even go to work or run errands without worrying that my stomach will bother me. Yes, my endoscopy showed mild gastritis and signs of GERD.
At least you got an answer. Something that helped me was sticking to stuff that soaked up the acid like bread and pasta... I know it's frustrating but when you deal with an irritable gut and ibs, all that upper stomach stuff seems so trivial but I do feel your pain as there's nothing as bad as nausea. Mint is always my saving grace though, even if you have gum until the mint taste vanishes , have you tried ginger?
I have been suffering with this for the past two weeks ... burning throat and chest. Have been prescribed PPI tablets and they have settled it down a lot but it’s just not quite gone. What I find helps me is to chew chewing gum for an hour or so each time it appears. I worried as I know gum can cause gas and didn’t want it to upset my tummy but it seems to make my tummy work enough to get rid of the acid and the burning feeling. I’m due back to the docs in a couple of weeks and they did say to me that acid can take up to four weeks to calm. Give it a whirl it’s worth a try. Hope you are feeling better soon
Hi xcatloverx , I really feel for you, as far as I'm concerned there is nothing worse than nausea.
I've had IBS since 1996 and all of those years I didn't let it bother me as I'd only had IBS C and pain. I saw a post on this forum and they said that they went Vegan and felt a lot better so that's what i did and I started to feel really well.
Last November though I had food poisoning, it was rice that caused it but not what I cooked myself, which left me with severe nausea for many weeks. The nausea eased a little but I was still getting it on and off right up to now and diarrhoea.
I had a Colonoscopy, Ultrasound and Endoscopy and blood tests but all came back clear, which was good but left me thinking what could be wrong.
I did a lot of research online to look up the symptoms I was getting which were itchy skin rash, nausea, diarrhoea and lethargy. I had my own idea if what it might be and that was gluten intolerance.
After my idea was realised I visited a Nutritionist that a friend had recommended (my friend was getting severe stomach pain and the Nutritionist tested her and said she was intolerant to bananas, my friend is now completely better after cutting them.out of her diet). She tested me for 56 different foods/drinks and it came back that I had a high sensitivity to wheat oats, barley, rye, cow's milk, yeast and wheat germ. I also have a medium sensitivity to peas, goat's milk, chocolate and formalin. I've now cut all those foods out so will report back when I'm feeling a lot better as I'm going through a withdrawal stage at the moment.
It may be worth you looking into food sensitivity. If your own a social network i.e. Facebook maybe you could pose a question and ask if anyone could recommend a Nutritionist.
I wish you all the very best and hope you feel better very soon as suffering like you are is awful.
Take care x

Thank you for the ideas! I have considered being tested for food sensitivities but I have put it off because it is so expensive. Only holistic doctors and nutritionists offer testing here and it isn't covered by insurance, so I would be spending thousands for it. I will definitely try and eliminate foods that I suspect might be giving me problems though. I hope you find relief as well!
You are welcome. I really feel for you with the cost of things like Nutritionists where you are.
How about typing in your symptoms online and see what it comes back with, I did that. I typed in skin rash, diarrhoea, lethargy and nausea and it came back with gluten.
I really hope you find out what foods you can't eat. I do find the internet really helpful as well as this forum, which is great.
Take care xx
Hi there, I too suffer with these symptoms. It’s awful. I have a burning in the back of my throat, a horrible taste in my mouth, bad breath and severe nausea.
I take Omeprazole every day and Peptac but still suffer. I like you can’t eat anything acidic or fatty. I find I have to eat a lot of carbs to soak up the acid in my stomach.
I drink chocolate soya milk to try and ease the burning. I feel so sick it’s very hard to eat but I do find nibbling on dry crackers or biscuits really helps. Many a night I am up at 3am nibbling on biscuits trying to calm the acid in my stomach. When I have the symptoms I force myself to eat toast, currant buns, mash potatoes or rice. That’s all I can manage for a few days. Then I wake up the next day and feel a lot better. It’s so strange.
I do believe that forcing yourself to eat is the answer.
Good luck.
Some really good advice here. My first thought was that you need to eat something, but I was just wondering if drinking something would help, if you don't feel up to eating. I used to drink a little milk years ago when I used to get something like this but I don't drink so much milk now. What I do now is not eat anything generally until after 4pm and before that have small drinks of pepsi or coke and that seems to freshen my mouth and give me a sugar boost. I drink the original full sugar stuff. I keep a 500ml bottle in the fridge and take small amounts as and when I feel like it.
Me too, I have just been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and GORD....been advised to cut out tea, coffee and fruit juices for a whole month. Drink boiled or cool water and milk only and leave a gap of at three hours between eating and going to bed, and then try sleep on three pillows (easier said than done with a bad neck)..been on lansporazole and Gavison Rapid at bed time, have to say its helping with the throat burning and chest pain x