hi all its been a long time since i posted here but do follow other posts. I have ibs with numerous wide and varied symptoms since i was 18. Im now 40. Anyway the latest issue iv been having is the feeling of something stuck in my throat. Around where a males adams apple would be. Its not something iv experienced before. It doesn’t restrict my breathing or swallowing at all its more annoying than anything else. I cant feel anything on the outside of my throat so no obvious lumps or bumps. I am wondering if this can be a symptom of a food intolerance as i know i have them but dont always try to eat the way i should. I know i have some issues with stomach acid, more so recently, which may be affecting me but gaviscon doesnt help the lump feeling and omeprazole makes me feel very unwell. Does anyone have any experience with this lump in the throat sensation?? I would be grateful to hear from you.
Globus (lump in throat) sensation: hi all its... - IBS Network
Globus (lump in throat) sensation

I get this when I have acid reflux flare ups. It only happens for me when I am sollowing my saliva not food or water.
Usually gaviscon advance tablet provides temporary relief but need PPI like omeprazole to bring the acid reflux under control . You can ask the doctor to give you an alternative to omeprazole like pantoprazole
Best to contact your GP. They may want to refer you to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist for some tests.
I had this a few years ago. I was experiencing an episode of bad mental health and anxiety and was convinced that there was something in my throat. I went to ENT had a camera down and there was nothing there. It turned out it was psychological caused by stress and anxiety. It lasted a few months them went away as quickly as it came. Are you experiencing any stress or anxiety?
how very strange. I am an anxious person but also have had an increasing problem with acid reflux because admittedly i am not careful enough with my diet and i think because i take meds at night i tend to eat a bowl of cereal or something right before bed so it might be a bit of both? Its such a horrible feeling 😔
I totally relate, I found the whole sensation unbearable and I know it sounds ridiculous but I was convinced I was seriously ill and it was never going to go away. It all came out of blue for me, I was perfectly fine and functioning well and then boom, it hit me. Looking back now I'm better I know if it were ever to happen again I'd need to relax more. You could be right though a combination of both could be possible. I did meditation and breathing exercises. I used the headspace app. Even if yours is acid reflux related it helps to ease anxiety, as things always feel worse when you're anxious. I hope you get it sorted.
Anxiety can cause it amongst other things but you should really try to get it checked properly by a doctor.
I've had that same feeling. Thanks for saying it's a sensation. I didn't know how to describe it. The only anxiety I've had, lately, is trying to get our home in order. It's been driving me nuts that things are just not getting done. My husband just keeps taking off or sitting watching TV. I've been doing most things while he is asleep.
I want to see improvements done during our warm weather. It seems the more I try to do, the farther behind I get.
I just realized, I have been having anxiety. I hardly ate anything all day yesterday. But I got 12 hrs. in bed and feeling better today. I also ate a full meal and am hungry, at this writing.
I thought I was having a heart attack because the tension ie sensation was going down into my chest. Of course, that built my anxiety even higher.
I have Hypothyroidism and thought maybe I had a goiter. I did a thyroid test where you put your head to where your chin is pointing somewhat to the ceiling, then taking a sip of water while watching your throat. You do this in front of a mirror to see if there are any lumps while drinking. I didn't see any nor did I feel any.
I'm going to start doing my breathing exercises again to alleviate the stress. Thank you. At least now I know I'm not having a heart attack.