Hello Everyone, this is my first post just wondering if anyone has the same issues I have been having?
It started 3 months ago with stomach cramps one night, I just thought it was a stomach bug, my stools turned yellow with mucus, but that changed after a week and It had turned to constipation with still a bit of mucus. The shap spasm pains are usually in 3 different locations lower right of a abdomen, just under right rib and under left rib. They come and go, I also get a little bit of back pain when I wake in the morning but goes as soon as I'm up and about. I have had all the blood test, stool tests and a ultrasound. I also brought 3 home FOB tests and all came back clear.
I have seen the consultant and he thinks it could be IBS, i am waiting for my colonoscopy at the end of the month.
Thank you, just trying to figure out whats going on. Having OCD does not help.🙂